Share Your Favorite Bible Verse....

Enjoyed the talk Tony....Thanks

Al, you mentioned testimony. There is only so much one wants to reveal about his mistakes on a public board. But I will testify to this:

I was raised in a very conservative "church" and was baptized at age 7 because that is what I thought I was supposed to do to be saved. I gave my first sermon at age 9. It was a five minute lesson on the "sin" of missing a worship service. (Now I look back and wonder why someone didn't smack me!).

I went through my teenage years falling in and out of all the same sins that most teenagers find themselves involved in. Many of which weren't even sins at all, but I was programmed to carry the guilt on my shoulders like a lead weight. Dozens of times I was forced to confess my "public" sins publicly in order to "gain back" my lost salvation.

My life was a wreck and I felt I was constantly in a lost condition because I constantly found myself "sinning".

By the time I went in the Navy I had completely given up and accepted my fate as being not good enough to be saved. I never lost my faith in the fact that there was a God, just lost my belief that I could be saved.

After that it was "Eat Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die!"

I fell into every imaginable sin. I don't need to detail it here.

Once out of the Navy I started a family and began looking toward the Lord again. But my family had been started on the SAND with an immoral foundation to begin with and as time went on I even went so far as to change my ways and go into a seminary type school.

At the school I had questions regarding the "works" based "earning" of our salvation. The mere asking of the questions got me in lots of trouble. Finally I resigned from the school and went back into my life of despair and sunk to even further depths.

Eventually the family I built on the SAND crumbled and fell apart. I turned to God to save it. But the seeds I had sewn had grown into a broken marriage and home. God heard my cry. He sent me Shelly. She had been in Russia and Romania doing missionary work. She was in the same type of church, but didn't believe the "works" based salvation, she believed that our works are the "result" of our appreciating being saved.

I learned about grace. This was about 13 years ago. It was a tough learning experience for me. Little things that had been considered grave sins before were now something I could simply lay at the feet of Jesus and let him work on my heart in his own sweet time. I didn't need to worry about being lost at any given time simply because I had sinned and not had time to ask forgiveness for it.

Like a sculptor, the Lord started to work on me. I was like a piece of clay that had been trying to make itself into something useful, but now I just lay there at the feet of the master and submitted to his hands.

There have been times of rebellion. Sometimes we've chosen the wrong friends and followed like a dumb sheep into destructive behaviors, but the Lord has always gently brought us back to our senses. Each such experience now brings us to a closer relationship with the Lord instead of acting as a wedge between us and the Lord.

We've got a long way to go. I'm a piece of clay that hasn't even taken a shape yet. But one day I hope I'll be made into something that is at least useful to our Lord and Savior. Meanwhile I will just continue on submitting, failing, calling to him and trying to show "works" that reflect my thankfulness for him.

I've passed this on to Chris and his family in the hopes that he will not make the same mistake I did by building his house on the SAND.

My house is now built on the ROCK. It sure does feel good to sleep at night knowing that God is in control and looking forward to the day I die so I can meet him rather than going to bed in dread or denial every night.

Some may disagree with my beliefs. That's ok. I disagreed with my own beliefs a few years ago and I might disagree with what I believe now ten years from now. But I am confident that the Lord knows my heart wants to do his will and even if I am wrong he has the power to save me.

There' my testimonial, Al. That's why the verse means so much to me:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
There have been times of rebellion. Sometimes we've chosen the wrong friends and followed like a dumb sheep into destructive behaviors, but the Lord has always gently brought us back to our senses. Each such experience now brings us to a closer relationship with the Lord instead of acting as a wedge between us and the Lord.

What you said right there just hit me like a ton of bricks and is a perfect description of my life to date.

Thanks soo much for the entire post Tony! :)
Al, you mentioned testimony. There is only so much one wants to reveal about his mistakes on a public board. But I will testify to this:

I was raised in a very conservative "church" and was baptized at age 7 because that is what I thought I was supposed to do to be saved. I gave my first sermon at age 9. It was a five minute lesson on the "sin" of missing a worship service. (Now I look back and wonder why someone didn't smack me!).

I went through my teenage years falling in and out of all the same sins that most teenagers find themselves involved in. Many of which weren't even sins at all, but I was programmed to carry the guilt on my shoulders like a lead weight. Dozens of times I was forced to confess my "public" sins publicly in order to "gain back" my lost salvation.

