Enjoyed the talk Tony....Thanks
Al, you mentioned testimony. There is only so much one wants to reveal about his mistakes on a public board. But I will testify to this:
I was raised in a very conservative "church" and was baptized at age 7 because that is what I thought I was supposed to do to be saved. I gave my first sermon at age 9. It was a five minute lesson on the "sin" of missing a worship service. (Now I look back and wonder why someone didn't smack me!).
I went through my teenage years falling in and out of all the same sins that most teenagers find themselves involved in. Many of which weren't even sins at all, but I was programmed to carry the guilt on my shoulders like a lead weight. Dozens of times I was forced to confess my "public" sins publicly in order to "gain back" my lost salvation.
My life was a wreck and I felt I was constantly in a lost condition because I constantly found myself "sinning".
By the time I went in the Navy I had completely given up and accepted my fate as being not good enough to be saved. I never lost my faith in the fact that there was a God, just lost my belief that I could be saved.
After that it was "Eat Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die!"
I fell into every imaginable sin. I don't need to detail it here.
Once out of the Navy I started a family and began looking toward the Lord again. But my family had been started on the SAND with an immoral foundation to begin with and as time went on I even went so far as to change my ways and go into a seminary type school.
At the school I had questions regarding the "works" based "earning" of our salvation. The mere asking of the questions got me in lots of trouble. Finally I resigned from the school and went back into my life of despair and sunk to even further depths.
Eventually the family I built on the SAND crumbled and fell apart. I turned to God to save it. But the seeds I had sewn had grown into a broken marriage and home. God heard my cry. He sent me Shelly. She had been in Russia and Romania doing missionary work. She was in the same type of church, but didn't believe the "works" based salvation, she believed that our works are the "result" of our appreciating being saved.
I learned about grace. This was about 13 years ago. It was a tough learning experience for me. Little things that had been considered grave sins before were now something I could simply lay at the feet of Jesus and let him work on my heart in his own sweet time. I didn't need to worry about being lost at any given time simply because I had sinned and not had time to ask forgiveness for it.
Like a sculptor, the Lord started to work on me. I was like a piece of clay that had been trying to make itself into something useful, but now I just lay there at the feet of the master and submitted to his hands.
There have been times of rebellion. Sometimes we've chosen the wrong friends and followed like a dumb sheep into destructive behaviors, but the Lord has always gently brought us back to our senses. Each such experience now brings us to a closer relationship with the Lord instead of acting as a wedge between us and the Lord.
We've got a long way to go. I'm a piece of clay that hasn't even taken a shape yet. But one day I hope I'll be made into something that is at least useful to our Lord and Savior. Meanwhile I will just continue on submitting, failing, calling to him and trying to show "works" that reflect my thankfulness for him.
I've passed this on to Chris and his family in the hopes that he will not make the same mistake I did by building his house on the SAND.
My house is now built on the ROCK. It sure does feel good to sleep at night knowing that God is in control and looking forward to the day I die so I can meet him rather than going to bed in dread or denial every night.
Some may disagree with my beliefs. That's ok. I disagreed with my own beliefs a few years ago and I might disagree with what I believe now ten years from now. But I am confident that the Lord knows my heart wants to do his will and even if I am wrong he has the power to save me.
There' my testimonial, Al. That's why the verse means so much to me:
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.