It was so hot today

That is a nice video! The thing with the no pressure roof cleaning is that I don't understand how you use chems that strong with no gutters and do not harm plants at all. There has to be some damage, even with a ground guy rinsing.
Ive been very lucky. We do alot of rinsing of all the bushes and grass before during and after. Really doesnt take that long. We use alot of surfactant in the mix which cuts down on the amount of runnoff as well as not having to flood the roof with mix. A good surfactant will keep the mix from running off so fast which allows it to stay on the tiles/shingles and do what it is supposed to do....KILL! after 15-30min or so the chems are no longer active. That timeline also depends on how strong your mix was as well.
Hey Larry

I gave you a review.

Also you'll need to get a "Reef" hat for work. :)

20* cooler. Plus I wear Dri-Weave Long sleeve shirts as well .
Thanks Dave. I had given you a review also about a month ago. What took you so long for mine? :rolleyes:
I got the review
I got a hat-------Not like yours though
I think I would really die with a long sleeve shirt.----R u trying to kill me?
I got me a big cooler. had it since the day I got my trailer... Always got cold Gatorade and water in it.------------Oh! I'm supposed to drink it? LOL :D
61408 032 (Small).jpgSee big blue cooler in back of truck? Didn't need the trailer for this job so I pulled it out of the cage and brought it with me. I don't go anywhere without it.....Thanks for the review David. That was very nice of you! I did get it! I'm feelin the Love! LOL
A white long sleeved dri-weave shirt will keep you pretty cool, Larry.
But Thad, will I look cool wearing it? That is the question....LOL:cool:
Thanks Thad and Spence, I'll look into the shirts... Not sure about the hat yet though. I do wear a baseball cap. Always whit and always dipped in the cooler before I head up. I also have a colman water bottle belt that I picked up at wally world last year to hold drinks but the darn thing is always slidding off me. I got a gut but no azz! LOL. I was thinking about the back pack one they have with the straw that wraps around to the front for drinking. I think it holds 2 litres and is insulated. Any of you ever try that?
The wide-brimmed hat will help a LOT.
Larry, That is what I was talking about earlier in the posts. The camel back. I use mine when I am hunting because it is quiet. I don't know about carrying it around while working though. It would be uncomfortable to work with on your back. It would probably make you sweat worse!
Larry, That is what I was talking about earlier in the posts. The camel back. I use mine when I am hunting because it is quiet. I don't know about carrying it around while working though. It would be uncomfortable to work with on your back. It would probably make you sweat worse!

I was thinking about the sweat thing too Spence. I was also thinking about weather or not it would throw off my balance. May not be a good thing on somewhat steep roofs. :eek:
I can't wait until winter when it gets down to 89 deg. NOW THATS REFRESHING!!!! LMAO.:eek: j/k
I'll look into the hat nad the shirts.... Thanks guys! Nice to see someone out there cares. I'm fellin the Love! :)
How about you Florida guys quit hoarding all the warm weather in the winter time, and send some up my way. I would much rather sweat my *** off than freeze my ***** off!:D