No Pressure, Roof Cleaning mixture


New member
I recently started a part time pressure washing business, evenings and weekends. my main question is: Does anyone know of a good chemical mixture for shingle roof cleaning that does not use pressure? I have called the companies that sell the products and most of them say that you have to rinse with low pressure, and that the people that do not rinse use very strong concentrations that will damage plants and grass if it was to rain or run off? I am stuck in the middle hear between people that say even low pressure is bad and people that say strong chemical is no safer?

PS: IF a no rinse system is used, how long does it take before the roof gets clean? days, weeks? Any tips for cleaning tile roofs?Thanks for any help at all.

Have not tried it yet, But a product called "New-Again" is suppose to be safe for plants and such when it rinses off. (Plan to switch to it when roofs start picking back up this season)

My company uses a Bleach-TSP-Tide-Water mixture. (The Liquid Tide is for adhesion while the Bleach & TSP do there stuff)

Either way you spray on the chemical and let it dwell 25-30 minutes. At this time it is killing the growth which causes it to un-attach itself. Then you use a very low pressure rinse, like the soap tip, because asphalt shingles will not hold up to much pressure at all.
Now when you rinse, you will get some sand coming off, so don't worry. Just watch for too much of it :)

If using a bleach mixture, rinse-rinse-rinse (the ground that is...bushes, etc.)
and when your done, rinse to make sure.

Others may have better ways to do this...and each person will pick what their more comfortable with. So try different methods until one flows with you....and good luck!!
Thanks you very much for the reply. That info will help me greatly.

Finally got around to using "New Again"
A crew was out doing a roof, had one side finished when I showed up (to fix the truck that decided it didn't want to start)
I had picked up a gallon of "New again" on the way over. (Because i had finally remembered to do so)
They put it on the second side and then sprayed the left over on the first side.
The first side was the nasty one to start with. They had already rinsed it and it looked great. But the crew foreman told me later that he had put the extra mix on the first side and when they rinsed even more black dirt just rolled off. And they were able to rinse easily with a garden hose.

So I think I am changing roof cleaners myself.
It is about $22/gal. but makes 6 gallons.
I would like more information on where to find "NEW AGAIN". I have shied away from roof cleaning in the past due to safety and libility concerns regarding shingle warranties, but this sounds like a good product that might eliminate these challenges. Thanks in advance....
Scott Wooten
Southeastern Cleaning Systems,Inc.
Where can a guy get this New Again and where do you buy tsp. I need to give a price on some roofs.
New Again

You can get with Dave or Michele Sparks at Priemer Chimical, They are the manufacturersof New Again Products. Try, . They can tell you who is your distributor.

I have used the used the roof and deck cleaner for the past five years - WOW - Really good stuff. I use it 1:10 for cleaning decks, 1:4 for cleaning roofs and 1:4 +/- to strip finish off decks. I pre and post soak all plants and grass. I have not had a loss to date.

If you have any specific questions - just post or email me.

Tim McCulla

P.S. I am a distributor for this product, but that is basicly by default - we use so much of the product it made sense for us to get it on a distributer level. I don't usually sell it (I sell power wash service not chemicals), but if you have a problem getting a distributor I can get you started.
Does anyone seal asphalt shingles?
bad price

From what I know, new again contains too much soap and is hard to rinse and costs too much. I'm buying Sun Brite's ROOF BRITE which is only $52 for a 30 gal drum. I let it sit only 10-20 min. and use just enough pressure to move the dirt. (You have to use some aggitation) When there's a product I can spray on and walk away from and get a clean roof, Then i might as well sell my pressure washer! Another nice thing about thier roof brite is I can handle a 30 gal drum by myself and all I do is add some water to thier concentrate and i'm ready to go! Ya'll should try it. Sun Brite does have a roof sealant, too, but I forget the name of it.
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Slim, Are you talking about cleaning asphalt shingle roofs? I would not aggitate if so - you will remove the granuals (shorten the life of the roof).

Please give us the results of the Sunbright vs. New Again.

The only thing I can tell you is that my experience is with New Again. It is very concentrated, so I don't need to haul 30 gallons - if I use 5 on a roof I've done something wrong. Also, I sell the fact that the soap is still on the roof when I'm done - it keeps the growth from coming back. On the decks I use a brightener that removes all the cleaner.

All in All, I'm sure they are both NOAH based w/ surfacants and both will do a good job. But, I'm not that old of a dog - I would like to learn a new trick - so let us know how they both perform.

Has anyone ever used a percarbonate base (Oxygen Bleach) cleaner on roofs?
It's called Roof-a-Cide. It doesn't produce results immediately, but it will remove the algea over the course of about 6-10 weeks (depending on the amount of rain) and it will inhibit new growth for up to five year - although it's only waranteed for two.
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Where can I get this stuff?
It's produced in South Florida. It's mixed 1 gallon of solution to 32 gallons of water. These 33 gallons will cover about 3,300 sq ft


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send me your email address please

Thanks, I am very interested.
Roof treatment formulary

I think that there is a national asphalt manufactures assoc that has a technical spec sheet. If you are going to add a soap for adheasion then get an "he" version( less foaming). Make sure that mixing it with CL is "NOT A GOOD THING" as Martha would say. BTW as a hint watch the PH of your soultion