Enough of the fighting

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Even when it's in front of your face you still can't admit that you were wrong. That to me is just sad and shows me exactly what kind of moderators have been placed here.

And Ron the fact that you say nothing when you know darn well what I say is true, is just disappointing.

I'm lost, have a good day.

I hardly see how anyone would want to help you
You really should just quit while your behind. If anyone is reading this then they can pretty much determine that they might think long and hard before they help you out. Stop trying to get appologies and just start being a positive contributor. Your skin might be a little thin to be on this bbs, so i would suggest you try the softwashsystems board as it might be more your style. Try putting yourself in these guys shoes and think how you would react if someone like you were questioning their positions and humality like your are.

This is just my opinion from an outsiders view.
If you are just here to get respect, apologies, stir-up crap, change the path of the BBS, make insinuations about 'staff' paying for their 'positions', make sweeping accusations about the 'kind of moderators placed here' - please feel free to 'Foxtrot Oscar'.

If you want to contribute and ask questions, cut the crap and get on with it.
You really should just quit while your behind. If anyone is reading this then they can pretty much determine that they might think long and hard before they help you out. Stop trying to get appologies and just start being a positive contributor. Your skin might be a little thin to be on this bbs, so i would suggest you try the softwashsystems board as it might be more your style. Try putting yourself in these guys shoes and think how you would react if someone like you were questioning their positions and humality like your are.

This is just my opinion from an outsiders view.

There's a great idea, Ac Lockyer is a vary pro positive place. Great atmosphere for new and old guys looking for direction.

Pwi just isn't always rosy

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Wheres the LIKE BUTTON? I wish someone would get one, why doesn't this place have a like button. Someone get off there azz and get this done.

We are too lazy wondering how we are going to keep you placated.
Kris I have no idea what you are trying to do other than get banned to make your point. I do some moderating on other boards and I can tell you that you have to discuss your differences with moderators privately not openly. In fact in most cases you would have been banned on them already. Don't let your ego deprive you of the great info and resources you could have here.
I'm still all about the group hug. Maybe we can all sing kumbaya while we are hugging.
Something about a bunch of power washing contractors hugging is something particularly disturbing to me.
I think it might be that we are undergrads, therefore we are not professionals. I have less than 35 post so I must not have anything to offer this forum. I have been in the biz since 1991 part time. I have an excellent job and enjoy installing hood systems, fire suppression systems, and cleaning hoods as a side gig. I do more reading than posting, but there is a problem here. I feel that theres to much of a power struggle and Negitivity, Kristopher is correct and I believe that most of us are grown men so act like it. I too feel like this is an excellent site with a lot of good information. I also like the format, I would consider myself a professional and I probably know the codes better that most of the people on this site. I don't have 50000 post but I am still a professional.
It has nothing to do with being undergrads. It has more to do with being the new guys. There are a lot of guys that have come on here and portrayed themselves as being something they are not. There is a guy local to me that was always talking about how many garages he cleaned, how busy he was, etc. Well, now his business is for sale. His highest gross for the past 4 years, all the years he has been in business is $140k. His net was $34k. He also claims that he cleans lots of parking garages, and at a very high rate. I am sorry, but with that revenue it isn't possible. Because of reasons like this, we, as a group, are highly suspect of new guys trying to portray themselves as being busy, or experts. I could give you at least 2 or 3 dozen others that have done the same thing.

Been missing here for a couple of days. One reason being personal, and the other is just having mixed feeling. Now I'm not ready to go all out in details, but given the recent events I feel now that I can no longer express myself freely for the fear of being banned from this forum. Even now I'm finding myself re-thinking and making sure that I'm not going to step on any toes.

So here is my question put bluntly because I can't put it any other way.

Do I,
A) Give my American god given right to speak as FREE man, and speak how I feel and what my true opinion is?
or B) Just sit back and say nothing and just let "it" slide?

Kind of sad that I have to even ask.
You absolutely have the right to speak freely on this forum. That cannot be said about other forums. When you engage in personal attacks, or do silly things like reposting an attack that has been removed by a mod or admin, you are probably going to find that the tolerance is going to be very low.

