Michael DeRose
New member
Also has your friend driven drunk since he was arrested the first time?
Also has your friend driven drunk since he was arrested the first time?
We are not making up stuff you just have not clarified what you want the officer to do once they have someone pulled over and the driver is clearly drunk. Please explain what are the steps you would like to see from this point in the example.
... The only answer to this problem is start a massive decriminalization of victimless crimes ...
So drinking and driving is a victimless crime as long as no one gets into an accident?
Wait... I already know what you're going to say (I've heard it a hundred times). The cop protecting everyone else. That may be true on some insignificant level, but he/she is doing far more damage. The simple act of a cop getting an impaired driver home safely is as easy as calling a cab and putting the driver in it. Problem solved, noone hurt, no damages ... and so on
Cant really say I agree with the above statement Red. When a cop pulls someone over and they are physicaly and mentaly impaired from alcahol then they should not be allowed to go free.
And I am Calling B.S to any cop with more than 6 months service saying they have never seen another cop do something illegal. I dont buy that at all.
When a cop pulls someone over and they are physicaly and mentaly impaired from alcahol then they should not be allowed to go free.
Thousands will only need ONE ride home.
Winner if a Trigger GUn
Why not? (by "go free" I'm suggesting they are sent home, not let go to drive again)
How can you justify ruining someones life and possibly their family too when no one was hurt, no damage done and there's a clear and easy method for handling the situation that gives them [the impaired driver] a chance to redeem themselves?
A victimless crime is where there is no victim, no injured party, no damages. The driver (and everyone they support), all of a sudden, becomes a victim of "the system."
Now consider who has the most to gain. The STATE OF... has the most to gain. They get all sorts of fines and fees. Most people don't have a clue how much the state makes off these cases. Bonds are created when someone is arrested, these bonds are typically sold in bundles on the stock market. The state has a tremendous motivation to arrest people (for whatever they can) to make a buck.
Follow the money and you'll soon realize why there are so many "victimless" crimes on the books.
Well then, the speeders need to be given the exact same treatment. First offense = life ruined (regardless of circumstances).
I know of many people who have gone thru the system of humiliation & $10,000 for a couple of beers or a glass of wine with dinner. One guy lost his job as a CDL driver, wound up divorced and on the street for 2 f**kin beers at a poker game. Was not drunk but they smelled it on him, he refused to blow and said he would take their physical test, and he was fine on the video but they arrested him anyway. They need to use common sense but that has gone away a long time ago, they are motivated and told buy their superiors to arrest everyone. The states are broke and they keep coming up with more bullshit to generate income regardless of how they ruin your life !! Just like these Jackoffs.
I know of many people who have gone thru the system of humiliation & $10,000 for a couple of beers or a glass of wine with dinner. One guy lost his job as a CDL driver, wound up divorced and on the street for 2 f**kin beers at a poker game. Was not drunk but they smelled it on him, he refused to blow and said he would take their physical test, and he was fine on the video but they arrested him anyway. They need to use common sense but that has gone away a long time ago, they are motivated and told buy their superiors to arrest everyone. The states are broke and they keep coming up with more bullshit to generate income regardless of how they ruin your life !! Just like these Jackoffs.