Finalized MB Round Table

I got 90 Shirts, long sleve 100 Gliden and short sleve.

If guys need 3X they better leave me a message. I only have a few left, I will print more but gotta know by thurs.

JL will be on half the shirts on the front pocket, there was not enough room for both. So I split the order Jeff.

I was going to put condo KING on them, someone changed my mind. i should have...
I got 90 Shirts, long sleve 100 Gliden and short sleve.

If guys need 3X they better leave me a message. I only have a few left, I will print more but gotta know by thurs.

JL will be on half the shirts on the front pocket, there was not enough room for both. So I split the order Jeff.

I was going to put condo KING on them, someone changed my mind. i should have...

Hey Ron, what ever doesnt matter to me brother on placement or half & half. Do I get a shirt.

UUMMMMMM The Round Table is in South Carolina, not Fla or GA LOL
I wish I could make it, not going to be able to this time. Are there any plans for the next one?
Just a quick note Ron/Jeff ~ UAMCC is all caps these days lol. Also, :D My company name is New Look Powerwash

Transition Team is ~

Michael K
Scott M
Terry M
Carlos G

Scott S won't be making this trip!

Thanks ~ getting excited!!

He can watch it LIVE!!!!
LOL...;) I hear you Ron.....

See you in a few days!!

Tell everyone, i hope you annouced that on Uamcc BBS?

Everyone will be watching the event. We have about 100 VIP's scheduled to watch.

they need to request the VIP , Scott and Jason can get them the invite.
I believe the live video feed, should also provide for: The names and contact info of all those in attendence by video. The questions pre empted for possible information collection of those who might answer their question. Each must be identified and available for all in attendence. Also is there any fees the video folks needs to be aware of? The cost or proifits should be available for all. Thank You.
Ill be famous! ;)

Can't wait, im even getting a dozen extra of our company t-shirts so I don't run out, haha (most of the ones I have are work shirts/dirty). I was even thinking about asking to donate some, but who in the world would wanna wear our company shirts ya know? ;)

Got a question though, do they have free wireless internet in the hotel rooms?