I have stay out of the most controversial thread on this site because I just didn't feel totally qualified to chime in. In my area of the country enforcement is not a big deal YET. I know it's coming. This thread however....... When Kristopher started it I was in complete agreement. Yes he's new to the industry. I am too I've only got 6 or so years in total between 2 businesses. As this played out I felt he was getting bullied and I almost jumped in to help him. I'm glad I stayed out. Kristopher you have the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to your own opinion. We all do. You will NEVER be banned here except for the reasons stated. I am learning everyday from the folks here. Their knowledge is priceless. PLEASE take some time to get to know them. Yes a couple like to stir the pot a bit. It's what happens in the grown-up world. Live with it, ignore them when they do. They are still the best resource you will ever find when you have a problem. You really don't want to alienate some of the people who could be the very ones that will help pull your a$$ out of the fire when you need them. And only having 3 or 4 months experience you will need them. I have spent time on the phone with several of these guys and I will tell you here and now they are the the best. They have saved me time and money many times. Sit back take a deep breath and start over. A week from now this will be something to laugh about. One last thing, my mom (God rest her soul) used to tell me "Never get in a pi$$ing match with a skunk. Even if you win you're gonna lose."

You have to remember that a lot of the guys on these forums have been powerwashing for a very long time. I have been in business for 24 years, and I know Ron has been in business longer then I have. Just because of that, we have a lot of knowledge to share, and amazingly, we are the least biased forum on the internet, for power washing contractors. We are not beholden to a distributor who is paying the freight, or a contractor that is being sponsored, that will have a bias, either consciously or unconsciously, for those paying the bills. But there is one huge advantage on this forum, over any other. We have a wealth of knowledge, and honestly, I don't think that there is a single experienced contractor on these forums that doesn't pick up the phone to talk and help you through the problems. I would even bet that most of us call back if you leave a message, and can give you valid, problem solving information, to make your business better.

One more thing, this isn't about respect. The fact of the matter is that I do respect a lot of these veterans and some of them have been extremely helpful to me. And I am grateful for that. My intention was never to make enemies, but when Russ bit me with his post, I bit back. I only spoke to him as I felt he spoke to me. When he actually speaks to me respectfully then I will be more then glad to return the favor.

My concern was that I feel (even still) that if I disagree with "The people in charge" that it will lead to me being banned. Proof of that has already been stated by Tony himself.

I cannot think of a single person on these forums that has been banned for disagreeing. We all actually have a pretty thick skin, and are not easily offended. Where you will run into problems is continually bringing up dead bones, or posting things without valid content, trying to make yourself look better. From time to time, someone might get banned for being a jerk. I have also been known to ban people to protect themselves. Some have even asked for a ban, been unbanned because they tried to play like they had been banned unfairly, been banned again because they carried on the charge, unbanned because they said they weren't given a fair shake, and then finally banned for continually bringing drama. I would say that I had been pretty fair to them, and tried to work with them. But I get accused of having a vendetta, because of the multiple bans. Sometimes, we just don't need the drama.

Once again,,,, I call for a group hug!

Maybe you could go find someone in San Francisco to hug? The prospect still scars me. (that was intentional, btw)

You are too funny Larry! hahahahaha

That star has never been the same. hahahahaha
It gives me a whole new appreciation for the Cowboys cheer leaders.
Hmmm, so I got a message this morning from a power washer guy and I won't go into detail as to what that message entailed, After having an entire day to think about the message I received I realized that there is no winning this battle or any battle as long I am viewed as a newb. Even a mutual understanding can not be reached. With that said I'm just going to step back and keep my mouth shut.... for now.

Ron I am new to this industry, but I have vary other expertise. Just some food for thought. I know you've said plenty of times that the PWI is everyone's site and you don't own it. And that is very true, not disagreeing with that at all. But your very http code says at the very beginning of each and every forum www.propowerwash.com. You may not be the only moderate and after doing a little research on V-bulletins you would of had to put some money forward to pay for this forum, quite a bit I might add, and extremely generous. My point is that regardless of the moderators and the administrators put in place here you and your company are the sole owner. Even if the other moderators are paying a monthly or annual fee, V-bulletins is still sending you or your company the bill. Thusly in the end it is yours. I have no problem with that and I personally thank you. Besides some of the fighting here I've enjoyed most conversations. Now to my main point as to why I bring all of that up. Take a long look as to what this site does for the entire industry what it contributes. To me it could contribute a lot but it is too divided because oldies want the respect and newbs want to be treated like equals. You will find that if the oldies treat the newbs like equals they will get the respect they have earned. And they do deserve that respect... you deserve that respect Ron. But if there is this constant split between the 2 this industry may not last. We need the oldies to teach the newbs, and we need the newbs to keep this industry alive. Again just some food for thought.

