Good morning all.
Jon's argument: Since you aren't affiliated with IKECA or PWNA they must not want you.
Well. We were invited to join IKECA when it first started, but we didn't agree with their pricing structure. As far as PWNA & IKECA I'm sure that if I sent in my MONEY that they would sign me up in a heartbeat to be a member of theirs.
I bet I could even attend Delco/PWNA's traveling kitchen exhaust cleaning certification road show that they'd even certify me to clean hoods.
2nd argument: Now you say, "Not once have you ever contributed to this or any board, makes people wonder just how much you really know."
Seems to me that I add to the concept of certifying kitchen exhaust cleaners. We offer a truly alternative way to meet the new NFPA 96 2001 requirement to be certified. I add to this discussion that has been going on for almost a year. If I didn't add anything to this forum, then this thread would be dead and no one would even take the time to read it.
3rd argument: Can't teach with only 2 years experience.
Now you say that 2 years isn't enough time to teach what you know. If that is true, how was it possible for David and Grant to hire people and train them when they first started out cleaning exhaust systems. You mean that I have to hire someone with years of experience to teach my employees? You mean that a person has to wait 10, 15, 20 years before they qualify to teach?
So let's say that your argument is valid that 2 years isn't enough time to learn how to teach someone. The problem is that Roger has been cleaning hoods for 10+ years.
According to your argument, then this would qualify him to teach someone how to clean hoods.
4th argument: You don't franchise, therefore your concept must not work.
We don't franchise because of the cost involved to our clients. If you're interested, it's only $24,500.
A business opportunity only costs $8000. The other $8000 that you keep mentioning is for equipment. Unless you want to start your hood cleaning business with no equipment or use your own.
David's arguments:
1st argument: You don't know what your talking about, "don't try to pull the smoke over our eyes with your all knowing wisdom."
I never stated that I was all knowing or that I even knew a whole bunch. I do know this though, your disbelief that 1 person can clean hoods is wrong.
We're not the only hood cleaning company in America that cleans hoods with a 1 man technique, but we are the first to perfect it and mass market it to others looking to get into the business.
2nd argument: "You are a salesman" therefore anything that you have to say because you are trying to sell must be false.
It is true that I specialize in the sales and marketing of our concept. Does that mean that the salesman who sale your concept, David, and get jobs for your worker's to clean are liars when they represent your company?
No it doesn't. Just because I sell doesn't make me anymore or less knowledgeable about kitchen exhaust cleaning. It just means that I have done extensive research into how you clean hoods and realize that there are distinct advantages to a 1 man cleaning crew starting out that allows the average person to start a kitchen exhaust cleaning business and grow it to a company that is the size of yours.
3rd argument: We know what we are doing by sharing information on this forum and not starting a school that has the audacity to charge for information.
Just because you give away kitchen exhaust cleaning information for free doesn't make your information any more or less valuable than the information that we charge for.
4th argument: "Certifications mean you have the ability to clean all hood systems," and since you aren't certified by IKECA therefore you can't clean big exhaust systems.
Certification doesn't mean that at all. Certification only means that you have gained a certain amount of knowledge and theory about kitchen exhaust cleaning and you have shown how to clean hoods.
We are the only Certifying body that actually requires that our members demonstrate how to clean a hood from set-up, cleaning, to tear down. Does IKECA or PWNA actually require their certified members demonstrate how to clean a hood? NO. We DO.
You imply that we don't teach OSHA, NFPA, suppliers or chemicals. Oh, but we do. Not to mention that we provide fellowship by starting our own organization of Independent Certified Hood & Duct Cleaners Association. We provide them with a forum, much like this but more supportive, that they can talk back and forth amongst themselves.
5th argument: "She said the last guy took 7 hours and he charged $150." Sounds like this guy should have paid his $8000 and came through our ACS Master Certified Hood & Duct Cleaning Business, but since he didn't I'm sure that he will go out of business. Had he gone through our training he would have been more prepared, charged more, and no way would have taken 7 hours. Thanks for pointing out the need to be properly trained, and certified to clean kitchen exhaust systems. I appreciate it.
kmjt's- argument: ditto with above
Detroit, MI's argument: Silence can be deafening. Shut up people quickly before we help this guy anymore than we have.
I bring to the table valid arguments as to why one should be certified. I notice that you are a Certified Kitchen Exhaust Cleaner from PWNA. So you must agree that one must be certified to clean kitchen exhaust cleaners.
Funny. I AGREE WITH YOU 100% TOO. Thanks.
Jon's arguments again: I didn't like you from the first, therefore anything else that you have to say I disagree with.
I'm sorry if I have said anything in this forum that has made you not like me Jon. I'm a nice guy. I treat my customers fairly, and I have tried to treat all of your arguments fairly as well.
I'm just trying to raise the standard by which all kitchen exhaust system's are cleaned. I'm not complaining about the Joe's of the world that take business from us by underbidding and then doing shoddy work that we then have to go behind and correct it once they have gone out of business.
I am standing up to the JOE'S of the world and doing something about it.
The way I'm doing something about it is reinforcing the concept that one MUST be CERTIFIED in order to clean kithcen exhaust systems.
I'm doing this by charging for the proper information required to start a complete kitchen exhaust cleaning business instead of giving it away for free on this forum.
I can't tell you how many stories I hear on this forum, "I have a chance to pick up 50 restaurants if I could only figure out how to clean kitchen exhaust systems for free on this forum..... please help...." and then the next post is all of you wonderful experienced kitchen exhaust cleaners telling him for free how to bid, what equipment he'll need, where to get supplies, etc, etc.
Now, I realize that guys like David have a good heart, and I don't have anything against him, but having someone pay for your dinner so that you can show them for free how to clean hoods doesn't help either.
I personally don't care if you are certified by IKECA, PWNA, Phil Ackland or US. Just as long as you are.
I may be a lone voice in the wind, but I'm standing firm on this concept.