My life was a wreck and I felt I was constantly in a lost condition because I constantly found myself "sinning".

By the time I went in the Navy I had completely given up and accepted my fate as being not good enough to be saved. I never lost my faith in the fact that there was a God, just lost my belief that I could be saved.

After that it was "Eat Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die!"

I fell into every imaginable sin. I don't need to detail it here.

Once out of the Navy I started a family and began looking toward the Lord again. But my family had been started on the SAND with an immoral foundation to begin with and as time went on I even went so far as to change my ways and go into a seminary type school.

At the school I had questions regarding the "works" based "earning" of our salvation. The mere asking of the questions got me in lots of trouble. Finally I resigned from the school and went back into my life of despair and sunk to even further depths.

Eventually the family I built on the SAND crumbled and fell apart. I turned to God to save it. But the seeds I had sewn had grown into a broken marriage and home. God heard my cry. He sent me Shelly. She had been in Russia and Romania doing missionary work. She was in the same type of church, but didn't believe the "works" based salvation, she believed that our works are the "result" of our appreciating being saved.

I learned about grace. This was about 13 years ago. It was a tough learning experience for me. Little things that had been considered grave sins before were now something I could simply lay at the feet of Jesus and let him work on my heart in his own sweet time. I didn't need to worry about being lost at any given time simply because I had sinned and not had time to ask forgiveness for it.

Like a sculptor, the Lord started to work on me. I was like a piece of clay that had been trying to make itself into something useful, but now I just lay there at the feet of the master and submitted to his hands.

There have been times of rebellion. Sometimes we've chosen the wrong friends and followed like a dumb sheep into destructive behaviors, but the Lord has always gently brought us back to our senses. Each such experience now brings us to a closer relationship with the Lord instead of acting as a wedge between us and the Lord.

We've got a long way to go. I'm a piece of clay that hasn't even taken a shape yet. But one day I hope I'll be made into something that is at least useful to our Lord and Savior. Meanwhile I will just continue on submitting, failing, calling to him and trying to show "works" that reflect my thankfulness for him.

I've passed this on to Chris and his family in the hopes that he will not make the same mistake I did by building his house on the SAND.

My house is now built on the ROCK. It sure does feel good to sleep at night knowing that God is in control and looking forward to the day I die so I can meet him rather than going to bed in dread or denial every night.

Some may disagree with my beliefs. That's ok. I disagreed with my own beliefs a few years ago and I might disagree with what I believe now ten years from now. But I am confident that the Lord knows my heart wants to do his will and even if I am wrong he has the power to save me.

There' my testimonial, Al. That's why the verse means so much to me:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
Thank you for sharing your testimonial...I know its tough to even speak openly about our faith and probably even more difficult sharing a testimonial that is so sensitive to you.
I am sure many more can relate to your story, because we ALL have been there.
Because we All were Lost Sinners, It is great to know that now we can become Saved Sinners. Like you mentioned we still will sin daily, only NOW we are convicted of that sin and we can repent and it will be forgiven and we don't have to carry that burden.
And you know probably that even more than me......
It will eventually destroy you in the end.
So upmost Respect to you...and thanks for Sharing!!
Here is some help.

There is no verse...but I have always interpreted it to mean "clean living" or being spritually clean, not actually referring to "a clean house" or physically being clean. Although there is enough verses in the Bible that refer to washing and proper ways to eat that may support the phrase actually means to keep your house and your body physically clean.

Just my opinion :)

KJV:1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Once a person is born again and becomes a child of God through the blood of Jesus, the holy spirit comes to live inside you. Who would want the fleshly tabernacle(tent) be dirty and disgusting for Gods spirit to live in?

We are to submit to the will of God as a believer. Submit simply means to come under the protection of another. This is one thing that gets twisted during wedding vows. The man is simply taking his wife out of love and bringing her under his protection. Submitting to her husband does not mean she should live blindly the rest of her life just as submitting to God does not.

O.K....coming from behind the pulpit.
OK Al, here we go. This is one of those type of things that divides churches, relationships, and people. I personally like the idea of having the forum that you suggested, however, topics like this, speaking in tongues and things of that nature are better left off. I do believe that they are VERY important topics to discuss, however, just like you talked about earlier in this post, it would be great to see someone get saved from this site, I think that also comes with the fine line of keeping it simple. At the same time, truth be told, a spirtual walk is not simple, but these in depth topics are better left for once someone begins to mature in Christ, not up front. Just my opnion. Again, they do need to be addressed, I just think that getting too in depth too quickly could scare people off.