I am done with all of my ranting and so for now I will just keep away from the fighting and try not to get heated in the moment.

There is never a winner in an argument, it is just a matter of how badly you lose. I can fight with my wife all day long, but in the end, I know that even if I win, my life is going to be miserable. It is a matter of stating your opinion, and restating it if you think something was unclear, and hoping that at least your perspective is understood. The biggest problem is people that have no perspective, but want to agitate for various reasons. Then it begins to be a problem.

Also I asked Christopher here for an apology for accusing me of wrong doings with-out any proof. Ron you know that your site has been going under maintenance and even yesterday I even text you asking if you knew your site was down. Even earlier today the site was down. Even some of your pages say "This page is currently under construction but frequently being updated. Visit us again soon!"
I will say this again I did not duplicate my post on purpose I hit the "Post Quick Reply" button and it took me to a blank white page and on the top left corner it stated "server error" I hit the back button tried it several times only getting the same result. I ended up leaving the site to go and do other stuff and came back later and re-wrote what I had up and posted that when I posted the last one they all showed up. I have specifically told Christopher that it was not intentional, yet still he accuses me of something I purposely did not do. I absolutely deserve an apology from him for accusing me with-out any proof or even speaking to me about it to see if it was a server error. And I want that apology.

Yep, stuff happens. Remember that perspective thing? Guess what? Chris' has a different view then you. Our experience has shown that many people that post multiple times like you evidently did are trying to be jerks. Then they claim abuse. It has happened before.

1. Quit with the pm's to me crying that you want and deserve an apology, you don't deserve anything for acting like a child here.

2. You can say what you want but the system will not make up many duplicate posts over and over without you hitting the buttons first, that is obvious. I and many others have posted twice on accident, it happens but not what you did, just man up to the fact and move on, if you are able, if not, then O Well.

3. Whining in almost all of your threads is not painting a manly picture of you at all, just FYI, it is painting a picture of someone that is a constant complainer and someone that wants his way or he will have a hissy-fit until he gets the attention he wants or he will post and post until he feels better. Just saying.
Whining never helps anyone. Sometimes you got to suck it up and say sorry you feel that way, or that you saw it that way, and move on.
Scott Stone you have posted the best response so far. Thank you.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using TapaTalk

Every once in a while I say something intelligible. Don't give up my secret, though.

Firstly, there is no mutual understanding to be had and there was no need for a battle.

With your proclamation that you are done... 'for now', gives me the impression that you will continue with your quest to have everyone fall in line with your idea on how they should conduct themselves and how the board should be run.

Instead of us waiting with baited breath for your next round of wise words, or tidbits of your thoughts followed by 'I won't go into detail', 'I'll get to that later', etc., how about you contribute or participate positively. With your other expertise, I am sure you have something positive to offer.
Good luck with getting everyone to fall in line. I cannot think of a single person that has worked out for, whether it be Lance Winslow, Don Phelps, John Tornabene or Robert Hinderliter. We are a fiercely independent bunch, and many of us are in business because we don't play well with others, or are not willing to roll over and take the things others are giving us.

Kristopher Pettitt

Its very clear someone has been in your ear, to bad because these people if you look back now only offered you a distorted vision of what we do here. I can tell by your posts, maybe you should call them and ask them if they will stop by to help you?

I'm done with the entire Topic
You really got to be careful who you talk to. There are a lot of people that hate Ron, and have no idea why, except because he is loud and outspoken. You will notice that Ron and I are in the same market. Both of us have a business of a decent size, and even have free time to wander around and have a good time. I even have time to get on the internet from time to time, though, not nearly the time others do. You will notice that I throw barbs and pick on Ron frequently. We are friends, and competitors. If I stole an account of Ron's, I would likely call him up and ask him about it, and he would tell me all the ins and outs of that particular job. If Ron stole one of my accounts, he would be able to do the same. I have proved it, and it works. Some people call it the weirdest thing ever. It still works.

If you are just here to get respect, apologies, stir-up crap, change the path of the BBS, make insinuations about 'staff' paying for their 'positions', make sweeping accusations about the 'kind of moderators placed here' - please feel free to 'Foxtrot Oscar'.

