Nobody Want's to Really Work

I see what you're saying, and I'm not excusing laziness. Its a little bit different with a small business where the guy in charge of handing out raises is in front of the employees everyday. If you see someone working for you who is doing a great job and making you a lot of money, of course you want to give him incentive to keep working hard and keep making you that money. But that is not the attitude of the average place where a teenager or someone in their 20's would get their first job. I remember a few years back working part time at a Pizza Hut while I was going to school. I remember the GM telling me day after day how impressed he was with me and how I was the hardest worker he has ever had. Did that stop them from paying me minimum wage? No. He just scheduled a couple less people per night when I was on the shift because he knew I would pick up the slack. There was recently a story on the local news about at school teacher who had been called Teacher of the Year for the whole state or something like that. Apparently people would move from all over the state so that they could get their kids in his class. Well, he had been teaching for 7 years and he finally just had to quit because after 7 years he had never seen a raise. He was scraping by to feed his family on 30k a year. Again, I'm not excusing laziness, but ambition and good work ethic is not something people are just born with. It has to be learned and taught. And I'm personally glad that my dad drove that into me as a teenager. But if he hadn't, I don't think my life experiences would have taught me that hard work pays off. Before I started working for myself, the only reason I worked hard was because that is what my dad instilled in my character, not because I had any motivation. It wasn't until I started working for myself that I saw the benefits of hard work.

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I would have to disagree with you. I do believe you are born with it.
I would have to disagree with you. I do believe you are born with it.

I'm sure some are. I wasn't though. I can remember being a lazy teenager. I remember being mad when my dad made me go get a job and started charging me rent live at home. I remember having to wait until I had my own money to buy my first vehicle. Now I'm glad he did.

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I don't operate like McDonald's. My main tag in guy for dry cleaning started at minimum wage. He did a great job and was making $22 an hr when we sold the business and was worth every penny.

I fired two college grads in that time who were worthless.

Part of fixing America is regaining a sense of pride in doing a job to the best of your ability. It is hard to instill that when kids are taught from TV that everybody can sing or act and drive a Bentley. It is equally hard when they are taught that college is the way to success.
Prior to 1950 only 5% of high school graduates were considered college material. A society needs a diversified workforce. The vast majority are doing nothing but wasting time and money going to college.

The college machine is profitable. They have convinced most of us that a college education is necessary for success. It is a good business plan for the colleges, but it is based on another lie.

Because most college grads shouldn't have been there in the first place they come out expecting something they just flat will never be qualified for.

So they end up either giving up, taking xanax all the time and collecting ssi and playing video games or they sink back in to the job they were qualified for in the first place, but now get minimum wage with $80k in school debt to pay off.

Rant complete. Lol.

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I don't operate like McDonald's. My main tag in guy for dry cleaning started at minimum wage. He did a great job and was making $22 an hr when we sold the business and was worth every penny.

I fired two college grads in that time who were worthless.

Part of fixing America is regaining a sense of pride in doing a job to the best of your ability. It is hard to instill that when kids are taught from TV that everybody can sing or act and drive a Bentley. It is equally hard when they are taught that college is the way to success.
Prior to 1950 only 5% of high school graduates were considered college material. A society needs a diversified workforce. The vast majority are doing nothing but wasting time and money going to college.

The college machine is profitable. They have convinced most of us that a college education is necessary for success. It is a good business plan for the colleges, but it is based on another lie.

Because most college grads shouldn't have been there in the first place they come out expecting something they just flat will never be qualified for.

So they end up either giving up, taking xanax all the time and collecting ssi and playing video games or they sink back in to the job they were qualified for in the first place, but now get minimum wage with $80k in school debt to pay off.

Rant complete. Lol.

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Wow. I couldn't agree more.

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I like your picture Josh. It actually says a lot. So much in fact, it's the reason for all these issues. I'm sure laziness isn't Our President's fault. That's a silly statement. The issue is Fatherlessness. An epidemic spread across the board. No matter how much money a woman has or gets, the best way for a man to learn how to me a man is from a man.
The issue is Fatherlessness. An epidemic spread across the board. No matter how much money a woman has or gets, the best way for a man to learn how to me a man is from a man.

For sure!

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I like your picture Josh. It actually says a lot. So much in fact, it's the reason for all these issues. I'm sure laziness isn't Our President's fault. That's a silly statement. The issue is Fatherlessness. An epidemic spread across the board. No matter how much money a woman has or gets, the best way for a man to learn how to me a man is from a man.

So very well said and so true!

Laziness has, and will be, around forever. But on the other hand, the government shouldn't propagate it (just checkout Europe's problems). Otherwise, there'll be nobody left to pay taxes. Wait a minute, maybe I'm on to something?
I have always felt that a Father teaches their children to be men and women, hopefully according to their birth gender. A mother teaches them how to be human beings. Anyone that thinks a single parent or a same sex couple is the same as a mother and father is fooling themselves, or is delusional.
I have always felt that a Father teaches their children to be men and women, hopefully according to their birth gender. A mother teaches them how to be human beings. Anyone that thinks a single parent or a same sex couple is the same as a mother and father is fooling themselves, or is delusional.
Scott I couldn't agree more!
I have always felt that a Father teaches their children to be men and women, hopefully according to their birth gender. A mother teaches them how to be human beings. Anyone that thinks a single parent or a same sex couple is the same as a mother and father is fooling themselves, or is delusional.

Chris S is a walking testament to that. Hopefully my daughter (the 19 yr old one) will be too.

She is being sent out here by the judge to stay with me and Shelly in lieu of a 4 year prison sentence. She's not in trouble for anything that hurt anyone else, just got rounded up in a sweep of a house where two of the guys were making meth and they charged everyone in the house. That wouldn't have been so bad, but while in jail they let her go on work release and she didn't come back.

Need prayers. She has a very unreliable moral compass at this point. She knows nothing but lying at every turn and because of the revolving door at her mothers' house she thinks if she can get a man to love her for a little while, she has really accomplished something.
Chris S is a walking testament to that. Hopefully my daughter (the 19 yr old one) will be too.

She is being sent out here by the judge to stay with me and Shelly in lieu of a 4 year prison sentence. She's not in trouble for anything that hurt anyone else, just got rounded up in a sweep of a house where two of the guys were making meth and they charged everyone in the house. That wouldn't have been so bad, but while in jail they let her go on work release and she didn't come back.

Need prayers. She has a very unreliable moral compass at this point. She knows nothing but lying at every turn and because of the revolving door at her mothers' house she thinks if she can get a man to love her for a little while, she has really accomplished something.

I've been sober 3 years, 11 months and 3 weeks. I facilitate an anonymous meeting here at the county rehab every Sunday. The only thing anyone can do for any addict is pray. From experience, I agree with Robert Downey Jr. On GMA in 2003 he said something I always keep with me and pass along every chance I get - because I know it to be true... He agrees that all forms of addiction can be a disease, chemical, biological, psychological and all that. But at the foundation of any successful recovery is a firm decision. A decision only the addict can make for themselves when he or she is ready. As the man of the family, you have to be the 4 p's for the rest of the family. (provider, protector, priest and prophet)
Prayers on the way Tony.

Hope things go well and she does good.