Pissed off!

??????????????????????????????????? can I post a reply? What the heck?
OH a whooopsee sorry. Its been awhile since Ive posted on here. So how has everyone been? Well I hope.
Naw, Im still here.

We had the biggest natural disaster we've seen in 100 years here in NE Pennsylvania & the southern tier of New York. (MAJOR FLOOD):mad: :(

My mother and some of our relatives lost EVERYTHING! I do mean everything.
We have pulled together as a family and we are currently in the process of gathering materials for building my mother a new house.

The clean up process was exhausting and the rebuild looks like it will be happening soon.:) It all depends upon the financing now.
No were not Amish, We all ready went over this, lol.
Put down the Guiness my IRISH blood brother. Even if it is briliant! lol

The flood occured June 28th 2006, Everyone is still scrambled from the flood, some are fairing better then others.

But Anywho- dont let the lowballers get you down. It does get better. I agree the compition sucks, but its part of the game. Play it better then them.
I know you can.
Kory, didnt mean to hijack your thread, Havent posted in awhile and had to jump back on somewhere.
Sweet Nice job Ron!! I bet your buddies will put a system like that on the other BBS up by tomorrow!!!!

Tomorrow is soon here,,,,PWI will have video soon. banners may take another year. Video is on its way.
sweeet video responce. to bad you dont have the video of the 11 hours of the lowballer??? then when a customer brings it up you can hand him a dvd copy.
sweeet video responce. to bad you dont have the video of the 11 hours of the lowballer??? then when a customer brings it up you can hand him a dvd copy.

He was caught on customers own video monitors, everyone has them.
Lowballers I see the crap they advertise and prices they have! My question is are they non stop booked with work or are they sitting and waiting for the next call? I just dont think if I could become one of them. Even at $75 for a house cleaning your profit might be 15-20 dollars after Gas, Chems, Wear & Tear, Travel,Etc.... $99 Roof cleaning same deal but a 2500sq ft roof your going to need at least 40 in Chems. So these guys are getting on roofs for 15-20 bucks. I hope the fall off maybe they will hit there head and realize you cant pay for insurance & raise a family for $99 a cleaning. Oh yeah they dont even say for what size house. I would love to see a lawyer with a big a$$ 2 story tile roof house sue them because they would not do it for the advertised price of $99.....
Kory, don't freak out.
Those "advertised" prices are not real.
No one is doing roofs for 99 dollars here, or washing houses for 75 bucks either, LOL

These are "come on" ads, only designed to get a customer to call them.

I used to work retail sales selling electronics as a kid.
WE "advertised" stereo receivers for 199.00.
But, IF you sold one w/o also selling speakers, you were fired on the spot!

IF the customer insisted on getting a stereo receiver for the advertised price, we simply said we were out of them, and never issued rain checks, LOL

These guys in the flyer you speak of are not cleaning roofs for 99 dollars.
More like 200 for a normal sized roof, and that is for pressure cleaning.

Here is what they do.
They attempt to up sell the customer additional services over the phone, to get more then just a roof or house wash.

IF the customer insists they just want the roof done cheap, they bid it cheap, and ONLY show up if they are starving.

You do not know how many "last minute" calls I get from homeowners having a deadline to get their roofs cleaned.

Many tell me of some guy they found in the flyer or newspaper who was SUPPOSED to do it for 150 dollars, LOL

Can't you see Kory that what these guys are doing with their low ball tactics is monopolizing the calls.

Then, once they get all the calls because of low ball advertised "prices", they cherry pick, and leave guys like you the scraps!

They know their low ball ads make you THINK they are cheap, and so you bid cheap.
They psyche you out.
Pretty soon, you are gone, and they remain.:eek:

Solution ?

Play THEIR game Kory.

Put your OWN low ball ad in next to theirs, and give em a taste of their own medicine.:D

Or, sit back and take what scraps they leave, after they have cherry picked and up sold the GOOD customers, LOL :(

sweeet video responce. to bad you dont have the video of the 11 hours of the lowballer??? then when a customer brings it up you can hand him a dvd copy.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q8oWEXmtsSo"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q8oWEXmtsSo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>