Distributors????? Meet or Beat…LOW Ball


I am a new distributor and can and will compete with E-spec on some things but I cannot buy ts2021 pumps for what he sells them for. I did not buy from any distributors as a contractor because none in eastern Pa. Western N J were even reasonable . I Hope that I can build my company up and not have to be the cheapest / biggest around. I went to my first Ceta show last year and talked to lots of distbutores that do nothing with contractors . I do around 75% of my business with contractors most of that is locally not over the internet . Anyway I do not ever see myself as impersonal and without an answer to correct your cleaning problem ,is that worth anything?
E-Spec sells those GP pumps at cost. They use it as a loss leader.
They hope when you call you will need more than just the pump.
The 2021 pump is the perfect product for this, because you do not have to worry about it breaking before the warranty up. It's a reliable, proven product.

Robert Williamson
You know, reading this post has given me a desire to respond because I'm also a distributor on a local level and over the internet.

Competing with Envirospec on pricing is hard to do. Matter of fact I really don't try to compete with them. They sell chinese couplers and we sell American made couplers. When you order nozzles, you generally don't know what you're getting as far as the manufacture of the nozzles. They also buy in bulk and have that ability. So competing with them for any of us distributors just isn't going to happen. We may be able to come close on some things but overall, they have good prices. Matter of fact some of their prices are so low that my cost is above what they charge to the end user.

Another thing, availability on a local level is what matters. Most contractors don't stock a huge inventory of parts. When something breaks they want it replaced and right away. That's where distributors can make a buck. That's our business, that's how we live from day to day and afford our homes and families. Just like any other distributor or retailer. There's guidlines in place for mark-ups in order to make a profit for the company so it can pay it's employees and what not. It's hard to understand unless you put yourself in someone elses shoes.

Now Ron... after reading your posts over the years and talking with you over the phone on occaision... without starting a big arguement, what I've seen, is that you are all about price. If your customers were just like you, you'd be in the poor house and the only thing you'd be washing is your ass. Think about it. What if all your customers went with the cheapest they could find? Are you the lowballer? Everyone is different in a sense of what they feel and believe and from experience and reading posts on this board you are a price hunter and I don't think you consider that everyone has a right to make a living. So you know, I've priced the TS2021 pump from General if I buy an entire skid and I couldn't do much better than $265.00. What incentive does anyone have to sell a pump for nickles and dimes above cost, or anything else for that matter. Come on, you make a living by charging your customers what you think your service is worth. Why continue to beat up on other's service? I vaguely remember a phone conversation with you Ron, and the majority of the conversation was how you saved money on a number of different items. To tell you the truth, I didn't care to spend my time talking about how good you did on a product because it's a waste of both of our time. I do agree with you on the huge price of the $1,100 dollar pump, but keep in mind that some get it.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear but I've seen it, heard it, and watched it over the years and now that you brought it up...

Please, I'm not just singling Ron out either. There are many people who shop the same way. All about the dollar. They don't care who they beat up and they don't consider that someone else needs to make a living to. I have a friend that's the same way. He could sit and talk for hours on how good of a deal he got on this or that and now I just shut him up and tell him I don't care...because I don't. I don't have the time to spend listening to that kind of crap. He's a friend of mine but the guy will spend $10.00 to save a dime. Meaning, he will shop around and shop around and make phone calls and then when he's all done, he brags about it. Who cares.... He's not the one who makes this economy go around. If were were all like Ron and my friend, I couldn't imagine what our economy would be like.

This is just my opinion on this very touchy subject but it stirred me up a little reading the garbage. Personally, I don't waste any time, I just go an buy what I need and I spend my time doing what I do best that supports my family and I. My wife is actually a penny pincher too but she's learning that everyone needs to make a living and NO ONE should take that away from anyone. Patronize each other and live together in unity and support America and it's economy... Money is a by-product.

You see, I believe that success is in direct proportion to how many others you make successful. That's one of my core beliefs. I'm not out for personal financial gain like some are, but to make an honest living providing an honest service and supporting American Made products and buying them regardless if I can get it cheaper in China.

One thing I do know is that American industry and manufacturing is moving over seas due to a portion of the population that want's nothing but price. Everything comes at a cost.