I think you are a great guy, Al, and you have the right intentions, and I totally support it happening, off the board and on the board, I would just hate to see someone get turned off by too complicated topics.

I know that this response will not discourage you, and in absolutely no way is it intended to do so, I am just saying that imho, this is something that is "too deep, too fast".
Another thought guys.....
Can you lose your Salvation?????

Let's look at it another way.

Can you lose your mother?

She will always be your mother no matter what you do to her.

But, if you go away from her and have nothing to do with her, deny that she is your mother, reject her pleadings to come back into her good graces and refuse to see her you've lost your relationship with your mother. She didn't take the relationship away from you, you took away the relationship of your own accord.

God is longsuffering. But he let's you make your own decisions and if you decide you want emancipation from your heavenly Father, he has given you the free will to become emancipated. You can't "lose" your salvation, but you can reject it. Even if you've had it for a long time.

Let the beatings begin. :)
OK Al, here we go. This is one of those type of things that divides churches, relationships, and people. I personally like the idea of having the forum that you suggested, however, topics like this, speaking in tongues and things of that nature are better left off. I do believe that they are VERY important topics to discuss, however, just like you talked about earlier in this post, it would be great to see someone get saved from this site, I think that also comes with the fine line of keeping it simple. At the same time, truth be told, a spirtual walk is not simple, but these in depth topics are better left for once someone begins to mature in Christ, not up front. Just my opnion. Again, they do need to be addressed, I just think that getting too in depth too quickly could scare people off.

I think you are a great guy, Al, and you have the right intentions, and I totally support it happening, off the board and on the board, I would just hate to see someone get turned off by too complicated topics.

I know that this response will not discourage you, and in absolutely no way is it intended to do so, I am just saying that imho, this is something that is "too deep, too fast".

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. (Hebrews 6:4-6 NKJV)

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. (John 10:27-29 NKJV)

Sorry I should have gave verses for the topic

In my opinion...My topic was pretty basic and non controversial. It was meant to open up a discussion and verses to back it up. We have to start talking about things a little bit in depth and personal to keep not only this thread, but starting other discussions to where others feel comfortable posting on this subject.
I already know they are guys (and gals) on here with different types religions and/or denominations... but looking back at the people who has posted here and the one who I have talked to....As Christians I don't feel it will lead to divisions among us.
Yes they are going to be some who are just wanting to cause trouble and divisions as you mentioned, (and we that in the real world as well) but as Christians we know we are going to be attacked in some form.

Matthew 5:10-12 (NKJV) Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

thanks for sharing your concerns Jonathan
This is approaching the line. I would prefer that this type of discussion not take place because it can lead to too many arguments and disagreements. So, as the sticky says, stick to things that will uplift and inspire others.
This is approaching the line. I would prefer that this type of discussion not take place because it can lead to too many arguments and disagreements. So, as the sticky says, stick to things that will uplift and inspire others.
You have gave us a very short line Scott, I would have thought my last post was uplifting and inspiring to some.
Give the guys on here some credit, we have been more nothing but civil on this thread.
This will make you Smile!!

FOR TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME. Jesus is watching...

A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around,
looking for valuables. He picked up a CD player to place in his sack, when
a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the dark saying, "Jesus is
watching you." He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight
off, and froze. When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his head
and continued. Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the
wires, clear as a bell he heard, "Jesus is watching you." Freaked out, he
shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.
Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a
"Did you say that?" he hissed at the parrot.
"Yep," the parrot confessed, then squawked, "I'm just trying to
warn you
that he's watching you"
The burglar relaxed. "Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?" "Moses,"
replied the bird.
"Moses?" the burglar laughed. "What kind of people would name a bird
"The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus.":D:D
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. (John 10:27-29 NKJV)

I recently read this verse in an argument against repeatedly trying to convert others. It appears that there is no record that Jesus never approached anyone twice. They were either his or not, period. They got the word once and after that, only the example was left to convert.

Even Peter seems to agree with this:

1 Peter 3:1-2 - Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

I believe that. I'm not going to try to convince anyone to believe in Christ. Everyone's heard of him. Everyone makes their own choice.

