Robert Hinderliter
Hall of Fame Member
I think this here says a lot about Powerwashing in general. A simple berm can be enough which has been stated here many times by different people.
The whole argument in here is "Are you protected if you get stopped by a code enforcer" at the place your Powerwashing at. What the least you should do to CYOA..
This says alot-----
The most common method of compliance with the CWA is to prevent process wastewater discharges to waters of the United States.* If your discharge does not reach waters of the United States, then there are no requirements under the CWA.* Examples of compliance without a discharge are vacuuming up the process wastewater or berming the process water and allowing it to evaporate.* An additional method of compliance is to discharge the water to an NPDES permitted sanitary sewer system (the municipality may have additional pretreatment requirements before accepting your discharge).* The most common form of non-compliance is to discharge the process water into a storm sewer system or into a city street that drains to a storm water inlet.* Most storm drainage systems in Region 6 discharge directly to waters of the United States without treatment, which means anything that discharges into a storm drain is the same as putting it directly into the waterbody receiving the storm drain discharge.*
I believe that is from EPA Region 6, it took a lot of work to get that posted.