You all may save some money today but you have to look towards the future of our economy and our children. It get's worse every year. Hell, Levi's left. Fridgidair is leaving. Parker-Hannafin left. Hansen may be forced to leave. What are we doing here squandering our money and litterally pushing our industry away.... but you saved a dollar today.

I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of flack for this but I speak my mind and I'm opinionated and have my own two feet to stand on and will stand firm in what I believe. This post wasn't to pick on Ron or cause a ruckus but to simply and hopefully bring a change of heart to some that read it. Ron initiated the post but he's not the only one here looking for price.

Oh, example... I have a vendor that I compete with near me that sells nozzles for $12.00 all day. QC nozzles. 1/4 meg nozzles for $10.00 all day. Now I think that's a bit much but if I come down a whole lot, I leave money on the table and that's not good in any business. Usually the one who comes in and undercuts the prices by big margins finds out that they can't stay in business with all the expenses and eventually fold up leaving alot of unpaid bills behind.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Hopefully some of you will agree with my thinking and hopefully some of you will put yourself in someone else's shoes for once instead of thinking of only yourselves in the short term. Think or our children and their children.
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Actually I think both of you have a point.. let me explain.

I understand all contractors want to get the best price we can. In my case, I do it so that I won't have to raise my prices for my clients. In my area, my company is considered quite cheap for gutter cleaning which is one of the services we provide. I look at it this way. I have 10,000 clients in Montgomery County Maryland and I have crews traveling the entire county each day. The amount of time it takes us to clean gutters on a house is much shorter than other companies since we have more experience doing it. Yes, I could charge $95 for doing gutters but I only charge 55. Why? Its simple work, it keeps my guys working and paying their bills and there is no materials. If we can clean 4 houses in the time it takes most companies to do one house. We can take care of 4 peoples needs and do it at a much fairer price.

On the other hand...
When I'm shopping for something of course I'm looking for a good price. Even more importantly, I want someone who will stand behind their products. Someone who's company and materials has a history so I can feel assured knowing they will be there when I call.
Let me give you an example...
I bought a high priced item last year after scouring the Internet for information on the best unit and the best price. I contacted a local distributor for information and pricing and also to see if I could drive up and see the merchandise in person. They blew me off! I contacted another company called ACR Products and spoke to a gentleman named Tom Vogel and he actually took the time to listen to MY needs and gave me the benefit of his experience in the industry. He told me judging from everything I do and wanted to expand into that I would be best of getting a particular item. This item was something that was on the upper end of the line but not his most profitable one to sell. ( I know this because I checked into it with an inside source)
He made the sale over the phone and brought the item to me. Then he went out with me and showed me how everything worked on one of my jobs.. While working on the job he found a problem with the machine and told me he would take care of it. He drove back home to his shop (5 hours) and came back the next day with the part and fixed it.
That's customer service for you... Needless to say, I liked this guy and now I don't hesitate to take any opportunity I can to tell everyone about him and his company.
If your a distributor and you offer outstanding customer service like this you wont have to worry about penny pinchers.

Pricing is one thing but if you can't back up your merchandise you might as well close shop now because guys like Tom are going to get the sales. Why? Because he offers both, fair prices and outstanding customer service.
He's currently working on creating an online store so if your a contractor, keep your eyes open.

Henry Bockman
President of Henry's Housework Inc.
website, www.henryshousework.com
email, Henryshousework@comcast.net
Phone 301-353-9287
Fax 301-353-1677
Cell Phone 240-274-0300
Justin Kulhawick
Hannah Solutions LLC
1070 A Jacoby Road
Copley, OH 44321


330-670-8316 - office
330-352-8421 - cell
Sir, maybe you have misunderstood the intent. The intent was not to take money out of your pocket. I would love to see you sell equipment and parts on this BBS and others. I have no anger over the comments you’ve made about me being a low-baller. I actually think its kind of funny.

