Distributors????? Meet or Beat…LOW Ball

Ron Musgraves said:
Matt, you know whats worse, someone selling that pump for 1,100.. that sucks worse... this is a local guy in phx.

Yes I agree, I run in to that alot out here but low-ball is a dirty word, it should be one of the 7 words you can't say on television:
Sh*t, f*ck, c*nt, p*ss, c*cks*cker, motherf*cker, low-b*ll.
I used it purely for marketing... its gets the attension i needed. take it out of this post. how do you feel about being a smart consumer?

when buying that vette you drive did you shop? I bet you did. do you ever check your dist prices? yes you do,, maybe not so much after 20 year but you look..

auto mech. thats the worst one i have ever had the pleasure to deal with.

I consider my prices fare, porbably higher than most but i never heist anyone.
Ron, you may have already been provided the info you needed - I chose not to read every post in detail. Richard at Water Canon had the TS2021 on sale for the $265 price (I believe) a month or so ago. If you need a number call me.
I purchased the ESpec job last December as a year end tax write off. It is a GP "knock off". My GP blow a rod last March and I installed the ESpec pump. Runs fine. By the way GP replaced the pump right away - sitting in a box in the basement.
Glad I bought the backup pump! Just purchased another washer today with a TS2021. Now I have a backup for two units.
Chuck I'll give you the front of the boat plus bait your hook IF ya take my fish off.

Yes,if I'm shopping for a bigger perch'us I'll ask around but I do not tell them I can get it cheaper on down the road b/c I've already ask them to give me their best deal.But on smaller things like x-mas lights I wouldn't ask for them to let me have it at so and so price when I already knew I could buy them cheaper there,that stinks man,in my book dat a sure sign of a cut adams apple lowballer.

Sorry Ron,you used the wrong heading to get what you was after or did you as the reason knowone posted a price yet,,maybe tho they is a LOW BALL dealer out there that will meet or beat anybody's deal....I'm sure some we'zels are.

I didn't shop around on the vet,,when I seen it,I knew I had to have it,nomatter the cost,,,you know like falling in love head over heels for a woman but think the vet will be cheaper to live with or atleast easier on my pockets.
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My Mistake, I made everyone madd. Oh well, I'm not alone i'm sure we all have been heisted and i sure i will be heisted again.

it would be nice to meet someone on these BBS that really understood. I talk with some guys that find better chemicals at 1/5 the price and claim they work better. I talk with guys that find PW two for the price of one but never post.

Maybe i waisted my time hear, let these new guys pay 10.00 for a nozzel. 1100.00 for a pump and 600.00 for a generator that they could get for 250.00.

Your right bigboy the heck with all these new guys. I hope you all get heisted.

maybe i'll start selling 1100.00 pumps.

My ad: HIghball pressure washing dist. LLC.

The highest prices online. No returns no warranty and no support. oh yeah no refunds.

heres my number if any of you guys need anything..

fishing trips cost extra 602-555-1212
I'm not mad Ron nor did I see no others being mad.......we just don't like that word.

hmmm let me see how to do this hmmm...do you believe what everybody says...I got a chemical dat better yours at a smaller price,want to try some huh.I've bought several lbs and gallons of dat stuff someone else thought better mine.

Paul B. said:

Saturn started a great marketing strategy - "No negotiations, we give you our lowest price." Yeah right, now get your hand out of my pockets. That strategy is great for people that are afraid to wheel and deal. They'll walk away dumb and happy - so to speak.

Hey, I drive a Saturn coupe! LOL. The take it or leave it attitude worked/works well for them. The better part of the deal is the 30 day money back guarantee..........well, its been 8 years and 97,000 miles now............and an overall trouble free car.
Chuck Richard said:
besides the only fish i'll be taking off your hook will be the minnow when it dies from bordom...lol...:p

yel Ron Mike took their word as in best deal not low ball and he's even happy.

Ghuck you need to payyy a tention,my minnow is in the fish family right,he will never die of bordom,when he gets a wittle tired I'll ask ya take them off for me,he is a fish isn't he........why does everybody want me to run the trolling motor,I can catch more fish from the back of the boat and good enough to snake a tail though the brush from the front.Ya'll be to busy taking my fish off as to read the fish depth/finder,the beeping sounds will be beep,beep,beeep,beeeep from the front,so if ya want to read ya'll havta shortleg the trolling motor.
The take it or leave it attitude worked/works well for them.

It is exactly that attitude that turns me off from buying from some companies.

If I cannot make a deal then I walk, remember all those car dealers that are called no sticker dickers make more money then the ones you spend a couple hours haggling over price.

I skip the salesman, I go stright to fleet sales and insist on seeing the actual dealers invoice. Most won't show it to you, they have two, theirs and the one they show you.

Bottom of true dealer invoice will show hold back and a lot more so you know what dealer is making.

I know this is way off from what the post was, just that Mike's quote above hit a nerve with me on the Saturn attitude of sales.

As for Ron upsetting a lot of people on his post, naw Ron we are used to that coming from you, we know you mean well but at times have a strange way of saying it.

