Enough of the fighting

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Sorry, had a busy day and was out.

First, thank you to those that actually got what my message was intended for. But with so many of you not understanding what I was attempting to say then perhaps the fault is in my wording. So, I’ll try this again.

What I mean by in-fighting; I mean putting someone either by name calling or even putting their own company on blast. I have seen several examples of this on Youtube as well, but that’s a-whole-nother subject.

Now I am all for debates as long as each-others opinions are respected. Respected, not agreed. I will not agree with what everyone says here, but I will respect your opinion on whatever matter we are discussing.

My point is that there’s a huge difference between in-fighting and debates. And perhaps you’re right Doug I do choose what I click on and what I do not click on. I also choose what to read and what not to read. But in order for me fully understand what the conversation is about I have to sift through some of the bullshit. Is it worth it at times? Yes, but I would prefer not to have to and get to the root of the topic being discussed.
What is it that I expect from bringing up this subject? Nothing really. People are going to say what they want and that’s just who they are, and I’m not here to change that or to even tell anyone how to act or behave. I’ve got two little toddlers that I can tell how to act and behave. I guess it would be nice to read a debate and not see it escalate into something it was never intended for. Which I have seen debates be very nice and be a respectful debate, while other steer an ugly direction.

I can only hope that my intended message can be truly seen now.
Kris, hang in there brotha.

i believe that 50% of the people on this boad do not know the exact nature of what is going on in that thread, though I have a good idea i will included myself in that 50%. from what i have been reading it is seriouse buisness. certain individuals know alot more than us and are heated. good for them, shows commitment
I'm still all about the group hug. Maybe we can all sing kumbaya while we are hugging.
Kris, hang in there brotha.

i believe that 50% of the people on this boad do not know the exact nature of what is going on in that thread, though I have a good idea i will included myself in that 50%. from what i have been reading it is seriouse buisness. certain individuals know alot more than us and are heated. good for them, shows commitment

Steven, I think that number is a lot higher, like 70% to 80% as most of the members don't get into the heated discussions and debates and just watch from the sidelines if at all.

It is a shame that not more participate but some don't like to be in the spotlight, some don't like confrontation, some don't like the threads that go in many directions due to distraction (either accident or on purpose), some don't like seeing the truth that is presented and are afraid of what the future can bring with the wrong people dealing with officials and EPA, some don't like to read when there is a lot of arguing, etc.....lots of reasons I have been told of why some of the members don't like to participate.

I wish more would participate, thus my idea of posting anonymously through pm's to the moderators so that their posts can be kept in a safe place and posted without their names attached so that their post can be seen and verified if needed. There needs to be more voices out there that speak up so that the industry can be united and eventually heard in the right arena with the true message of what our industry needs and wants, not what a few think is good for everyone else. The more voices heard the better.
That was Pretty Funny post...
My bad, I looked at your profile on Tapatalk and thought it said you joined on 12NOV05, but it is 05NOV12.

That explains a lot.

You are just unaware of what has been going on here for the past 5+ years with Jim and the past 20 with Robert.

This isn't about agreeing on the best pump to wash a house or the best brand of surface cleaner tips to use. We are facing drastic restrictions to our ability to make a living doing this line of work if we don't act soon.

I use humor and sarcasm to try to keep the conversation light at times and sometimes I come across strong.

Your stepping in here at this point and throwing accusations around is like walking up on a rape just when the woman gets the upper hand and belting her with a bat because you saw her on top of the rapist.

Stick around, look through some older threads and learn something.

When you get in trouble with the local authorities and can't wash anymore some of these "bickerers and fighters" will come to your city and help you get back to washing again. And we won't even ask you to stoop to our level. lol.
Nice presidential Post Doug
Kristopher, Imagine if you will, walking into a very large meeting room in your local community with many of your neighbors, friends, co workers, family etc to discuss topics that either have or can adversely affect how you live your life in your own community. This meeting room is organized in a way where several meetings are going on, each meeting with a sign indicating to you what each meeting topic is about. There is no time limit on the meeting, the meeting will not be over till EVERYONE has had their say. Even after one seems like it is over you can come back days and years later and add something, and also get caught up on what anyone else has said. You can pick and choose which meetings you want to attend as well as your level of involvement. You are free to roam and pop in on any meeting that you choose, and the way the meetings are set up, you will not miss a single word, whether you were there or not. If you like the meeting and have something to share, you are free to do that, the only rule is that you can not attack someone on a personal level. If you do, you will be warned not to do it again. If you can not keep from doing it again, you may be asked to leave, but the people that manage the meeting are strongly encouraged to allow people to speak their mind on the ISSUES of the subject of each meeting. When and if a meeting seems to get out of hand, then one of these managers will stand up and make a public announcement or may pull you aside privately and discuss with you how some of your comments may be out of line. But in any case, great leniency is given so that EVERYONE, no matter their status is given an opportunity to speak their mind. Agreeing with individual speakers is not a requirement nor is it even encouraged. The great thing about how this meeting is set up is that you can pick and choose which meetings and subjects that you want to hear and or participate in, as well as pop back in on any meeting that was held in years past, replay everything that was said, and comment if you choose. If there was a meeting that you attended and you did not like the way it was presented, some of the commentators, OR some of the Comments, you never have to return to that meeting again.

The above is what PWI is all about.

Now, imagine this, As you walk into that room, you are handed a piece of paper that has a list of rules of what you can say and what you cannot say, who you can say something about, and people that you can not say anything about. Topics and subjects that you can and can not discuss are on the list as well. People that are supporters of the meeting, the ones that donated the money to hold the meeting, are off limits. NO ONE can say anything negatively about them in any way, whether what they say is true or false, you must not disagree with them and in fact it is preferred that you say nothing but nice things about them, if your opinion does not align with there's, then you will be removed from the meeting and never allowed back in with no warning whatsoever. (You may or may or not even realize what you said, AND what you said may be 100% truthful, BUT because it offended someone, you get removed, never to be seen again.) You are constantly looking at your piece of paper with rules on it to see if what you are about to say is allowed, and just then your given another list of rules, and now your so confused your not sure what you can say or not say. The only thing that is in common with the meeting above is that you can pick and choose what meetings to attend and participate in.

The above are what some other BBS are about.

Here is the most important thing to remember: The most important thing to remember is never take anything that someone else says about you, whether positive or negative to serious. If someone criticizes you, find the truth in it, if there is any, deal with it, and throw the rest out.

Second thing is, don’t confuse disagreement with drama. Remember, if we all agreed on everything, we’d only need one of us. There are certain subjects that will be brought up that cause passionate debate, disagreement, and conversation. We all have a choice to participate or not, simply by choosing to click or not click.
Larry........Wrong BBS....that's the other one.

I'm all about speading the Love no matter where I post Guy. If I had posted it on " That other BB " I would have recommended more than just hugging and singing kumbaya. Hahaha!
I'm still all about the group hug. Maybe we can all sing kumbaya while we are hugging.

Ok Larry. But this time I am not going to turn around and let you hug me from behind. I don't care if it's a Florida tradition or not, it's just wierd. Lol.

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I think it might be that we are undergrads, therefore we are not professionals. I have less than 35 post so I must not have anything to offer this forum. I have been in the biz since 1991 part time. I have an excellent job and enjoy installing hood systems, fire suppression systems, and cleaning hoods as a side gig. I do more reading than posting, but there is a problem here. I feel that theres to much of a power struggle and Negitivity, Kristopher is correct and I believe that most of us are grown men so act like it. I too feel like this is an excellent site with a lot of good information. I also like the format, I would consider myself a professional and I probably know the codes better that most of the people on this site. I don't have 50000 post but I am still a professional.
Good thoughts Bell
I think it might be that we are undergrads, therefore we are not professionals. I have less than 35 post so I must not have anything to offer this forum. I have been in the biz since 1991 part time. I have an excellent job and enjoy installing hood systems, fire suppression systems, and cleaning hoods as a side gig. I do more reading than posting, but there is a problem here. I feel that theres to much of a power struggle and Negitivity, Kristopher is correct and I believe that most of us are grown men so act like it. I too feel like this is an excellent site with a lot of good information. I also like the format, I would consider myself a professional and I probably know the codes better that most of the people on this site. I don't have 50000 post but I am still a professional.
Been missing here for a couple of days. One reason being personal, and the other is just having mixed feeling. Now I'm not ready to go all out in details, but given the recent events I feel now that I can no longer express myself freely for the fear of being banned from this forum. Even now I'm finding myself re-thinking and making sure that I'm not going to step on any toes.

