plan-it graphics

This Guy Still around?
It's been a while since I've been on the board, but I did a job recently I though I would share. I did the logo and the flyer itself. What do you think?

I personally have a couple of tiny issues, but the customer was very insistent on what she wanted. When I get a job, I do my best to offer advice based on all the previous materials I've designed. Sometimes, it's good, sometimes it may even be bad, but it's always something to think about. Ultimately I do whatever makes the customer happy in the end.

One big issue I have is that there is no special offer. What do you think? As you may or may not know, I also own a Lawn Care Fertilizing Company, and all the marketing research I read suggests the better (and more direct) the special offer is, the better the return rate. I have people who are dead seat against this. I offer this opinion... When was the last item you bought anything, a TV, a camera, a car, a whatever, and didn't look for a coupon, or the best price? I TOTALLY understand (especially in a service business as mine and yours) you are paying for the quality of service, HOWEVER marketing materials DO NOT show the service they get until they get it. I believe advertising gets you NEW customers, your quality service KEEPS your customers(It doesn't hurt word of mouth either).

Do you all agree or disagree? It would be an interesting topic either way.

​Very nice, wonder if he had any good results with it?