The Cleaner
Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Hey guys,
I am still in progress of putting together a PW setup.
I should receive the Hydro-Tek SS35006VG, extra nozzle tips and a Classic surface cleaner next week. Tomorrow I am closing the deal on the flatbed F-450.
I am looking for a decent size water tank not more than 350gal.
Which one would you recommend from these guys: Tank-Depot
They are pretty much in the area so I will pick it up from them.
After all, I have ran out of budget and to complete the setup I need to look for the cheapest options that will temporary do the job. Later on, I am planning to upgrade whatever goes bad.
I made a list of items that I would purchase, but wanted to hear a final word from the more experienced here. Just to make clear, we do mostly power sweeping, ground work, and property maintenance on the shopping centers and plazas that we sweep. The PW equipment will be used on our existing accounts to pressure wash: sidewalks, walls, back service alleys (concrete, building walls, brick walls, asphalt, dumpsters and etc.)
here is the list of the items to be purchased: link
and a downstream injector fro, here: link
I get back 6% referral fee from Amazon, so that helps the budget a little.
I am getting only one reel to see how it performs, and I will get another one later. Unfortunately no budget for now for garden hose reel . Eventually, I will get another 200' HP hose, a reel for it and a reel for the garden hose.
What else is a must for my needs? links or prices would be appreciated .
Thanks again,
If you are going to do centers, an absolute must is a 2 1/2 inch hydrant fill hose, wrench, and truck meter. This will save you so much time, more than anything else you can buy. Without it you will spend 40 min filling a 350 gal tank each time your empty versus 3 min, this is a No Brainer :wave2: