Finalized MB Round Table

Its all free, and they can read here whos coming.
The live prople will be under mod control and Screened by us while the event is going.

For the sake of it, wouldn't it be better to know who is watching the live cast? As any formal meeting, any individual should be recognized and announce their name and affiliation before being heard. I believe it is Robert's Rules of Order. Revised. I believe this RT is past a get together of good ole boy's for lunch. The money being distributed and spent should reap the benefits of all. The Vendors attending and donating their goods, should have a return of some value. One would be a list of all attendees, whether there or on the telecast? They should have an added value of what went on and where their money went? A list of names and addresses would be appropriate? Just my opinion. We appreciate Jeff, you and any others who have put so much time into making the RT what it will be. Thank you.
For the sake of it, wouldn't it be better to know who is watching the live cast? As any formal meeting, any individual should be recognized and announce their name and affiliation before being heard. I believe it is Robert's Rules of Order. Revised. I believe this RT is past a get together of good ole boy's for lunch. The money being distributed and spent should reap the benefits of all. The Vendors attending and donating their goods, should have a return of some value. One would be a list of all attendees, whether there or on the telecast? They should have an added value of what went on and where their money went? A list of names and addresses would be appropriate? Just my opinion. We appreciate Jeff, you and any others who have put so much time into making the RT what it will be. Thank you.

This time around we just want to get as many as possible.

Only verified people can view the event.
For the sake of it, wouldn't it be better to know who is watching the live cast? As any formal meeting, any individual should be recognized and announce their name and affiliation before being heard. I believe it is Robert's Rules of Order. Revised. I believe this RT is past a get together of good ole boy's for lunch. The money being distributed and spent should reap the benefits of all. The Vendors attending and donating their goods, should have a return of some value. One would be a list of all attendees, whether there or on the telecast? They should have an added value of what went on and where their money went? A list of names and addresses would be appropriate? Just my opinion. We appreciate Jeff, you and any others who have put so much time into making the RT what it will be. Thank you.

What you trying to make it tougher on me, more workLOL. There will be quite a bit of recognition for the vendors that are giving. I can't believe the generosity of the many vendors listed and not listed. Probably will offer more, Rons the vendor king, I'm just the Pretty Face of this shindig


And the many other great vendors and contractors that are contributing

YUP a little more than just the good Ole boys for sure, how the heck did that happen I don't know, but I sure am getting excited about this upcoming weekend.

Spread the word. Anyone want to meet in the Hotel Lounge Friday at 6:30pm The 1st round is on me.
What you trying to make it tougher on me, more workLOL. There will be quite a bit of recognition for the vendors that are giving. I can't believe the generosity of the many vendors listed and not listed. Probably will offer more, Rons the vendor king, I'm just the Pretty Face of this shindig


And the many other great vendors and contractors that are contributing

YUP a little more than just the good Ole boys for sure, how the heck did that happen I don't know, but I sure am getting excited about this upcoming weekend.

Spread the word. Anyone want to meet in the Hotel Lounge Friday at 6:30pm The 1st round is on me.

I might just have to make it I hope! ;)

It's either going to be me, my fiance, and my step-daughter, OR, my mother and sister might be coming along too for a little vacation, who knows? :)
I again applaud you and your team for all the work you are doing. Holding any event is time consuming. What happens at this event will affect future events. Having the proper Thank You's and Welcomes in place are as important as the event. Making sure identification and reciprocal benefits for all in attendence and on line will make everyone prosper. We are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend. Thank you
I again applaud you and your team for all the work you are doing. Holding any event is time consuming. What happens at this event will affect future events. Having the proper Thank You's and Welcomes in place are as important as the event. Making sure identification and reciprocal benefits for all in attendence and on line will make everyone prosper. We are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend. Thank you

I understand Terry and totally agree, Rons pretty savey on that stuff. See ya soon

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I again applaud you and your team for all the work you are doing. Holding any event is time consuming. What happens at this event will affect future events. Having the proper Thank You's and Welcomes in place are as important as the event. Making sure identification and reciprocal benefits for all in attendence and on line will make everyone prosper. We are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend. Thank you

Jeffs working very hard to get things done, i unfortunatly have the job of mispselling names on bagdes and things.
Jeffs working very hard to get things done, i unfortunatly have the job of mispselling names on bagdes and things.

Bagdes? We don't need no stinkiing bagdes!!

Oh and I'd like to donate bail money for the second guy arrested,,,I'll need a ride back to the motel....:D :eek:

Anybody coming if you get here and have any questions, problems, need directions etc give me a call 843-446-5931

If you are flying in or even driving just tell anyone that you need to be at the Holiday Inn near Hard Rock Park at the waterway

See ya soon
And that is why I am not coming. I could not stand the embarassment of Ron not spelling my name correctly.
And that is why I am not coming. I could not stand the embarassment of Ron not spelling my name correctly.

LOL HA HA ha, The nice thing about this is they spelled there own names.

We called on some obvious ones spelled wrong. Yes they were spelled wrong.

I suppose people dont think about what goes into the events.

I know Jeff is probably busy between starting to meet folks and being a good host.