Alright I’m sorry, but it’s time that I step up and say something. This I fully believe will improve this site 10 fold. Now I’m not going to get in detail about this, but the biggest problem I have with this site and why you haven’t seen much activity from me is the auguring on here is absolutely childish. I’m here seeking PROFESSIONALS to get PROFESSIONAL opinions. Not to hear two grown ass men bicker like little school kids.
I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and each of us has a unique way of doing things. Doesn’t mean one is wrong and the other is right. It’s what makes us unique. At least have the respect for this industry not to fight with each-other in a public forum. We are all here to learn from each-other. If there’s going to be some argument there are private places to take that to, like the phone or email.
Hopefully I didn’t ruffle any feathers, and if I did I apologize, but I felt it needed to be said.