
Scott D.

Well it looks like Ike is going to hit us head on. We live in League city, right next to Galveston and we're under a mandatory evacuation. So what am I doing? Making money putting up my neighbors storm windows. :eek: We put ours up earlier in the week, and they waited and are in a panic. here's hoping everything goes well.


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I'd say take you and your wife and temporarily move to a safer spot north of League City and get your equipment to a safe spot as well. Hurricanes are not something you want to take a chance with. Most of my relatives live in New Orleans and after going there and seeing the damage first hand, it can turn disastrous quickly. Keep us updated and be safe!
We probably will move but not till tomorrow. We will get everything secured today, and jump on the motorcycles and skip traffic. Ive got family near conroe and San antonio so we have places to go, but figured we could make some extra $ before we go. Now all of our neighbors are asking us to do theirs. We may market this next year.
Scott....keep us updated man.

Gene.....you too!!!

Have to much here to protect to leave.....Where would I take 9 dogs and 6 puppies?Will be on the PWI chat as long as I have power Friday night to keep in touch.....150 miles from coast but it is suppose to come right over us after landfalll.....Wish us Luck.....Lightning Gene
I live in an area that has the worst utility services. I'm 100 miles N of Galveston and they think that we'll have cat 1 winds up here.

My power IS going down. I scrambled to find a generator yesterday at Home D --I picked up a window unit too.

I hope that everyone hunkers down --

I'm pouring cocktails during this with ac tv internet etc... hopefully prob dial up...

Texas guys hang tough... Call me if you have some problems...
Where to take 9 dogs and 6 puppies, if one of the puppies is a full bread great dane (male) then I will take ONE as far as the other 14, the pound.... or a chinese rest.
Looks like we dodged another bullet. Take care you guys. These cat 2and 3 hurricanes are no joke. Be Safe!
Hey scott me and Mike K will be down next week to clear trees . . . you got an extra room lol

Screw you hippie, If there are trees that need clearing, im buying a skid steer with a log attachment. lol. But im sure there will be plenty of work to go around, so yes, i do have an extra room.
The think is poised to run up I-45 out of Galveston straight through me!
the storms do tend to float near shore too --so -- it could come in east of Galveston which would help some... bringing the dirty side east of us.

It's SO BIG though ...

We're toast on utilities though...

This is a live feed beta. Pretty cool stuff.

Double click to full screen
Right click to activate sound.

Scott D ( Dickenson, TX ) and areas tward the coast ( Galveston ) are going to get it first.
The tide surge has already started. Water is up to the seawall in Galveston. The seawall is 17' above sea level. Lets pray it doesnt rise any higher.
We have wind starting to pick up and the storm is still 175 milse SE of Galveston.

I'm trying to stay online as long as possible -- I'll be on 56K if possible in the AM Generator etc.

We have huge pines up here and some will be coming down. Power poles will be snapping and lines flying around.

This will be a mess... It's looking ugly...

Next comes gas prices look out...