Is Your Website OK ?


New member
Hi Guys,

I've been hanging around this and other pressure washing boards for the last couple of weeks and i have to say i am really impressed by the knowledge you guys (and girls) have.

Over the last few days i have been looking at a lot of your power washing websites to try and build up reciprocal links, i have to tell you i was shocked and amazed at the poor quality of the majority of the websites out there. Now please dont take this thread as an insult, but its time you guys cleaned up your act (no pun intended).

Have a look at your own website now and tell me, would you hand out a marketing leaflet the way your website is now?

Not all of them look bad, however a lot of the ones that look good/okay are poorly designed for the search engines. For Example i have looked at good looking websites that use pictures to display text (No search engine can read the contents of a picture).

Anyway that my Rant over,

Please Please Please take a good look at your websites and ask yourself if you can improve it. (it cost nothing but a little time)

I dont claim to be an expert and I know my own site will have errors, i will however keep reviewing mine and changing where it needs to be changed.

If you want, post your web address and i will let you know if i can see any problems with your design. Please treat your website like you would any other part of your business (especially if you are in the commercial market).

And just so you know, i dont do web design for others i have enough work with my day job and running my own site, although i will happily advise of any potential design or search engine optimization problems.


Hello Scott,

I would like your feed back on my site please check it out. Tidy Powerwash Service, Inc.

I visited your site a couple days ago at your invitation to register. I filled out the templete and it would not accept my information! :confused:

Dave Olson
Thanks folks for taking this post in the way it was intended, i was worried after posting it that some people may have been offended.

I will try not to go into the actual graphics, backgrounds, etc. as these are personal choice, i would say that you should think of each page as an advertising leaflet so just ask yourself if you would be happy handing it out to customers?

Hi Dave,

If it was my site the first thing that i would do would be to put your navagation links at the top of the page, as when i first entered your site i thought it was a single page website.

I would also take a look at the keywords you have in your Meta Tags as a large portion of them are not found on your page i.e. sand blasting. If you do offer sand blasting services i would perhaps write a page designed just for sand blasting with a link from the main page. (same idea for all your keywords\phrases).

Your homepage has a Google PR of 3, which is decent, i presume from your PR you know the importance of relevant inbound links.

Apart from what i have said above i quite liked your site!

Tell Margaret she's done a grand job :)

Anyway now to the problems with my site, what exactly happened an error message?

Can you try again

If you have any problems this time just email me the details, i have received a few submissions in the last few days, so i really dont know why this happened.


Hi Ron,

The first thing you need to do is add a title text as your page is displaying Untitled document as the title.
Just place whatever title you need in the title tage i.e.
<title>Pro-Power Wash - Cleaning to the highest standard</title>

Not all search engine's use meta tags anymore but is still a good idea to have them,

You can download a free metatag generator here

Make sure that any keyword you use is on the page that the meta tags will be placed.

Your Google PR ranking is 1 which means you need to get more incoming links to help boost you Page Rank. I like the idea of having a seperate page for each application you are involved in this will help you in the long run in the search engine's.

I would also suggest that you also add your links as plain HTML only to the bottom of the page as some spiders may have difficulty crawling your site with the java script buttons.


Hi Grant,

Fantastic site!

I would again recommend putting in the meta tags on the whole of the site not just the entry page.!

Your site homepage has a PR of 3, yet the rest of the site is a PR 0.

Normally the PR should filter through the site.

Is it a new site? as this may explain why!


Your right on target. Excellent suggestions. If you don't mind me asking, Whats your day job? You have the knowledge of a web site consultant. I sense mostly a technical background - Do you dab a little on the marketing side of web sites also?

I too attempted several times to register on your web site.....Your site would not recognize my Username, etc.....
Hi Tim,

I work by day as an engineer mostly building and repairing high and ultra high pressure water jetting machines, pumps etc.

I've been into web design for few years now, not professional its more of a hobby!

If By the "marketing side" you mean search engine optimization?
then yes.
I just have this theory that you can have the best website in the world, but if no one see's it, it's worthless.

Tim after you registered and had the problems did you receive my email?

I think dave was referring to the submission page of the reciprocal link campaign?



What does this mean????
One Call Power,

Your website looks good, however you need to ditch the picture text and replace it with plain text as search engines will never be able to spot keywords in your text.

The page title tag also needs to be changed to something that includes your company name and at least one keyword. For Example replace <TITLE> Preview - Page: 1 of 6 </TITLE> with

<TITLE>One Call Power - Pressure wash experts</TITLE>

You have a PR of 2 on your homepage and 0 on the rest of your site, i would try and build on the number of inbound links.

I really like your Gallery page!


Hi Beth & Rod,

Superb site!

Only suggestion i have for your website is too add standard html links to the bottom of every target page, as sometimes when you use frames search engines can send your visitors to the target page, this would miss out the navagation bar on the left meaning your visitor thinks you only have one page.


That's on my to-do list along with a few other items for spring. :) Thanks Scott! Always appreciate the feedback.

Hi Mike,

Google PR (Page Rank) is a major factor that google uses when assessing a website.

I copied this from google as this will probably explain it better than me.

PageRank Explained

PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."

Important, high-quality sites receive a higher PageRank, which Google remembers each time it conducts a search. Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if they don't match your query. So, Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are both important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears on a page and examines all aspects of the page's content (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine if it's a good match for your query.

You can monitor your website or any other websites page rank by downloading the google toolbar

The best way to increase your site is to have as many links to your website as possible, all links to your website should be from sites that are related to your business.

I hope this helps

