my new logo

Why dont you try something with a wand, it seems more represntitive of a pressure washer, I have always liked the idea of some kind of a waterblast coming out of one of the letters of your name, kind of making the name and logo into 1, just a thought

Here's another simple one


  • vegaslogo2.JPG
    35.4 KB · Views: 24
How about this one?
Las_Vegas_Strip pressure washing sign (Medium).jpg
How about something like this?

Chris, we came up with this, but what you did looks a lot better. Can we use that? And how do we tighten up the name and make it something that will show up good on a stencil? And, How can we put the phone number in there?


  • vegaspressurelogo.jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 13
Larry, that is a nice one but they don't want any dice in the logo unfortunately.

I like that second one Chris, that is not too bad.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Fleet Washing Corpus Christi Texas
Heck it was just a crap shoot. LOL...Ya don't have to have dice in the logo. You can pick anything you would like . I thought it could be followed up with something like. "Why Gamble On just anyone Pressure Washing your Home."
Office_Building sign (Medium).jpg
Like My New Office! LOL...