You see Justin sometimes the internet and text brings out things in people that you don’t want to see.
We have not had one distributor come right in here and just say I will deliver the best price I can based on the service I would like to give you. Do you really think we don’t know what service cost???? Are you serious?
If it’s impossible for you to get the pump for less then E-spec I’m sorry. If your service is better, hats off to you.
Now listen to me for a second, instead of attacking us from buying from China and insisting we are not America and patriots. Please that’s for school children. America is great because of free enterprise. If we where in a communist state we would not have the choice to buy from china or anywhere else. So now that we are done with all this ridiculous crap about buying American let me tell you I buy American every chance I get. You buy off shore or support groups you’re a communist? NO unless you own a ZENITH TV yours is a jap. If you own a VCR or DVD player its not and American company. That’s just a little statistic for you and anyone else that’s feeling they are not patriot.

Justin, what’s your price for service? Can we publicly talk about it? If you’re not open that’s ok. I don’t really need a TS2021 because you’re right we don’t usually stock more than 2 or three and if I run out I call my buddy Scott and he loans me one.

Bottom line is I don’t want to see my fellow pressure washers get nailed. I’m appalled at anyone charging too much. Its makes us all look bad.

AMERICA WAS built by the free enterprise system and will survive and people who charge too much and are not fare will go away eventually. People who law-ball will run out of money and realize, they will go away too.
I’m currently working on a keeping a ½ million dollar contract. Instead of me telling them why the other company is charging less, I’m telling them why I charge more. Its all about the service and quality they receive. In the end I will either win or they will decide that giving the other guy a chance is worth trying to save a few dollars.

Buying local, funny…. I have a distributor here I network with and we trade things when in a pinch. He knows I stock volt master and winco. He knows I get a better price. He borrows from my inventory and also rents my machines on occasion.

I learned along time ago what networking is about and how important it is. It will make or break you and you can win every battle.
I truly wish you luck, I have no hard feelings, I truly know what I stand for and that’s the American way. Instead if being upset about the thread look for positive.
Here’s the first thing, you need to look at the thread in that other network. PWN then thank me for the privilege to not only bash me. But then thank me you have a voice in this pw community that will get heard. Prior to PWI your links and possibly you may have been thrown off most sites. PW would not even know your name. Now they do. You’re Welcome; I really don’t expect you to thank me. It’s true!!!!!!!!!

I simply made the post because people where being censored. Please look, its was long ago and I started helping build another network for pressure washers and it became anything but. That’s all this post was about. Nothing more…………
Great points all around!

I'm in support of free enterprise, checks and balances, thinking about the future and also shopping for the best value (not necessarily best price). ...and I think there is a need to shop prices in order to keep businesses competitive and honest.

Food for thought:
- When you shop at Wal-Mart, do you think about how many mom & pop shops were put out of business?
- When Harley Davidson asked for government protection from foreign motorcycle competition by adding excise taxes, do you think that benefitted the consumer in the long run?
- When American businesses open plants in other countries, do you think that has absolutely no up-side to the American public?
- When America went into isolationism and caused the great depression, was that better than free world trading?
- Why are Chinese Stainless Steel or Brass QD plugs so much cheaper than American made, when all these parts are made on TOTALLY automated equipment? Wouldn't the shipping/import cost from China offset the cost of American labor and all else?
- Do you think American businesses stop manufacturing and selling some products because they want a larger return on their investment (purely financial business decision)?

Thanks Ron!
I respect that Ron and I understand that America was built on free enterprise. Thanks also for the post.

Please don't think that I was mad or anything, maybe I come off that way because I'm a little outspoken. I just wanted to make a point and I think I did.

I do totally agree with you on this board and I also agree with you on that other board. Can't mention soaps, can't do this, can't do that, you know. I agree. It's like hanging out in the slums of the pressure washing world. The only time I have posted over there was more for entertainment than anything else. Need a good laugh, go to the other board. LOL.

Now to my price for service... I have no problem discussing that. Our shop rate is $58.00 per hour. Our mark-ups on products are not that big so we depend on service. When someone calls me and wants a product, rarely is there any money to be made. We survive on service and building the entire package and selling trailers or boxvans. I will tell you that our prices are very fair. The ease of buying from us is not quite ready because the interenet store is in the works but even there, there's not much profit after the items are shipped to me and then sold for measly numbers over cost. It's hard to make it like that so there has to be service in order to keep the doors open. I will tell you that I don't sell tips for $12.00.

