How long will change take? UMACC

Carlos, did you ever join the org? Was Ken a member, guys dont take that wrong, because it really doesnt matter.

I like both you guys, I just want to know who the trans team is.

We have a forum for your annoucements on PWI. the PWNA was and official forum. Frankly, I no longer want to host forums unless orgs are willing to use them.

I ask a couple simple questions, I hate when simple question are such a big deal.

Let me help with and example of what might have been a more political answer.

" Ken Myself, Mike , Jakie , john and Joe are currently working on many of those subjects you are reffering too. Ron truly appreciate your concerns and passion for the industry but at this time we are just not ready. Rest assured we are working hard to get these answers as soon as possible. "

Regards carlos
So what can PWI as a vendor member do, Obviously i missed the call. So far i'm not impressed about not being properly informed as a founding member. I also would like to be involved on the dist side of things. I want no BOD position, please make sure you heard that.

If you need vendors, I know a few.
Ron, this is not a solicitation for funds (unless you want to send about a half mil in strings-free cash ::wink::) but do keep in mind that in effect, there really are no members right now. It is my understanding that noone that has come up for renewal over the last year has been charged any money. This was the Hinderliter's decision because I think they realized something needed to be updated with regards to the direction of the organization. We have had some inquiries about membership and we are not ready to take anyone's money until we have the focused direction that the contractors want the org to go. That focus will be determined over the next few weeks. Like Carlos mentioned, we will make some formal announcements here and the other industry BBS's to show everyone how they can participate in launching this ship.

Robert Hinderliter is now, as he was when he started the PWNA, committed to having an industry org. He has graciously donated this org to the industry and I am committed to at least furthering along his dream. I don't guarantee success by any stretch as I don't know what the hell I am doing. Like any great venture, this organization will be as strong as the people by whom it is surrounded.

Currently there are four transition team members. Since I am handling the webstuff, I'll be adding a page to replace the current BOD members page so you'll get to see our smiling grills.

There are some passionate posts in this thread above about motivation and accomplishment. It would be great for those guys to step forward and volunteer some time. The more talent we get behind this thing, the faster it will move along. I'm a firm believer in slow and steady wins the race. Isn't it better to spend 10 seconds and feel around for a light switch instead of rushing into a room and knocking over ten things that will have to be repaired later?
Ron - you know your right. Yesterday was a very long day for me - I lost count of the hours that I have been up and my post to you had a little "flavor" added to it.

The UAmCc will announce where it is at on things in the very near future. Ken is right when he says that we were told that no membership money/funds were processed by the old UAmCc for it's existing membership base.

There is a purpose and a definate reason why the "business plan" has not been provided to the industry....yet. Everybody that is truly interested in seeing what our direction will be will have ample opportunity to voice their suggestion(s).

With that said, myself and the rest of the members of the transition team are excited about the organizations position and the deliberate way of how we have done the business thus far.

Stay tuned!
ThAts WhAt KiDs Do WhEn ThEy PoST oN MySpACe To MaKe iT LooK LiKe THey ArE InTeReStInG.
Scrappy it should be HaHaHahAhAhAHa
I remember back in the early days of hacking and phreaking that style of writing was called Elite. I have no idea why its written that way. I think to separate the letters and perhaps like Grant mentioned to get more attention. I doubt the updated logo will use that style.
Those darned EliTiStS!
I'm more 1337 than you, Grant.
Yes, Thad...You are
your probably more 420 too!
Never even smoked a cigarette.
You know your numbers...good 4 U. R u 5150?
Ron, one thing you may want to keep in mind. This is not the UAMCC that you joined. That was a for-profit venture created by the Hinderliters. We are not using their Bylaws, any of their board members or their business plan. The UAMCC is, at this point a web domain and an attempt at industry unification and networking. The transition team will be guided by contractor requests. Carlos, Terry Miller (Tegrey), Michael Kriesle (FCPWLLC), myself, former members.. no one's input holds any more or less weight than another.

Now that we have control of the domain (a very recent event, as in last week) things can start rolling quickly and they will. We have had multiple conference calls that have included transition team members as well as vendors. Preliminary business/momentum plans have been written and viewed by outside-the-industry experts. The final business plan and outline for the UAMCC will not be kept a secret. I can assure you of that. Before we do anything further we have to ascertain what benefits contractors are seeking in an industry org. We have a plan for that as well.

Ron, I personally welcome your input as you have been around a long time and have seen and experienced more than all of us put together. Everyone's input is welcome and encouraged.
Ron, one thing you may want to keep in mind. This is not the UAMCC that you joined. That was a for-profit venture created by the Hinderliters. And that is why I am not interested in joining organizations like this. It seems that certain individuals enjoy promoting the illusion that they are looking out for my interests when they are really more interested in my wallet instead. Organizations should be there to promote the members interests, not personal agenda and profit.

We are not using their Bylaws, any of their board members or their business plan. We have had multiple conference calls that have included transition team members as well as vendors. Preliminary business/momentum plans have been written and viewed by outside-the-industry experts. The final business plan and outline for the UAMCC will not be kept a secret. I can assure you of that. Before we do anything further we have to ascertain what benefits contractors are seeking in an industry org. We have a plan for that as well.
I don't consider myself a "giant businessman", but I do know enough to know that "step one" is not to promote self to a board of directors, then decide on on a mission and business plan. It sounds like Ken and the boys (and girls) are doing this the right way, and once I see that progress is made, they may even get me to change my mind.

Something to work on once your organized:What steps are you taking as an organization or can be taken to ensure that outside washing will not be "outlawed" by Washington? We all are very familiar with the kind of financial resources and pressure that the environmentalists put on Washington to get their way, even promoting outright lies and stating them as "fact" to accomplish their goals. Let me know what you come up with.....
Another great point, even more important is to be lined up with other orgs that have the same interests and fight together. Carwash association is one of them.

If your truly going to be and org please stay away from this seasonal outlook.

Get well rounded and represent all arts of pressure cleaning. (NOT JUST WOOD)