Glad you liked it Ted.
Here is another true story - Signs posted at busy intersections are illegal! But, they work, or people would not leave them there!
I hit a good lick, and had some extra money left, after I paid the back rent on my weekly efficiency "apartment".
So, taking a leap of faith, I invested some money on 100 white back signs that simply said, in large bold red letters " Safe Roof Cleaning
None of this Softwash bullshit we see today, LOL
Besides, really, WTF is "Softwash", and will it work for underwear ?
My then 14 year old Son and I "hit the streets" with our message, and plastered the signs on every traffic light pole, at dam near every busy intersection in the Tampa/Brandon Florida area!
I was blessed with an athletic Son, and him and I got the signs up as high as possible, making them harder for the lazy sign Cops to remove!
We started on a Friday night, and worked all weekend, and still no calls!
So,, all stressed out and frustrated, I left for the GYM early Monday morning.
I was working Legs that day, and it takes time to properly do the heavy squats, needed for release of the growth hormone.
Sore as all hell from the hours worth of heavy ass to the floor squats, I decided I had had enough.
I went to the phone in the GYM, and called my voice mail, and this is what It said " You have 11 new messages, press one to hear your messages"
8 out of the 11 messages went like this "Hi, I saw your sign, and I would like to get a quote on having our roof cleaned"
I would have jumped for joy, but my legs were shot, from the heavy squats!
Of course, the sign Cops did call, and I played stupid, and never admitted to placing the illegal signs all over the place.
I did tell the sign Cop that I was a recovering alcoholic, and hired a commissioned salesman I met at an AA Meeting.
The sign Cop asked me for his name, and I said "His name is Skip"
LOL, then, the sign Cop demanded I tell him Skip's last name.
I told him "I don't know Skip's last name, I met him at Alcoholics Anonymous, and we never use last names".
The Sign Cop demanded I remove the signs, and I "agreed" to help him,. but I drug my feet (claimed we were very very busy), and that allowed the signs to remain up, for nearly a month!
I would rather face a phone call from some sign Cop anyday, who really ain't gonna do shit, then face eviction from the weekly efficiency apartment I lived in, way back then.
Those signs helped put Apple Roof Cleaning on the Map.