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New organization, FOCUS

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Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
New organization, FOCUS

Everyone has opinions on what’s needed. People need to allow the party’s a chance to group together and mold the organization.

The new organization should be willing to share information and provide resources to all.

Raising the industry standards is valuable, the industry has been moving forward despite the efforts in the past.

People inherently seek the truths and often find them. People networking will share story methods and techniques that get pass along.

The TGP method of standards is a great way to ensure your group is trying there best to hold the standards.

My problem with a cart blanch org is that will it be a wide range org. with it encompass many trades?

I don’t think a national org. will do very well with out millions thrown at it if people decide to cover a broad spectrum of service. TGP has focused on KEC and has not wavered from that. There focus is about KEC, tradesmen’s needs specialist. Customers need specialist; people rarely hire a KEC guy to tackle a large flatwork job.

If we as a group effectively look at our own markets and decide too start a local branch and work from a local stand somewhat recently like Celeste has done with the Carolinas this may very well be a stronger foundation platform.

Today we could start a national org, simply purchase a domain, announce it and fill out incorporation and make it legal. All would cost about 300 bucks. Does this mean it would function like a national organization? Probably NOT.

TGP has stratichicly placed people in areas throughout the country. This example is at least a start of what other org. did not do in the beginning stages. Some here have disagreements with certain people in these org, and ideals. I how ever study the success and the failures of all people and businesses. Ideas can be copied and made better; people starting anything need to study the sort Cummings of anyone’s success or failure. Keep in mind one mans failure could be another mans success.

This thread provides further discussion of a new organization. Please remain positive or professionally negative and please no personal attacks on individuals.

I will and stand behind a state organization run by the local contractors that know best for what they need locally. {Marketing, educations and awareness}

Co-op advertisement in local and national magazines, targeted specifically for certain types of pressure cleaning.

I often think we make the national thing more than it needs to be at this point in our lives and business.

My vote is start local and finish national if time and growth permits it.
Ron, I agree with that train of thought. A national org will take too long and require too much money to establish. The one thing missing from many trade organizations is public awareness. Awareness means marketing and marketing means budget.. a large one. I think the establishment of small geographic targeted "groups" is feasible.
Color me confused now, but, I read the link provided above and the last thread mentioned Robert's vision. Meaning absolutely NO disrespect to Mr. Hinderliter, but what ever happened to the UaMCc.....that org is in place with a membership. If Robert is participating in the new effort, wouldn't it make sense to just start where his existing org is and move forward or accelerate or reformulate, rather than starting from ground zero? If he's NOT involved in the new movement, disregard my question :)

Color me confused now, but, I read the link provided above and the last thread mentioned Robert's vision. Meaning absolutely NO disrespect to Mr. Hinderliter, but what ever happened to the UaMCc.....that org is in place with a membership. If Robert is participating in the new effort, wouldn't it make sense to just start where his existing org is and move forward or accelerate or reformulate, rather than starting from ground zero? If he's NOT involved in the new movement, disregard my question :)


Robert offered some cash from his UAMCC to helo get the ball rolling on this.

Hope this helps. The merger/built-upon theme was not discussed on Saturday, and I was not there on Sunday. Maybe someone else could answer this more in-depth.

It just seems to make sense to a degree......using the power washers division of the UaMCc as a launching pad. Of course, the problem there would be that it is NOT a contractor implemented group but one that has originated by distributors. Maybe the UaMCc support FOR the new effort is a more logical route for RH.

There sure are a lot of speed bumps for the new initiative to overcome or avoid in order to insure a successful launch. Nice thing about speed bumps is that they're just one step closer to the top :)

What i cant understand is why we need to reformulate the new org in secret.

Is not that the same reasons so many people lost interest with other org.

Why not do it right in the public eye? This will take the personal agenda hype out of it.

Plus it will imdediatly make others aware they have and option.

Why if nothing to hide we need a secret start up?

dont tell me so others wont steal ideas, please!!!! Nothing you could or have thought up has not been discussed. Now its just who does it first and sticks to there guns.
What i cant understand is why we need to reformulate the new org in secret.

Is not that the same reasons so many people lost interest with other org.

Why not do it right in the public eye? This will take the personal agenda hype out of it.

Plus it will imdediatly make others aware they have and option.

Why if nothing to hide we need a secret start up?

dont tell me so others wont steal ideas, please!!!! Nothing you could or have thought up has not been discussed. Now its just who does it first and sticks to there guns.

Ron, It's not a secret start up. Get real. Would you mind if I come with a couple dozen friends to your shop and poke around in your business and see how you do things, talking, cutting up, and generally offering suggestions while you are trying to work? It is NORMAL to want to have a queit way to get work done. No one jumped on Celeste for it. It's no different.

You want to be a part of it? Say the word, and you are. Just be ready to roll up your sleeves and work. We need people who are about action.

Why haven't we heard about the round table? It's thanksgiving week. That might be a part of it. There was dry ice, soda and cob blasting hands on demos. Great food, networking, a few people spoke like Jack Kramer, and then we all met.