Hey Ron, I don't want to see anyone get nailed either. People come in and out of this business every week and new comers have a hard time making it. Just so you know, anyone I have ever sold equipment to as a set-up in the past years is still in business and many are very successfull. Not because they get cheap product but because I set them up right and make it easy for them to get work. That's where I make my living. I love to see others make it and it makes me feel good that my company is apart of that. We're not rolling in dough though. I made much more comfortable living as a contractor but I learned alot to pass on.

Please, I wasn't attacking this board or anyone for buying from China and I also wasn't insinuating that people here aren't patriotic. However all we have to do is look around at the jobs being lost. Talk is cheap and the proof is in the putting. It's happening everyday all around us. Manufacturing companies are leaving or threatening to leave to stay in business. They complain the the city and the power companies to get discounts and kickbacks so they can stay in business and provide jobs for our young ones. This money comes from us. My point is, there is a price to pay regardless and we are paying that price today and will continue to pay that price as long as people look at the short therm.

Paul to answer your question, parts made in China and India and other places like that are made from scrap. We ship tons of plastic and metals scrap overseas and this is what they use to produce the products to sell back to us. The savings are tremendous to the manufacturer. We wouldn't think of making brass couplers out of melted scrap over here but that's what they do over there. Besides, the labor rate is cheaper and that has a lot to do with the union whine-asses. Work less, be paid more and eventually run our industry out. Union was needed some time ago but today it's crippling our Country's economy. I know that's a whole nother subject and I don't want to get off of the post we have but it's the truth. Punch a clock and make more money and get more breaks and then turn around and spend the money on cheap, oversea products.

The word on the street several years ago when a person got into the union is, "they have it made". No worries anymore. You are guaranteed a job and a paycheck and they can't just fire you. Get into the UAW and you're set for life. From there just work on points and seniority. This has nothing to do with personal achievement as in other non-union shops. Once you're a number, you have it made and it sickens me. Well today that's not the case. Union shops are pulling out left and right and leaving alot of American Union workers standing there with their jaws on the floor because now they must actually work hard.

Anyway, thanks Ron for not taking my post in the wrong context and posting back. It's good to hear comments and this board is in fact a great place to be open and open-minded. We all have Ron and Mike to thank for that.

For the record, I have good prices. We're not Envirospec but we're fair and I will post some specials here that will be of great savings on good American Made products. I've been very busy and had no time but I will try to make more. Thanks for the comments everyone.
"...parts made in China and India and other places like that are made from scrap. We ship tons of plastic and metals scrap overseas and this is what they use to produce the products to sell back to us. The savings are tremendous to the manufacturer. We wouldn't think of making brass couplers out of melted scrap over here but that's what they do over there."

This is exactly why we need free enterprise, as it promotes thinking outside of the box. American businesses need to become smarter in competition rather than asking to be protected from the rest of the world. In many ways, there are countries that are light years ahead of us because of world class production methods and utilization of resources & materials.

How many of you have to pay for having someone taking your recyclables from your home? I do, but I shouldn't have to.

"It's happening everyday all around us. Manufacturing companies are leaving or threatening to leave to stay in business. They complain the the city and the power companies to get discounts and kickbacks so they can stay in business and provide jobs for our young ones. This money comes from us."

Cities started this to attract businesses, but they need to administer this fairly across the board to small and large businesses rather than selectively to a handful of large businesses. Too many laws, taxes and cost prohobitive requirements are in place for businesses to give survival a better than 50-50% chance. (For small business the survival rate is much lower at 5-10%.)

Contractors (even ones on this board) can help American economy by hiring legal employees, paying their taxes, following legitimate business guidelines and laws.
That's what you get when you wake a sleeping beast!
This thread was written years ago, my opinion is still the same.

I respect the guys that no longer post on PWI because they didn’t want to run companies that deliver best prices but better service.

I have grown since this thread but if you read this thread you’ll find opinions that are right on track with internet dealers. Some still around and others that have gone.


That link tells the tail, some posters first and last posts.

PWI is a free place to post and open forum for Delco, Arc, pressure Tec, Mark or any other distributor to post free ads or help others post.

They have no special treatment only that they will be honest fair and remain pro’s.

This post was Dec 2002 and was a real winner, at least three people never posted on PWI again.