Sweeping Change for 2010

Congrats Tony!

I cut salt out of my cooking completely and cokes out of my diet. Lost 6 lbs in a month doing just that. I only use 1 c sugar for a gallon of sweet tea (Most southerners use 2-3 cups!!). My southern heritage will not let me drink unsweet tea. Blasphamy!! I also have upped my water intake to be closer to what it should be. Now I just need to figure a way to be more active!!![/QUOTE]

:hug: Sorry! You left yourself wide open for that one.
Here are a couple of pictures of me when I moved down to Florida in 1990. I would give almost anything to look like this again. LOL...

Larry, I think I was in Clearwater in 1990. I don't remember, it's all fuzzy during that time. I weighed 190 then! Size 32 pants!
Good luck on the weight loss guys! It's all about consistency and drive and I know how much effort you guys put into your businesses. I'm 41 weigh 220 at 6'3" and have about 13% bodyfat. I'm not bragging, it's alot of work, gym 5 days a week, and the most important thing is 5-6 small meals a day. Eating clean doesn't taste as good but you will feel 100% better. The plus is the kids are eating a lot healthier also, but they think we are torturing them. lol
6 full days in and down 9 lbs to 274.

Here is a review of the diet I am following:


You should see the book with the recipes. I've had it so long the entire thing is swollen with drippings from having stuff spilled on it and about to fall apart. But the recipes still work!!
6 full days in and down 9 lbs to 274.

Here is a review of the diet I am following:


You should see the book with the recipes. I've had it so long the entire thing is swollen with drippings from having stuff spilled on it and about to fall apart. But the recipes still work!!

WOW Buddy. You are really full of a lot of water. Hahaha! Keep it up Slim!
271 - 12 lbs. Almost a bowling ball. Still going. Down one belt notch this morning. (Water weight) :jester:

This morning had:

Blended roasted red bell pepper paste made from peppers, garlic, olive oil, and cream cheese in the food processor and spread on top of a piece of low carb toast.

Snack - pistachios

Lunch- Diet coke sloppy joe with turkey meat on lo carb bread

Snack - seasoned pecans.

Dinner - Ginger Chicken soup
21 lbs in 21 days. You can do that when you've got as much to lose as I do!

I just reached where I was at the Las Vegas Roundtable.

Benchmarks coming:

16 more to lose just to get where I was at the PHX Roundtable in 2008!

28 more to lose before most of my clothes start to fit again.

49 more to where I was in 2005

76 to my ultimate goal. (This might take a while.):help:
265 and still going.

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It's slowing down now. All the water weight must be gone. :kma:

2x uniform shirts are starting to fit again.

Can stuff myself back in 38 pants again.

I haven't had anything to drink but water and a little coffee since Jan 1.

We went through the 28 days of recipes in the book and are now back to making our own recipes. It's tougher when you do that because you are tempted to make larger portions.

I haven't had regular bread, milk, sugar, (except low sugar peanut butter), potatoes or any pasta since 2004.

Just for your information here's the culprit and why I gained back a good portion of the weight I lost:

I started at 313 in 2004. Using this diet I lost down to 219. I kept eating just like the book describes for about a year and a half and never gained more than 10 lbs.

In late 2006 I began eating breaded stuff like KFC and Long John Silvers fish occasionally. Over about a year I went up to 238. Later I began drinking diet soda again.

Then I started having breaded stuff more often, chicken nuggets, breaded fish at home, etc. By mid 2008 I was up to around 255. After that I became lazy and it was downhill from there. I was also having a drink or two in the evenings and drinking a Lot of diet pop.

Then the STRESS came on with the economy and I was eating more breaded stuff (but never bread, potatoes or pasta) and drinking alcohol more and still drinking a lot of pop and almost no water. I also began eating peanut butter as a snack. From November 2008 to Dec 2009 I went from 255 to 287.

The culprits:

Diet Soda
Breaded foods
Peanut Butter

These four things combined with stress put on about 60 lbs in 3 1/2 years.

Which brings us to today. I'm down 31 lbs today and almost back to where I was mid 2008. No more pop, no more alcohol, no more breaded foods.

I'm hoping to be back down to 220 by my birthday in June. I remember how much easier it was to keep cool without all that extra weight.

I can diet down to about 240 or so. I don't want to start working out till I hit a dead spot for over two weeks. But at that point I know I'll have to start working out.

I got that P90x program and I know it's going to kill me, but I'm going to try it once I level out.

Anyway, that's what's happening so far.
Tony keep with it your on your way now, the hard part is the beginning so you should be Mr. Atlas in no time :winknudge:

I can't take your title Terry.

For any of you guys who haven't met Terry. Terry is "Mr. Atlas". He is in GREAT shape especially for such an old geezer!!!!:bash:

That's how he's able to work 27 hrs per day!
Tony you have the same problem I have and I think it's my pressure gun back feeding water into my gut. LOL good luck
252 and stuck for a while. I'm not complaining though. I didn't start the P90X program because I knew I was going to be staying in hotels for a portion of March. I'm going to try to maintain and hit it hard again April 1.

I want to be 225 by June. I think I can make it.
30 lbs thats great. keep it up your becoming analrexic (spelling error) :haha:

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight, distorted body image and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. ...

good luck :wave2:
So we can make it a PWI Biggest Loser!!
Nice work tony!!

I am gettin' back on it... I cycle so much. I was in good shape - about 210 in the first pics to about 240 now! Getting back on it!!!


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