Some rigs I forgot I owned

Our first Filter cleaning rig was the White Chevy van with this behind it with our ultrasonic equipment. This would have been around 2003 while still working under the Vegas Valley Valet Cleaners license.


Then we went added the F450 and a larger 7/14 enclosed behind the gate in this pic. Eventually we put the ultrasonic equipment in the bucket truck. This is when we broke off into a separate company. Around 2004/2005



When we switched from ultrasonic to power washing we started with small Lowes units in the beds of these three trucks and eventually phased out the bucket truck. This and the bucket truck were our first auction trucks. They've been really great trucks to work with. We still have two auction trucks now.


The Dodge truck below was not that great. I think you need HD trucks for commercial use. That was a 1500 and it had problems all the time. The Ford Diesel was junk too. We got rid of both of them. Money pits.


We don't use any of these vehicles anymore.

Time sure flies!
Was that an 03 or 04 ford? If so, there were all sorts of problems with that rendition of the 6.0 diesel. The later ones were far better. Not that they are perfect, by any means.
Was that an 03 or 04 ford? If so, there were all sorts of problems with that rendition of the 6.0 diesel. The later ones were far better. Not that they are perfect, by any means.

04. Worst year ever. Got rid of it with less than 65k on it. Two turbos replaced, 4x replaced injectors and a full motor replacement.

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Gee, I sure hope that is not going to an MS4 storm sewer. Would not want you to become overly popular with haters.
Ron do you put any marketing on your trucks at all? You are very successfull so I am just wondering your reason for that. I've always felt to play like a team you have to look like a team so my trucks are all painted the same bright yellow with the same logo's on them.

I had them all at one time, Just do not feel that Way.
Ron do you put any marketing on your trucks at all? You are very successfull so I am just wondering your reason for that. I've always felt to play like a team you have to look like a team so my trucks are all painted the same bright yellow with the same logo's on them.

I'll show you the signs I used to have on them, I still have one hanging in the shop.....basically I have had no public liability claims injury wise. The two Years I had signs on the truck people seemed to be sue happy or problem matic with issues. Sometimes stupid stuff, run over my hose and want to report me to the customer that they hit my hose and likely they now have tire damage. I also never bought details for cars ever in my life, someone calling because I caused a puddle in the parking lot and they drove through it so I owe them a detail. No number makes life easier.