Well Brian and Russ, wanna know MY opinion on long term Chlorine damage ?
I have been cleaning roofs for over 15 years, and USED to use the mix pretty strong because I was doing lots of roofs, and din not want to have to go back.
Here is what I noticed, years later, on
these roofs.
I have seen pretty bad granule loss, in comparison to roofs in the same street done with weaker mix
It may shock some here, but I am gonna come out and say it.
STRONG Chlorine solutions are NOT "harmless" as some think, in my experience.
That is WHY you notice me posting the Apple Sauce formula, and working on the new Mix.
I want to use THE weakest Chlorine solution I can that will still clean.
This is what I preach, use the
weakest solution that will still clean.