About 15 or so years ago I was looking at trading my Monte Carlo SS for a new conversion van. When I started my shopping, the best anyone would give me for it was a dealer down the road from me at $9K, but he didn't have the exact van I wanted. So I drove around town and found the one I wanted. The sticker on it was $24K. His first offer for my car was $5K. After an hour and a half and several starts toward the door, I had him up to $9K on my car and down to $18K on the van. Now that was a $10K difference from the initial conversation. I wondered how many people gave in and felt lucky after a couple grand negotiated. I was $1000 from where I wanted to be so I walked. He called me a week later, but was too late. I had already made a deal on something else. I can't say I love or want any object so much that I can't walk away from it. (Well, OK ...there may have been one or two things in the past.)

You have to keep pushing the sales people because they will take every cent from you. I worked with many great sales people that know how weak people can be when they want something bad enough.

How the wife and I work when car shopping before I got smart and head straight to fleet sales.

Walk into dealership, salesperson says can I help you, I say sure if you play by OUR RULES, he says always do, I or the wife says back to him if you don't listen carefully and make one mistake we get up and walk out, no sale.

Our rules are simple:

No team mates enter room.
No manager.
No closers.
No fianance since we either have a letter of credit from our credit union or are paying for it in full.
No high milage on vehicle we buy, will not take the test car unless it has under 5 miles before testing.

Simple rules yet 98% of the sales people and dealerships cannot follow them.

We spent 3 to 4 hours at a Toyota dealer with a salesman and he get the sale.

One thing they have to do for free, remove that silly ballon tire called a spare and install a real wheel and tire, I will pay true cost but no markup. Yes to this day I insist on that.

I love to hassle, but I also do my research first, like with the Ford, I spend several days on the internet and phone before I ventured out to all the dealers, starting with my local one, then one Scott dealt with, then down the block, up the block, across town, uptown, downtown and yonder.

Love my Ford Powerstroke, hate the lack of good milage, down to 11.9 now and that is NOT towing.

Sounds like you and I negotiate in a similar manner.

On new vehicles I know that I can get a minimum 15% off the sticker. However, I don't buy new vehicles any longer - too much depreciation the first year.

The last car I purchased was 2 years old with low mileage. I went to the dealer 2 hours before closing. I test drove 3 cars - you have to get the sales person to invest time in a sale. A 1/2 hr before closing I asked him what is the lowest he'll take - go check with the manager (no more than 5 minutes or I'll walk). It wasn't low enough. Told him I have one offer, it'll be a cashiers check,
the offer is all inclusive (tax, title, prep, etc. - out the door), he gets one trip to the manager for approval (no more than 5 minutes or I'll walk). After 5 minutes we got up and started to put our coats on. I saw the manager looking - they were going to test me. The sales guy ran back to his office before we made it out his office door - offer accepted. It all boils down to being able to walk away.

Pretty cool thread. I also take the haggling out. Have never purchased a new vehicle. Paul, the problem you saw on trading your SS happens all the time - new car buyers get so excited that they forget about the equity in their tradein. Hence, the dealerships often pay less than wholesale book for a trade in. That is why I always buy used cars from new car dealerships (or at auctions which is tricky). The highest I will pay for a used car is wholesale book plus a few hundred - but will start lower with the goal of trying to find out if the car I am interested in was purchased dirt cheap. Dealerships tend to micromanage, meaning they look at the profit on each vehicle.

Twice I have used the end of the day ploy. Will go to a dealership in late AM, and tell them my goal is to buy a vehicle THAT DAY - always a Saturday. I return about 45 minutes before closing, explain that I have a good deal already in hand (which is usually not a lie), but explain that I really like "their" car better. "Give me your best price; if I don't like it I make a phone call on the other vehicle". Both times they have said what is the highest I'll offer, and both times my low ball was accepted. Did I leave money on the table? If so, not much.
Hmm, would $150 per 3 hours of haggling for others be more fun and easier money then pressure washing?

I think I am going into another line of work, or sideline perhaps.

I love it, just think of all the stress put on the poor salesperson!

Now as to never buying new, yes you lose a few thousand right after you drive it off the dealers lot but to buy used means you end up putting that same amount into the car, tires, lube, brakes, tuneup and perhaps a few other major things.

I know not always and not often but I weight that vs. knowing no one has mistreated the new.

Why I also insist on that low number showing when buying new, we all know when we test drive that new vehicle we gun it, we slam on the brakes, we do things to see just how good it is.

I don't want a pre-broke in new vehicle, I want to break it in myself.

Ok I have mine, wife wants hers so now what do I do? I want a French vacation, meaning I go without her:D
I agree about sales vs. pressure washing.
Someone once told me that sales was a lazy man's job. On the surface I agree - but to be good, you have to hussle (like every other type of business). If I can save $500 in 2 hours of negotiations, that's $250 per hour (better pay than my lawyer gets).

I don't mind leaving money on the table as long as it's not a wallet-full. I want them to make money so that they are there the next time I need to deal.

I work sales part time every year (for others) to sharpen my sales skills, learn from others and make new contacts. I didn't do it this winter because there are too many irons in the microwave.
(I miss it!) It's good schooling and you also get paid.

Have you seen this ad before?:
FOR SALE - 1999 Widget - very nice condition - asking $5000 - price negotiable.
How many here would pay $5000 for that widget?
The only time this would work is if the item was over-priced at $5000.
