Mike Cooke
That sticks sorry to hear that happend to you!!
I appreciate all the concern, I figure this is what we all have to look foward to now. Nick with his wallet and now Larry driving all the way over here for my stuff. ( BTW where is the rainbow dudes? )
It was at a yard, not my house.
We still have a lot of equipment. I guess I'll have to change the equipment list from 7 surface cleaners to 6.
I think the only reason that they didn't take the trailer itself is the fact the NPR was parked in front of it.
So I got lucky there.
I guess I'm lucky, they only got some stuff.
Back in 89 or 90 when I was only dealing with the pool industry I had a trailer (with everything on it) stolen.
Sooner or later we all get stung.
I think the video of our trailer being stolen is still on Youtube. Taken from right in front of the hotel we were cleaning. EVERYTHING we had. No insurance...
Amen to that Brother.I think we are heading into real desperate times, We just cant let our guard down, not for a second!!
Amen to that Brother.
I guess I move all the stuff into a storage area.
We used to keep it in a bay. You know when it was safe.
The Isuzu won't fit.
\David that sucks I hope you find your stuff. but better than that would be to find the pos and bury his sorry xxx. I hate thieves.
Over the years i have been violated. Its sucks bad