I Was Wrong

I thought I was wrong once
I was under the mistaken assumption the Sodium Hypochlorite cleaned better at LOWER PH's.
This is incorrect http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/sfj/58/8/465/_pdf
Cleaning is better at HIGH Ph, but Disinfection is better at lower ph's.
This does not really effect Apple Sauce, just MY understanding of WHY it works.
Apple Sauce is fixing to get improved anyway.
We have been testing something that might make Apple Sauce "obsolete"
This new sauce might or might not stay clean as long as Apple Sauce, but from alll feedback we are getting, it cleans as well, and most say better:eek:
It is a LOT easier to make, no more mixing powders of any kind.
I am interested in Beta Testers before we put it out there.
If you are a working roof cleaner, all you have to do is ask.
Even Local Competitors can participate :) , WTF