
Interesting article from one of my favorite authors, Al Maxey.

This article discussed the Sorcery of the New Testament and drugs of today. It doesn't say that all drug use is "sorcery", but it does talk about Sorcery/Drugs opening up for demonic influences.

I believe this 100%. I believe that drugs can strip a soul down to the point where that soul is easy pickin's for demonic activity.

I also believe the same thing happens when people try to "clean house" and sober up on their own.

Matt 12:4343“When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. 44Then it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order. 45Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before.
Someone that sobers up on their own without any spirititual guidence would be a dry drunk. they might be sober but because of a lack of guidence they tend to still have some demons.
Interesting article from one of my favorite authors, Al Maxey.

This article discussed the Sorcery of the New Testament and drugs of today. It doesn't say that all drug use is "sorcery", but it does talk about Sorcery/Drugs opening up for demonic influences.

I believe this 100%. I believe that drugs can strip a soul down to the point where that soul is easy pickin's for demonic activity.

I also believe the same thing happens when people try to "clean house" and sober up on their own.

Tony...It is 100% true. They crack open a door that stays shut for normal people. I am not going to go into detail but I'm sure you've felt the presence of our Lord. I'm not talking about our normal everyday walking with the Lord, I mean those special moments, like in the back room moments before being baptized or during a tragedy or accident. Imagine that feeling multiplied X10 (or maybe X 7 like you said). I'm getting goose bumps just typing this.

I'll celebrate 9 years on Oct 21. For whatever reason, God struck me sober and for about my entire first year, he let me wear "God Goggles". Things people call coincidence are sometimes God's hand. For that year I was blessed. During that year, I told many people "If you don't believe in miracles....follow me around for a day".

I'm also a friend of Bill and understand exactly what Guy is saying. I've been in situations most only see in movies and would make these young "bucks" wet themselves. I'm not proud of them and not bragging but as Guy suggested, a "bender" or "partying" heavy are apples and oranges to hard core addiction.

All the AA and Big Books in the world will not help the hard core if they don't have God as part of the solution.

Tony, if you want to hear more about the drugs/demonic forces first hand. Call me anytime.
Interesting article from one of my favorite authors, Al Maxey.

This article discussed the Sorcery of the New Testament and drugs of today. It doesn't say that all drug use is "sorcery", but it does talk about Sorcery/Drugs opening up for demonic influences.

I believe this 100%. I believe that drugs can strip a soul down to the point where that soul is easy pickin's for demonic activity.

I also believe the same thing happens when people try to "clean house" and sober up on their own.

Tony...It is 100% true. They crack open a door that stays shut for normal people. I am not going to go into detail but I'm sure you've felt the presence of our Lord. I'm not talking about our normal everyday walking with the Lord, I mean those special moments, like in the back room moments before being baptized or during a tragedy or accident. Imagine that feeling multiplied X10 (or maybe X 7 like you said). I'm getting goose bumps just typing this.

I'll celebrate 9 years on Oct 21. For whatever reason, God struck me sober and for about my entire first year, he let me wear "God Goggles". Things people call coincidence are sometimes God's hand. For that year I was blessed. During that year, I told many people "If you don't believe in miracles....follow me around for a day".

I'm also a friend of Bill and understand exactly what Guy is saying. I've been in situations most only see in movies and would make these young "bucks" wet themselves. I'm not proud of them and not bragging but as Guy suggested, a "bender" or "partying" heavy are apples and oranges to hard core addiction.

All the AA and Big Books in the world will not help the hard core if they don't have God as part of the solution.

Tony, if you want to hear more about the drugs/demonic forces first hand. Call me anytime.