Why couldn't we have an organization that was about poking around peoples shops? I am thinking that it could be really beneficial to a lot of people. I read an article a few years ago, and I cannot remember the industry, where four or five industry leaders would go into a member organization, go completely through their operation, including books, organization, operating systems, methods, etc and give recommendations on improving the business. It was very much like a consultancy, with people that were successful and experienced in a particular industry. Of course, the person that was being examined had to request it and pay money for expenses, etc, but it is an option.
The downstroke was that EVERY business that was examined and implemented at least 25% of the improvements that were suggested doubled their sales the next year. Sounded like a pretty effective program to me.
It is NORMAL to want to have a queit way to get work done. No one jumped on Celeste for it. It's no different.


Hold up - please do not compare the small networking plan that I have proposed to the contractors in the Carolinas to what the new org is cooking. It IS different. I'm not trying to wrangle in an entire country - if the model is adopted by other small networks - great - but by no means is what I'm doing the same on any level as this new org thing.

It doesn't matter what the "scope" is. People need to be given time and space to work. It's that simple. That was my point. Anyone who wants to help is welcome to do so. If you don't want to help, that's fine, but please understand that all things take time. All project volunteers should be respected. Work, is work.

I have an interest in the thing, which is hard to believe in itself (to me) but I also have some major concerns and skepticism about a group of people that were heavily involved (at one time or another) with another org that has never done much other than flounder around and cost it's members money with little to no return or benefit to them. If they couldn't handle an errant board member or two, why should anyone believe that they're capable of launching and operating an organization on a national level anyway?

Now that I've gotten that off my chest and on the table, in what capacity might I be able to help? I'm an outsider generally speaking of our industry orgs but that might be a good thing for the future too. I'm open to lending a hand, but will under no uncertain terms sit around and be told to keep quiet while all the former, disgruntled members of another decrepit org try to steer the boat in their own selfish directions and no where else. That's already happened (and still happening apparently) elsewhere. It didn't work then and it won't work again.

If I can help, let me know. If not, I suppose all the narrow minds will keep telling me how narrow-minded I'm supposed to be. ;)
I am smoking a cigar, having some coffee, waiting for the Turkey to be served!
I think I will start a national org dedicated to the carving of other peoples Turkeys ?
For WHO "knows better" then me how a Turkey "should" be carved :)
There is positive energy going into this. Don what you just posted was brought up during the RT weekend in various versions.

A ton of ideas/questions were discussed at Toms both on Sat. & Sun.

These ideas ranged from ~ How future RT's will assist the new org in spreading it's mission?
How will vendors/manufactures fit into the overall structure of the new org.?
What will be the membership benefit(s) of the new org.?
Can a new org. establish a platform so that ALL industry related businesses can see the benefit of joining?
How will the new org. address the Clean Water Act to our industry i.e. will the new org seriously be an advocate in enforcement or will the new org take a different approach?

The above list is only a small percent of the ideas and questions that were addressed over the RT weekend.

My position is that the new org must establish itself within first before we tackle exterior issues like the ones listed above. We need to know who WE are folks and we need to know where we want to take this.

I spoke to Robert H. and a few others with a position that we can have all the great ideas and wonderful causes in the world but it will be CRITICAL that whoever, whether a Chairperson, Co-Chairperson or committee, is put in a position to MOVE the org. that body MUST be able to execute these ideas and causes.

I think the Advisory Committee is a wonderful idea and a MUST as we as a group of people navigate through the "ups and downs" of getting this off the ground.

However, we as a new group must establish our IDENTITY, establish our SERIOUSNESS, embark in the DIRECTION that is best for the contractors and last but not least be able to STAND ON OUR OWN. Once we accomplish this we will have not only established the new orgs foundation but more importantly we will have conveyed the message industry wide that we are here to stay. The Advisory Committee should not have to build our house for us - WE MUST take OWNERSHIP of that and it is our responsibility to do so.

That is our first step in getting the organization started ~ establishing itself from within ~ and we took that first step on Sat. and Sun.
I am smoking a cigar, having some coffee, waiting for the Turkey to be served!
I think I will start a national org dedicated to the carving of other peoples Turkeys ?
For WHO "knows better" then me how a Turkey "should" be carved :)

I wonder what Bill Clinton thinks about when he is smoking a cigar on thanksgiving?
Ron, It's not a secret start up. Get real. Would you mind if I come with a couple dozen friends to your shop and poke around in your business and see how you do things, talking, cutting up, and generally offering suggestions while you are trying to work? It is NORMAL to want to have a queit way to get work done. No one jumped on Celeste for it. It's no different.

You want to be a part of it? Say the word, and you are. Just be ready to roll up your sleeves and work. We need people who are about action.

Why haven't we heard about the round table? It's thanksgiving week. That might be a part of it. There was dry ice, soda and cob blasting hands on demos. Great food, networking, a few people spoke like Jack Kramer, and then we all met.



I think this is a noble initiative on your part and I believe you are sincere in your open offer for anyone to help. I have many good ideas and a lot of free time this winter, but here is my delimma.

I hope that Jack and I are able to offer education to the new organization's members. It would be really cool to offer our Power Washing and Wood Restoration class in addition to a new curriculum that we are currently developing.

You know the history as well as I do. This is the problem with many different folks being able to participate. We are making a genuine effort to avoid being labled the "alliance trade services" conflict of the new org. We strive to avoid any avenue or situation in the planning and operation of the new org that will create an actual or percieved conflict of interest as ammunition for the skeptics to fire with. You and I have both acknowledged these conflicts in the old org at one time or another.

Again thanks for the invitation for all of us to join. If for some reason we dismantle Contractor Education Services, I will call for a job :)
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