David O'Connell Jr
Sexy legs there big guy. I hope you saw a Doctor for that. (The wife doesn't count)
Sexy legs there big guy. I hope you saw a Doctor for that. (The wife doesn't count)
Isn't your wife a doctor,just not a MD
We are "recycling" our trailer for a roof only rig, doesn't look as good as Don's.
great Job on that roof Don. Van looks good too.
Looks like those storms could cause some algae and mold.
Talk about turning lemons into lemonade.
A boot's not gonna help this one, Russ!
I put a nasty gash in it on my enclosed trailer last Wednesday, then it got infected and the swelling went down my leg and now I've got a black and blue and purple and red and green and yellow foot to go along with a nice ax wound on my shin.