Paul Kassander
New member
Yes it is just some foam... Wouldn't be the first time I washed in the snow though.
I love that Video! Still. I've only seen it 50 times
can properly diluted hf clean stainless as well? is there a product that can treat both well.
and to all of you posting looking for info, the search function works well and will gives you plenty of info. personally i post and read and compare the answers that ive found with the ones you handed to me. if you are going to post something on a public forum you need to expect all kinds of responses. if you get something you dont like, ignore it. its not the end of the world. remember that you are begging for advice. how would you be treated if you were out on the streets begging for change?
to those that have been around here, i know this is your forum and i respect that as a newbie. when you were in highschool, all of the info you need is in the book. but you would never get anywhere without a teacher. but really, if someone posts the same question that you've answered over and over again, could you just ignore it instead of telling someone to search? in their defense, if you dont have the right keywords, search function is useless. if you do have the right keywords there could be thousands of threads to go through, 50% of them useless, 25% end in someone saying use the search function, with just the last 25% being solid gold info. trying to get to that gold when you have a job lined up that week with a limited amount of time to order product can really make things tough.
can properly diluted hf clean stainless as well? is there a product that can treat both well.
I'm confused, profile says Maine ?
Ron Musgraves text me for
questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing
Well said Tim W. I'm a newbie who's been reading this forum and others for a few weeks. I have yet to post a question, as the search function has been invaluable in finding lots of great content. However, when I do begin to ask questions and get more involved in this forum, I would expect "professional" responses from "professional" people.
Brad has some real good alum brightener the problem you have is the shipping expense so you will have to check with him on that. I know the more you buy the better it works out. It may be worth the investment though it goes a lot further than the cheap stuff from the auto parts store and the results are better too. I tried some of his alum bright followed by my Strike Force this past weekend on these trailers that have not been cleaned since he got them and I was pleased with the performance of his product.
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