Roof Cleaning Tampa


Here is a roof cleaning in Tampa we did recently.
This roof was located in Tampa Palms.

The Tile roof cleaning solution was diverted into french drains. The homeowner
informed me the drains were to shallow and the last roof cleaning company had problems.

We put hoses up into the gutters and let them run before we sprayed any chemical. No damage at all.

We also use a highly emulsified roof cleaning solution like in this roof cleaning tampa picture.


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Sweet job on those Roofs Tom. Great move on the hose in the gutter for the drain issues. :)
Great job and good pics, thanks
Sweet job on those Roofs Tom. Great move on the hose in the gutter for the drain issues. :)

Thanks, the roof had gutters that went into a french drain system. I have to admit this is the first time I have ever had anyone say they were dug shallow.

We put hoses and ran them in the correct downspouts for a good while before we sprayed. I noticed when we were mixing up the tank the gutters were full of water but it didn't make me think twice. We were taking the precaution with the pre water process so I felt the drainage would be ok.

About half way through the roof cleaning, I went back to the truck for some sunflower seeds and water and saw some TSP suds in the gutters(the gutters in the road)! I followed where the mix was coming out of the grass and into the gutter by following the distinct TSP bubbles. Kinda freaked me out! They were coming out of three drains that were about four inches below the grass. No wonder why they had probs last time. Never know where those gutters that disappear into the ground go guys :eek:

We ran the hoses back up the gutters and rinsed them again after we were done till the rinsewater was clean of bubbles.

Thank god I had the TSP in my roof cleaning solution !
I've done a few Roof Cleaning jobs where the drains popped up out of the ground in the middle of the yard in several different places almost like a sprinkler head. They must have been dug real deep cause I've gotten lucky and never seen anything coming out of them. A couple of times I thought I might get a call after it rained and rinsed the Roof but I guess the sh had broken down and or been diluted enough from the rain that it rendered it harmless by the time it rose out of the drains.

Hows it going Tom?

I hope all is well in Orlando and the chemistrys ok?

Cleaning roof on Orlando Florida is a tough job.

I would imagine safe cleaning in Tampa is tough also?

Then again Florida roof cleaning residential is good.
Very good Ron, thanks for your genuine interest. Can't get that dot on my foot for some reason?

The link you put up in my thread is of my competitor, very noble of you???
What were your intentions?

No worries, he does whats good for him and you, and I'm still the man to beat over here. Why do you think your in my thread confronting me with this BS?

Cleaning residential roofs in Florida is a tough business, as you stated it is good, there are many hurdles you must overcome. One being the internet, we like to think of it is a pile of whipped cream on poop! But what would some folks know about that anyway?

Orlando and chemistry?

Orlando is not my service area, too far for me, I'm doing very well Roof Cleaning Tampa and will continue, no need to expand out there.

Hey, I deal with quite a crowd over here in Tampa, Orlando would be a break in the action! You must be speaking of another past expert of yours, he is a great guy.

Thanks for contributing to the conversation Ron, you lead by example.
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I've done a few Roof Cleaning jobs where the drains popped up out of the ground in the middle of the yard in several different places almost like a sprinkler head. They must have been dug real deep cause I've gotten lucky and never seen anything coming out of them. A couple of times I thought I might get a call after it rained and rinsed the Roof but I guess the sh had broken down and or been diluted enough from the rain that it rendered it harmless by the time it rose out of the drains.

Ya thats what I said.

No way the last guy could have known that the gutters were shallow.

Key to this post: put something in you mix so you can see where it is and when it's gone!
Speaking of gutters that are shallow and hard to spot, opening you up to grass/plant problems, how about gutters that leak?

We recently did this very large barrel tile roof cleaning. In the pictures attached you will notice a bunch of Koi fish. This was a very large pond inside the property and very close to the gutter system. The money invested in this pond is more than both my trucks/eqpt combined. He was VERY worried about his fish.

So what did we do?

Kinda like when they put dye in your eyes to find a scratch, we put bubbles in to just plain old water and found EXACTLY where the mix would run and or if the gutter had leaks.

Just a small step taken to avoid losing a lot of money.
Anyone else take these kind of precautions or do you think I wasted my time?
We face Koi fish often and I'm batting a 1000.

If you look at the tiles in this Roof Cleaning Tampa picture you will notice that barrel tiles need to be shot from three angles, thus requiring a healthy amount of mix. I was thinking it would take about 5 mins of perpetual runoff into the pond and they would have been wearing cement shoes :eek:


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Do you use the apple sauce on tile roofs also? I have always done ashphalt roofs here in Ocala not tile. Thanks.
Do you use the apple sauce on tile roofs also? I have always done ashphalt roofs here in Ocala not tile. Thanks.

We use chloro/tsp plus an additive that I do not share.
Chloro/Tsp will hit like a spiked bat though. As will Apple sauce....
You just won't get that kind of adhesion allowing for a very weak mix of chloro.

Here is a picture of our high performance mix in action...look at that cling!
Roof Cleaning Tampa
We use chloro/tsp plus an additive that I do not share.
Chloro/Tsp will hit like a spiked bat though. As will Apple sauce....
You just won't get that kind of adhesion allowing for a very weak mix of chloro.

Here is a picture of our high performance mix in action...look at that cling!
Roof Cleaning Tampa

Thanks for the info. The roofs in the link look great.
Speaking of gutters that are shallow and hard to spot, opening you up to grass/plant problems, how about gutters that leak?

We recently did this very large barrel tile roof cleaning. In the pictures attached you will notice a bunch of Koi fish. This was a very large pond inside the property and very close to the gutter system. The money invested in this pond is more than both my trucks/eqpt combined. He was VERY worried about his fish.

So what did we do?

Kinda like when they put dye in your eyes to find a scratch, we put bubbles in to just plain old water and found EXACTLY where the mix would run and or if the gutter had leaks.

Just a small step taken to avoid losing a lot of money.
Anyone else take these kind of precautions or do you think I wasted my time?
We face Koi fish often and I'm batting a 1000.

If you look at the tiles in this Roof Cleaning Tampa picture you will notice that barrel tiles need to be shot from three angles, thus requiring a healthy amount of mix. I was thinking it would take about 5 mins of perpetual runoff into the pond and they would have been wearing cement shoes :eek:

Had one where the gutter was clogged right over the little coy pond. It's horrible watching a fish swim around like it was on fire!

Luckily I knew the guy and there was only the 1 fish in there, a nice bottle of wine fixed it.

We now tarp every coy pond, every time, luckily we don't have as many as you guys do down there.
Do you use the apple sauce on tile roofs also? I have always done ashphalt roofs here in Ocala not tile. Thanks.
Apple Sauce may be used on any roof, tile or shingle.
Had one where the gutter was clogged right over the little coy pond. It's horrible watching a fish swim around like it was on fire!

Luckily I knew the guy and there was only the 1 fish in there, a nice bottle of wine fixed it.

We now tarp every coy pond, every time, luckily we don't have as many as you guys do down there.
Koi Ponds can be a BIG problem.
It only takes a LITTLE chemical to contaminate them.
We always WET the area down around the Koi Pond, and prefer to erect a tarp, like David from Reef does.
Wetting the ground insures that any chemical will be diluted seeping from the ground into the Pond.
It is a good idea to have Chlorine Neutralizer handy, and an even better one to remove the Fish to a bath tub, just in case.
ALL it takes is a little chemical, and the Fish are toast.