The way I look at it is we share WAY to Much info in our industry, we are killing ourselves. We have been doing it now for several years. I think I have heard hardly any other industry shares like we do. Basically cutting our OWN throats. BBS, RT's NETWORKING I think we all fed ourselves a bunch of crap thinking its helping the industry. I think its creating more competition for ourselves. All the lookers who never post are taking our ideas strategies everything and getting work we could have gotten. People on these BB's and RT's can learn it all.
Tell you the truth if there was never another RT and all BB's were taken off I think we would all be better off, even new companies, because only the smart new companies would survive and grow and there would be HALF as many people starting in PWing biz, because they couldn't find the right way to do things at their finger tips.
So many wouldn't try and so many more wouldn't last but a few months
Mike you teach how to get better web ranking I showed people how to target condos, others show how to clean faster, better the list goes on. All us big mouths have cut our own throats I see now. Why is it that we help others, is it the good thing to do?It sure isn't the smart thing to do.
We disagree on this one, to prove my point I will find competitors that have called me and only together we have better the market. I win some and loose some, but we all have raised the standards together.
Its a shame we as independant business people have to carve our own market and we dont have a real org after 20 years.
Plus Jeff, I have learned from you and you have bettered yourself from stuff i have shared.
I can tell you about one thing that was stupid you said in Bama and its made me way more money than any hack has beaten me out of. ( thanks)
It sucks educating the customers on our own, I do because it has to be done. Its and important proccess about my selling. Its the hack card if you want to call it that.
Thats kinda funny, pull the HACK card on the customer. LOL
Everything I do in a roundabout way says heres my service better and superior than anyones. ( best part the price is FAIR)
Why because we explain that your buying time, our methods are better and cost effective. Best part is our costs analization show them our HACk will not complete the job they are promising. We do not bash we just give them the black and white numbers.
I print pricelist for my phx competition and tell GM's please give them this pricelist when they come in. I truly want them to see it. If I hear of a new guy that is cutting or slashing prices i will mail him mine. I want him to know he can get more for his work. Mostly that if he keeps it up he will be gone in when the money runs out from his 401k.
I will educate anyone that wants to listen and tell them how to do it.
competition I can beat, lowballer that run below profit until they run out of money hurt the industry. ( some customers prey on them) I have this list!!
I have less problems with this now than 10 years ago....I changed my attitude. Make your own market, work with new guys and at least clue them in on what it takes.