Maintenance Contract/agreement

John Brown, how about faxing me a copy of that maintaince contract or someone else e-mail me a copy.

I would like to take a look at the contract also. I am using one now that I just type in the info. I got it from Mike H. from the PWNA. But would like to see what you guys are passing around.
I haven't seen anything yet. Ron, yours was great but I couldn't get it save on my computer to be able to type in the information without everything else moving around. I used Mike H's and added your info. on it. If you want to take a look at what I did let me know and also would like to know how you saved it to be able to type into the designated spots.
I been waiting since the post came out, I e-mailed Mike h. about when he received it to e-mail me for fax number, he did e-mail me but said you {ron .m} were in charge, so I gave up at that point .

Matt, i think your confused, thuis aint my thread. I sent mine in another one. this is something different, i was just asking because everyone brought it to life again. which shows we need info like this. i was just sticking my head in.

Please dont put the wrap on me that this is my fault...I will send chuck mine today because he asked me nice. understand i'm not e-mailing everyone all over the place or faxing. On my thread i left that to everyone to help each other. If some guys got it and then didnt forward it get on them. SORRY

This is not my thread,,, period.................Dont ask me here to send it.... I won't...............did that already , if you want mine ask someone in teh thread that was suppose to do there part. many got it because i asked them and then said thanks.
Ron M, I understand this, that is why I contacted Mike H. because that is who was above my post on this thread, so I do not blame no one... I just chaulk it up to not following the thread...

Chuck would you please with p.w. spray on my head, fax or e-mail me the forms...

The next will get a copy, If they post under me and ask...
