I see what you're saying, and I'm not excusing laziness. Its a little bit different with a small business where the guy in charge of handing out raises is in front of the employees everyday. If you see someone working for you who is doing a great job and making you a lot of money, of course you want to give him incentive to keep working hard and keep making you that money. But that is not the attitude of the average place where a teenager or someone in their 20's would get their first job. I remember a few years back working part time at a Pizza Hut while I was going to school. I remember the GM telling me day after day how impressed he was with me and how I was the hardest worker he has ever had. Did that stop them from paying me minimum wage? No. He just scheduled a couple less people per night when I was on the shift because he knew I would pick up the slack. There was recently a story on the local news about at school teacher who had been called Teacher of the Year for the whole state or something like that. Apparently people would move from all over the state so that they could get their kids in his class. Well, he had been teaching for 7 years and he finally just had to quit because after 7 years he had never seen a raise. He was scraping by to feed his family on 30k a year. Again, I'm not excusing laziness, but ambition and good work ethic is not something people are just born with. It has to be learned and taught. And I'm personally glad that my dad drove that into me as a teenager. But if he hadn't, I don't think my life experiences would have taught me that hard work pays off. Before I started working for myself, the only reason I worked hard was because that is what my dad instilled in my character, not because I had any motivation. It wasn't until I started working for myself that I saw the benefits of hard work.
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