For professional results you need professional products, the stuff at car quest is for homeowners mostly.
There are many different vendors on this site that sell professional grade chemicals, a couple have posted in this thread and there are others.
Don't give up so quickly on the search box, there are many, many threads on what you are looking for, will look for and things you don't have any idea or interest about but all will help you in many different ways.
Too many times someone will come on the site, will say that they have searched and did not find much if anything. When we put words into the search box and click it, there are pages of threads that show up. One of the biggest problems is that people are too lazy these days to read and learn, they want to be spoon-fed like a baby so sometimes they might get treated like a baby instead of an adult. What is tolerated here on this site would get you kicked off most if not all other sites out there.
After people ask the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, people get tired of answering the same old questions by each new person to the site thus referring them to the search box where they will find all kinds of info, info that has accumulated over 10 years of people talking about all kinds of surfaces to clean, chemicals to use, equipment, etc.....Nothing personal, people just don't sit on this site 24/7 waiting to answer questions, most of us are out working all different hours of the day and visit here when we have time.
Nothing wrong with asking questions but don't be helpless like a child, use the search box, use different words to get different results on the many, many different forums here and don't say you could not find anything as there are days and days and weeks and weeks of info to read if you even bother to try using the search box. We will know if you even bothered, like some say they did but they did not try much.
Yeah, we all don't have a lot of time, we all don't have a lot of money, we all did not start out with a lot the best equipment but we at least tried to find the answers before asking for help in most situations, not just say give me, give me, give me after saying we could not find anything with the search box. Before I even started my own business, I read older threads and posts for about 3 months before buying my own first rig (I had worked for different companies before starting my own) so there are very few excuses we will listen to or even believe when we all have found results with the search box. Hope this does not sound too harsh (it really is not that harsh but there will be some that cry about it because they want to be spoon-fed and have their diapers changed for them as they try to order people about and demand answers that are out there with the search box) and it is not too harsh for the weakly out there, just reality for those that can understand.