It does need to be in the boards.
I've never met a stronger, more grounded, more honest, more sharing group in any other industry like the guys right here on PWI.
Unfortunately, mixed among them like thorns in the wheat are a bunch of whispering, accusing, wannabes and sissies that constantly get on the phone like a bunch of little teenage girls and whine about Ron with vague accusations.
Thad is one of the worst. Have you ever heard these hit songs from Thad?
"There's a lot more I could tell you but I'm not at liberty to say"
"It will all come out sooner or later, but I can't tell you more about it now"
"That's what I heard, but don't say anything about it to anybody else".
These are all famous hits Thad sings over and over again to anyone who will listen when he talks crap about Ron behind his back. He thinks he is very smooth about it and that he never says anything directly that can come back to haunt him. That way it's difficult to put together for the average contractor to put together 2 + 2 and realize that most of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is bull$hit.
I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is and lay it all out in print because I'm not afraid that I'm going to contradict a lie I told somewhere along the way. Why are these other guys not willing to do the same? You all know why. It's because half the time they can't even remember who they told what lie to!
This needs to be on the boards because lies and bull$hit fades in the light of day. This isn't some small disagreement between a couple of men. This is an ongoing attack with NO proof whatsoever of any wrongdoing by Ron.
Thad has many facebook accounts coming from his IP. Why? You tell me. It might be understandable to have a personal and a business account, but 5,6,7, 10 accounts under different names???? Why is that? The answer is D-E-C-E-P-T-I-O-N. I've got a 10 year old daughter. One of the greatest dangers she faces is a deceptive predator disguised on the internet as something they are not.
And gentlemen, there is an industry predator among you using the same tactics.
And now from one "contractor" account that has no location, no business and no info, Ron gets once again photoshopped on a foul picture and posted on facebook for all to see.
Deja Vu?
By the way, my facebook was hacked a couple of days ago. How did they get my password? All I can say is BEWARE of using the same password to sign in on any boards that these guys run. There's not enough integrity for them to not take your password and try it everywhere else till it works. Beware.
This is not a private issue that needs to be taken care of by a couple of guys on the phone. This is a split in our industry caused by one jealous group's hatred or Ron Musgraves. This is an industry problem that needs to be taken care of by the industry as a whole.
Make a stand an choose a side or move aside and let the men fight.