Hammerhead surface cleaner

Put a water glass on a piece of paper and trace around it with a sharpie. Move it forward 1/4 inch,to simulate pushing your surface cleaner, and trace around it again.

OK, but your theory loses credibility when you move SLOWER, or move in a non-forward motion. Remember, the bar moves in a circular motion (this means as you move in any direction, the cleaning action will be equal). The reason the edges appear to get cleaner is simply because you are moving in a straight ahead direction. If you run your surfacer without moving it, it creates a clean circle. All areas are equally clean (even though it's in a circle). It really depends on the speed and direction you move the cleaning unit. When you overlap, it will clean better on the overlapped areas.

Most people who have run a surface cleaner for awhile, will know the tricks to not leave stripes. It's a combination of proper speed for the pressure washer used, and proper overlapping technique.
Its just overlap guys, If you changed out the tips and you still havem its overlap. The SC spins in a circle. So it wont hit the outside edges more than the front and back. I have noticed that some crete will doit and some wont. If the sripes are etched in the crete its too much pressure. You will knock out the "cream" and then you got probs. dont overanalize it guys
+10 Mike I should have kept reading:lmao:
Whatever direction you move the surface cleaner, the two sides that are parallel to the direction of travel will be cleaned better. Not a theory but a fact and if you take the time draw a few circles around a glass you would see that.
And if after drawing those circles you still don't understand then no big deal. The point is that the concrete is not as clean as it can be if you are seeing stripes.
I was going to buy a Hammerhead, but was advised against it because I usually run with the heat set at 176. Anyone use one for a long time at this temp range?

I wonder if hammerhead makes a smaller enough unit for Aircraft washing like you did awhile back?
Just a little add on to the Hammerhead talk. I received one today and ran it with a 4gpm @4000psi cold water unit. It seems to work great. The 1502 factory tips are a good match with a 4gpm 4000psi machine. I could move at a nice smooth pace and had no striping. I'll see how it holds up but for now love it for the price.
I got a 16" steeleagle and a 28" hydr-tek. I got to walk slow with the 28" as I am only pushing 5.5gpm at 2800psi. Is there a vacum kit I can get for the Hydro-Tek?