So here is my question put bluntly because I can't put it any other way.

Do I,
A) Give my American god given right to speak as FREE man, and speak how I feel and what my true opinion is?
or B) Just sit back and say nothing and just let "it" slide?

Kind of sad that I have to even ask.
Been missing here for a couple of days. One reason being personal, and the other is just having mixed feeling. Now I'm not ready to go all out in details, but given the recent events I feel now that I can no longer express myself freely for the fear of being banned from this forum. Even now I'm finding myself re-thinking and making sure that I'm not going to step on any toes.

So here is my question put bluntly because I can't put it any other way.

Do I,
A) Give my American god given right to speak as FREE man, and speak how I feel and what my true opinion is?
or B) Just sit back and say nothing and just let "it" slide?

Kind of sad that I have to even ask.

You have the absolute God given right to speak your mind.

And you have the right to be wrong.

You're not likely to be banned for speaking your mind, just don't get all panty bunched when you find yourself alone on a position.
Been missing here for a couple of days. One reason being personal, and the other is just having mixed feeling. Now I'm not ready to go all out in details, but given the recent events I feel now that I can no longer express myself freely for the fear of being banned from this forum. Even now I'm finding myself re-thinking and making sure that I'm not going to step on any toes.

So here is my question put bluntly because I can't put it any other way.

Do I,
A) Give my American god given right to speak as FREE man, and speak how I feel and what my true opinion is?
or B) Just sit back and say nothing and just let "it" slide?

Kind of sad that I have to even ask.

Not once has anyone indicated that you will be banned for speaking your opinion - you decide, speak your opinion or sit back. Just know that while it is generally encouraged to speak your mind here, be prepared that you will probably get others giving the same back.

Example, while I may agree with the general sentiment in the anti-bad cop threads, I don't particularly like the tone of the threads. What do I do about it, read what I want to read, ignore what I want to ignore and contribute where I want to contribute.

Stop being so sensitive, start some new threads and dictate the tone in those threads or where you contribute.
Alright I’m sorry, but it’s time that I step up and say something. This I fully believe will improve this site 10 fold. Now I’m not going to get in detail about this, but the biggest problem I have with this site and why you haven’t seen much activity from me is the auguring on here is absolutely childish. I’m here seeking PROFESSIONALS to get PROFESSIONAL opinions. Not to hear two grown ass men bicker like little school kids.

I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and each of us has a unique way of doing things. Doesn’t mean one is wrong and the other is right. It’s what makes us unique. At least have the respect for this industry not to fight with each-other in a public forum. We are all here to learn from each-other. If there’s going to be some argument there are private places to take that to, like the phone or email.

Hopefully I didn’t ruffle any feathers, and if I did I apologize, but I felt it needed to be said.

Welcome to the PW industry, first requirement is to get some thicker skin!

Stop sticking your nose into places you obviously have NO clue about. Grown men that have 6 to 7 figure incomes can become very passionate about their business and have the same right to free speech as you do, however the men that are involved are very well informed and have complete opposite views such the same as a democrat vs a republican.

I am not trying to be harsh but I will side with Tony (who I know personally). You do not have the history here to know and make an informed opinion about this bbs. I was the admin here for 3 years and I am still very involved in what goes on. This situation is life changing and to assume that your input will help is sort of silly.

Just some proof that you have not been around long enough to form an educated opinion (In my opinion) This is from your company Facebook page - Official GRAND OPENING will be Monday October 1st 2012. About a week before the 1st will be giving out coupon savings to those here on facebook. We look forward to servicing you in your area.

You, according to YOUR post have officially been in the PW business for 3 MONTHS!

So let me ask you, I just looked at your "state of the art reclaim system" and I was wondering when you reclaim your water what exactly is it that YOU do with it?

It appears that you have 2 tanks so I assume that one of those is for water capture, is that correct?

Another thing I noticed, forgive me since I have only been in this business 18 years but when you cleaned that wood fence was that water only? I just wanted to see how you guys did it. No biggie!
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