If you want to contribute and ask questions, cut the crap and get on with it.
Rely on the knowledge and get a feel for the temperment of the BBS. You will notice that a lot of the contractors on this forum are friends. I will bet you that you would be surprised at how many of these contractors have talked this week, and even more surprised at how many have the home phone numbers of someone else, because they are friends. No one calls Steven, but that is only because we don't understand him. He is from Scotland, and speaks some kind of weird foreign language. Not like Sean Connery at all.

So what yor basically saying steven is that it's okay that christopher wrongly accused me of something I did not purposely do? So moderators are above the law. Got it. Thanx for the clarification.

It is not okay for Chris to wrongly accuse, but it is okay for him to state an opinion based on experience. It is also okay for him to be wrong, and to make a mistake. He can even acknowledge it if he so chooses. If I banned or removed every person that ever made a mistake on this board as moderators, it would be awfully quiet, and I would get tired of talking to myself, as I sat in my padded room wondering why I banned or removed myself.
You really should just quit while your behind. If anyone is reading this then they can pretty much determine that they might think long and hard before they help you out. Stop trying to get appologies and just start being a positive contributor. Your skin might be a little thin to be on this bbs, so i would suggest you try the softwashsystems board as it might be more your style. Try putting yourself in these guys shoes and think how you would react if someone like you were questioning their positions and humality like your are.

This is just my opinion from an outsiders view.

A+ Michael
You really should just quit while your behind. If anyone is reading this then they can pretty much determine that they might think long and hard before they help you out. Stop trying to get appologies and just start being a positive contributor. Your skin might be a little thin to be on this bbs, so i would suggest you try the softwashsystems board as it might be more your style. Try putting yourself in these guys shoes and think how you would react if someone like you were questioning their positions and humality like your are.

This is just my opinion from an outsiders view.
Kristopher, Michael is wrong and so are the rest of the guys. Keep up the good fight because this has made some great bathroom material for the iPad. Its almost like a social experiment.
I cannot think of a single person on these forums that has been banned for disagreeing. We all actually have a pretty thick skin, and are not easily offended. Where you will run into problems is continually bringing up dead bones, or posting things without valid content, trying to make yourself look better. From time to time, someone might get banned for being a jerk. I have also been known to ban people to protect themselves. Some have even asked for a ban, been unbanned because they tried to play like they had been banned unfairly, been banned again because they carried on the charge, unbanned because they said they weren't given a fair shake, and then finally banned for continually bringing drama. I would say that I had been pretty fair to them, and tried to work with them. But I get accused of having a vendetta, because of the multiple bans. Sometimes, we just don't need the drama.

That was a great post there needing the LIKE button! This is a very forgiving BBS when it comes to the mods so anybody who gets banned pushed whatever it was way too long!

Wheres the LIKE BUTTON? I wish someone would get one, why doesn't this place have a like button. Someone get off there azz and get this done.

I like the like button and if it posted a link to facebook it would also bring more traffic to the PWI?

It really doesn't matter who owns PWI BTW. Cause I think it's the members who make any BBS for what it is.Without the contributions info, pics etc from the members there wouldn't be a PWI or any BBS who allows us to discuss our buisness IE:tips,tricks,equipment fixes etc. So whoever if paying the cost for the PWI to allow us to post pics of our work that we posibally get leads/$$ from we should be more greatful to. So thanks Mr.owner...

I always like the threads here lots of smart guys who have some very entertaining threads but we need more wood talk here tho!!
So what yor basically saying steven is that it's okay that christopher wrongly accused me of something I did not purposely do? So moderators are above the law. Got it. Thanx for the clarification.

That was cool Nick! hahahahaha
So what yor basically saying steven is that it's okay that christopher wrongly accused me of something I did not purposely do? So moderators are above the law. Got it. Thanx for the clarification.

I could care less about what Chris accused you of - it has absolutely no bearing on your manner and demeanor here. So no, I am not 'basically' saying anything, I am clearly suggesting that you contribute something positive and quit whining. You can try to read between the lines, but it's plain as day.

Have a nice weekend.
Also I asked Christopher here for an apology for accusing me of wrong doings with-out any proof. Ron you know that your site has been going under maintenance and even yesterday I even text you asking if you knew your site was down. Even earlier today the site was down. Even some of your pages say "This page is currently under construction but frequently being updated. Visit us again soon!"
I will say this again I did not duplicate my post on purpose I hit the "Post Quick Reply" button and it took me to a blank white page and on the top left corner it stated "server error" I hit the back button tried it several times only getting the same result.

Brian is a jerk...I had to get a shot in, as well.
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