Along the lines of this portion of the thread, Scott, I don't see how discussion of this nature has the propensity to get out of line. There hasn't been anything of that nature yet. This is just discussion to bring out thoughts. I shouldn't have said "let the beatings begin". I was just joking and I think Scott took me seriously. Sorry.
As Christians I don't feel it will lead to divisions among us.

I totally agree, Al! When my wife and I get together with her best friedn and husband, many, many times, we will talk about subjects like this and other "in depth" topics. Some times, we agree, many times we dont. We will talk for some time about things that we do not agree on. Neiher of us are attempting to convince to other that one is wrong and one is right, we just debate it and I think we both have a great time. In the end, we are both saved even though we view things differently. I am not referring to division among the Christians. Earlier you stated about helping someone get saved through the site. When that happens, that is far more valuable than any one of us making a single dime in business. If we are talking about, as Christians, talking about these type subjects, not an issue. However, if you are talking about helping lead someone to Christ, I do personally believe that too much too fast can be overwhelming.
I totally agree, Al! When my wife and I get together with her best friedn and husband, many, many times, we will talk about subjects like this and other "in depth" topics. Some times, we agree, many times we dont. We will talk for some time about things that we do not agree on. Neiher of us are attempting to convince to other that one is wrong and one is right, we just debate it and I think we both have a great time. In the end, we are both saved even though we view things differently. I am not referring to division among the Christians. Earlier you stated about helping someone get saved through the site. When that happens, that is far more valuable than any one of us making a single dime in business. If we are talking about, as Christians, talking about these type subjects, not an issue. However, if you are talking about helping lead someone to Christ, I do personally believe that too much too fast can be overwhelming.

We have an older couple we've been very close friends with for over 12 years. Many years they've spend the entire winter on the RV pad in the back of the house in their fifth week. Fayth thinks they are grandparents. They are two of the closest friends we have.

Imagine this: He is an agnostic and a DEMOCRAT!!!! HARD CORE DEMOCRAT! We have never once argued about religion, but have had to walk away on three occasions because our tempers got so hot on politics! :D
Before you posted,
I had no idea on David and Bathsheba, I am not into Old Testament and If someone tested me even on the New Testament I would probably flunk 9 out of 10 times.
They are some things that I don't worry or lose sleep over, things like sprinkled/submerged, definition of hell, definition of heaven, are we resurrected immediately or are we going to be raised at the 2nd coming, predestination,demonations and losing Salvation....My list is endless, for my little mind..... is not even capable of comprehending God's Big Picture....That is why Faith is so Important.
But As Christians, they are things that are Non nonnegotiable and we will be held accountable one day.

Anywho, I did some googling and found this already discussed in length here
Its some great reading, a lot of insight from both sides.

I found this there..
You can Pm me if you like to keep our discussion private.
Before you posted,
I had no idea on David and Bathsheba, I am not into Old Testament and If someone tested me even on the New Testament I would probably flunk 9 out of 10 times.
They are some things that I don't worry or lose sleep over, things like sprinkled/submerged, definition of hell, definition of heaven, are we resurrected immediately or are we going to be raised at the 2nd coming, predestination,demonations and losing Salvation....My list is endless, for my little mind..... is not even capable of comprehending God's Big Picture....That is why Faith is so Important.
But As Christians, they are things that are Non nonnegotiable and we will be held accountable one day.

Anywho, I did some googling and found this already discussed in length here
Its some great reading, a lot of insight from both sides.

I found this there..
You can Pm me if you like to keep our discussion private.

Dude, You don't know what you're missing. Jesus was a Jew. He was sent first to the Jews. There are lots of things in the New Testament that just make you shake your head in confusion unless you know the Old Testament reason for it.

For Example. Why was it so amazing that the woman with the issue of blood (Matt 9:20-22) approached Jesus and was healed? Was it because she had faith that Jesus could heal her? Lots of people had faith that Jesus could heal them but this woman BOLDLY BROKE THE LAW in desperation and in faith in order to be healed. It was AGAINST THE LAW for her to touch Jesus' garment in her condition, but she understood grace better than most of us do today.

Only the background of the Old Testament could color this story and show it in full bloom.

Al, if you spend a year or two immersing yourself in the old Testament you will wonder how you ever became a believer without it. :)
This is at the church we attend one Sunday.

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