Scott Stone
New member
There are organizations that can make you, and your business better. There is no doubt about that. There are a lot of reasons. The problem is when the organization is co-opted by a person with an agenda. That has happened to the PWNA in the past, and I have heard the argument that it is happening with the PWNA, now. I have my own feelings, but that is where it is at.
So, to start a national organization that had influence, what would you need to make it happen? What would you look for in a new, start up organization? At what point would you feel it was worth your time, money and effort to belong to an organization?
I really feel that this is a soul searching series of questions. Maybe if peopel would stop and reflect on it, just a little bit, they might be able to see where this industry could go.
BTW, the last machine I bought, that was misappropriated a few months ago, was technically superior to the older machines that I have had. Things like a clutched pump, and warning lights to let you know what parts were operating, are big advancements in our industry. I can think of a few things that might improve recovery equipment, and make it more cost effective. I will leave that for the guys that are huge technical guys to figure out.
Sometimes I wonder if the reason that machines are not making huge leaps, is because enough people are not asking the right people the right questions.
So, to start a national organization that had influence, what would you need to make it happen? What would you look for in a new, start up organization? At what point would you feel it was worth your time, money and effort to belong to an organization?
I really feel that this is a soul searching series of questions. Maybe if peopel would stop and reflect on it, just a little bit, they might be able to see where this industry could go.
BTW, the last machine I bought, that was misappropriated a few months ago, was technically superior to the older machines that I have had. Things like a clutched pump, and warning lights to let you know what parts were operating, are big advancements in our industry. I can think of a few things that might improve recovery equipment, and make it more cost effective. I will leave that for the guys that are huge technical guys to figure out.
Sometimes I wonder if the reason that machines are not making huge leaps, is because enough people are not asking the right people the right questions.