Chris WCR
Oh Jeez heres the big mystery folks and what Tony is getting at. There is a man over at my forum named Phil Alexander. In the past 6 years of running the forum, I kid you not I have had to delete over 3,000 spam posts of his and deactivate over 11 new accounts he started up. Eventually he ran out of email address and realized that with our FB posting hack he could post all day and we could not ban him (its a little glitch in our module)
I begged and pleaded with Phil for years to stop posting, to stop spamming our forum and each and every time he swore he would. But Phil has no self control and simply could not stop himself from posting and spamming and link bombing. He really needs to be medicated but refuses to stay on his meds.
What you also need to understand is Phil is a vendor and well known for his ridiculous behavior he has been banned from every legitimate window cleaning forum and group for just this type of behavior. You have great business battles Duncan Donuts VS Starbucks, Coke VS Pepsi etc.. If we were in the soda business Phil would be RC Cola. Phil hates pepsi and does nothing but slander, bad mouth and accuse.
So eventually after hours and days of my life have been wasted deleting Phils posts, I told him the next time he posts I would be altering his avatar to be a competitors advertisement. He literally with in 30 minutes posted again a spam link.
So I went ahead and changed his avatar, and what you ya know it worked. Its been 60 days and he hasn't spammed once. So now if he does decide to break his word and our forum rules and post again he will be advertising his most hated competitors product.
You can see that avatar here:
Pretty brilliant if you ask me, I only wish I had thought of it years ago.. I would have days of my life back that I have wasted moderating this lunatic to no end.
I begged and pleaded with Phil for years to stop posting, to stop spamming our forum and each and every time he swore he would. But Phil has no self control and simply could not stop himself from posting and spamming and link bombing. He really needs to be medicated but refuses to stay on his meds.
What you also need to understand is Phil is a vendor and well known for his ridiculous behavior he has been banned from every legitimate window cleaning forum and group for just this type of behavior. You have great business battles Duncan Donuts VS Starbucks, Coke VS Pepsi etc.. If we were in the soda business Phil would be RC Cola. Phil hates pepsi and does nothing but slander, bad mouth and accuse.
So eventually after hours and days of my life have been wasted deleting Phils posts, I told him the next time he posts I would be altering his avatar to be a competitors advertisement. He literally with in 30 minutes posted again a spam link.
So I went ahead and changed his avatar, and what you ya know it worked. Its been 60 days and he hasn't spammed once. So now if he does decide to break his word and our forum rules and post again he will be advertising his most hated competitors product.
You can see that avatar here:
Pretty brilliant if you ask me, I only wish I had thought of it years ago.. I would have days of my life back that I have wasted moderating this lunatic to no end.