Roof Cleaning Tampa

Koi Ponds can be a BIG problem.
It only takes a LITTLE chemical to contaminate them.
We always WET the area down around the Koi Pond, and prefer to erect a tarp, like David from Reef does.
Wetting the ground insures that any chemical will be diluted seeping from the ground into the Pond.
It is a good idea to have Chlorine Neutralizer handy, and an even better one to remove the Fish to a bath tub, just in case.
ALL it takes is a little chemical, and the Fish are toast.

Welcome back Chris.

I agree, it only took a really small amount to get this poor guy belly up.
Welcome back Chris.

I agree, it only took a really small amount to get this poor guy belly up.
Thanks John !
Koi Ponds are all too common doing Roof Cleaning In Tampa
Customers get to KNOW their Fish, and get attached to them.
I have had them go ballistic if anything happened to them because of the roof cleaning.
It is a horrible thing to watch any creature suffer and die because of carelessness or incompetence.
Back when we started cleaning roofs, there were no forums like these to exchange information.
Non Pressure Roof Cleaning was a closely guarded secret, known only to a few, and they weren't talking.
I made many mistakes, back in the day, and I learned from them.
Hopefully, the newcomers to roof cleaning will not have to make those same mistakes.
Yes, we have extensive experience with Koi ponds.

The gent that owned the pond in the picture said from set up to where the pond is now is about 55 THOUSAND.

Look in the picture! How many fish can you count? That koi pond was VERY large.

Better for the pond to be bigger. More water to dilute any run-off. This pond had water features that kept it moving.

We took every precaution we know on this one.

He said he wasn't about to let just anyone clean his roof, and he did his homework!
He wanted our high detail Roof Cleaning Tampa service.

What a day..wrote three more and we are about finished with a large tile roof restoration. 75dgr sunny and god loves me :)
Here is another tile roof cleaning in Tampa we did recently.

These are deep barrel tiles and difficult to clean.
Yeah, the wide tiles can be a SOB to clean, especially on a cold, windy day :)
We have two BIG Tile Roofs to do tomorrow, one in Palm Harbor, and one in Eastlake Woodlands.
HOPE it warms up a bit ?
Just wondering Chris, when you are doing barrel tile, do you ever run into tons of dirt on roofs where you need to rinse with a lot of chems or water?

I noticed that the tanks on your truck are chems but I am sure you can spray water too, just wondering about the amounts of dirt you have to deal with over there.


Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Low Pressure Roof Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas <O:p</O:p
Cleaning Shingle and Tile Roofs in Corpus Christi Texas
I saw a roof today that was really odd looking. It looked like it had tons of dirt on the roof, wish I had my camera with me.

I stopped and wondered what that was on the roof. I then saw a little boy making up mud piles and grabbed some in his hands and threw it on the roof. I could not stop laughing. That was too funny!

I can only imagine what his mom would say when he is caught. hahaha

I started wondering how I would clean all that dirt, there was no fungus, just buckets and buckets of dirt.

I guess I could get up on there with a ladder and use the Bandit to rinse it all down but that will take a while. I bet that kid would do it again. hahaha

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Low Pressure Roof Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas <O:p</O:p
Cleaning Shingle and Tile Roofs in Corpus Christi Texas
You should see the sticks/leaves we get in Tampa during hurricane season.
We have to add a extra charge just for removing and bagging the debris.

Bagging up 5 - 10 bags of sticks and leaves is a lot of work. Then you get to the gutters.

Roof Treatment $xxx.xx
Leaf and Debris Removal $xx.xx
Yes Thomas, leaf and debris removal can easily take longer then chemically cleaning the roof. :(
Like you, we charge extra to remove debris/leaves :)
Yea Tom, 09 is shaping up to be a awesome year. Working on these condos now. Should be finished tomorrow, late afternoon.


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Congrats on the project.

Getting a lot of action that is similar....hope for the best! *cheers*
Just wrote a very nice tile for 750...during this post!

Good day guys...

The one above was just over 12k
roof cleaning tampa

Welcome back Chris.

I agree, it only took a really small amount to get this poor guy belly up.
Yep, Fish die quickly from roof cleaning chemical.
Very, Very Busy Cleaning Roofs In Tampa this week.
Doing a LOT of work in Avila and Cheval, some of Tampa's wealthiest communities ;)

BIG Bucks :D

Since we are number one again in BOTH Local and Web site Google Tampa Roof Cleaning search, calls are almost too much to Handle :cool:

High and Dry, atop the local and web site rankings, we are kickin some serious Azz, as far as tampa roof cleaning work goes :)
hehe was awaiting your boast post.

They made a mistake after we held number 1 for 6+months. You been working hard everyday apple *shakes hand* GJ.... better not make a mistake my people never stop working.

Really folks, no big difference from #1 as long as you are on the first page and they call you. You can spam the ever loving shiat out of the net and it is not going to change how you do biz.

Dude 175 bux cmon app, this week was amazing....I've never seen you price like getting slow in your old age!! You down to what .12 on tile now? I'm not budgin buddy still above .17 and wearing it out.
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hehe was awaiting your boast post.

They made a mistake after we held number 1 for 6+months. You been working hard everyday apple *shakes hand* GJ.... better not make a mistake my people never stop working.

Really folks, no big difference from #1 as long as you are on the first page and they call you. You can spam the ever loving shiat out of the net and it is not going to change how you do biz.

Dude 175 bux cmon app, this week was amazing....I've never seen you price like getting slow in your old age!! You down to what .12 on tile now? I'm not budgin buddy still above .17 and wearing it out.

Contradictions Thomas ?
IF being number one don't "matter", then WHY do your people "never stop working" :confused:
And WHY did you seperate your Blog from your web site, and give it a NEW URL called roofcleaningtampaflorida ??

Kinda like THIS one of mine Roof Cleaning Tampa

They say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" :)

Hey, it's ALL good, if you are gonna copy someone, might as well copy number one, huh ?

One SLIGHT "problem" though .... :eek:

Copy me, and target the same keywords all you want, no worries.

UNLESS I make a BIG mistake, it is gonna be HARD to "catch me"


Because you are up against not one, but now TWO,of the worlds highest ranked roof cleaning websites :D

THESE are what "Power" almost everthing I write on the Web to the TOP of the searches.

That is my "secret" :)

Guess you could say I am "Fishing with Live Bait", and you are "Fishing with Frozen Squid" ;)

But I ADMIRE your tenacity Thomas :)

You KEEP me "On My Toes"

In ANY other roof cleaning market, YOU would dominate.

Unfortunately, search engine wise, here in Tampa, you are "up against ME"

Now, you KNOW how all those guys in the SHADOW of Matt Hughes must have felt :mad:

In a FRIENDLY, competitive way, with absolutely NO disrespect meant, implied, OR Intended, after ME, you come first :D

Until then, THIS keyword Roof Cleaning Tampa "belongs to Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa"

Google thinks so too :)