Distributors????? Meet or Beat…LOW Ball

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Distributors????? Meet or Beat…LOW Ball


This thread was edited and that not what I want to talk about, my question is rather that will distributors match and beat prices online?

This gentleman Austin was looking for ts2021 general pump, Dan’s BBS automatically stopped the link to find the pump at a great price for 265.00

To stress my question I guess it would be to Mark @ easyclean. Will you meet prices found anywhere on the web, because if you did it really doesn’t matter then about links.

Other distributors, will you meet or beat prices found with other company’s.

Here on PWI and I believe PWNA distributors can post with out worrying about links being blocked.

In the past I tried to change things like this censorship on PWN and I was thrown off the BBS. I realize this is never changing and that Dan’s trying to run his BBS at high profit. I respect all that. My beef was when I was first involved with the PWN I was told it was for us and that was the reason we left Delco was to be able to post freely. I was under the impression that it was started for contractor and was going to be run by contractors.

Seems simply to me us as contractors can still run these BBS and simply ask tough question to those online.

What distributor watching want to meet the price of 265.00 for ts2021 general pump?

Any takers???????????????? At the moment yo can sell two pumps, Austin and ME………

My next question is for Ron P What’s the link for the general Pump @ $265.00 I need one….
Ron you know how I feel about lowballers,I begen to think you are one as in meet or beat anybodys price.

Don't you think this guys haveta make a living too,don't you think they have enough lowballing in their trade also as we do.But like you say you get what you pay for or is that just in our trade.

Farthermore where was no need to bring up Dans rules or why you got kicked off.I have alot of trust in Dans board,not ever tom,Dick and harry can get info on you as they can on other boards.His board is for contactors and is run by contactors AND sponers what more could you ask for,contactors helping and sponers also helping.I'll stop there but once a lowballer always a lowballer when you meet or beat a deal.
In service business you’re going to get what you pay for, and I’m sure if you pay lower prices for retail items people service in how they deliver goods will vary.

I see this everyday with the suppliers I deal with. One ship the stuff right out the door at me, the others takes two weeks and often ships the wrong stuff.

I went to home depot they matched the price Wal-Mart was selling X-mas Lights. The same lights made in Hong Kong. Lots of retailers meet or beat prices. I purchase a seal mattress that was 2400.00 at one location and another had the same mattress for half the price. I like the 2400.00 company because they where closer to my house they matched the price also.

I don’t want to make this a low-baller thread I just want to know if there are any distributors willing to match prices on identical products sold in this industry.

That’s all
Then you shouldn't have used it in your heading...LOW BALL.

What if the distributors did a search on you though the theads and found your prices and ask all the powerwashers in your area if they'd meet or beat your deal.You may look up on it as not the same b/c your the buyer,will aren't your costomers also the buyers of your service.Do you match your competitors prices when looking for new business as in meet or beat their deal.....,,,,onces a lowballer always a lowballer.....change the heading.
Here’s what stinks worse, I realize that distributors need to make a living selling products.

What’s worse is when someone pays 10.00 dollars for a tip evirspec sells for 1.50. How about the Ts2021 for 1100.00...

How a bout a 3500 watt generator for 600.00 and you can get it anywhere for 280.00

I see this all the time and it discusses me, I’m sorry again if I upset someone that’s trying to pay there rent off one guys sale.

I want good deals and I want others to get good deals. If your fare and you charge more than someone else I don’t have a problem. If your going to rob someone out of there hard earned cash then I have a bone to pick.

Maybe this BBS should have a price list, a general price list?

Delco has a price list on our services, why shouldn’t we have a price list.

Come on a TS2021 pump is a ts2021 pump…….

I would like to hear from and distributors brave enough to jump in. I’m not asking you to cut prices to the bone just not charge four times retail.
And the sad part about that distributor is that half the time they do not have the parts that you need in a bind. I am sure that I have a better stock of parts in my truck than they have in their store room.
I tried to sell them an ignitor last week that they desperately needed, but they weren't interested. I was even going to sell it for the price I paid. Turns out it was about $20 less than they pay for it normally.

Ron Musgraves said:
Low-ball---you may not have looked

Maybe you wasn't paying attention,the first line in my post at the end is LOW BALL,so as you say I may not have looked but I seen it.No-MATTER how its worded it in our trade a lowball,,,LOW-BALL,lowballing means lowballing the trade as in not qkly work or cheap stuff.

NO,,,not ever TS2021 pump is the same,its the reason you can them them at different prices as in scatch and dent.IF you do not believe me they are not the same look at your post,when you typed the first TS2021 its not like the last one you typed,now is it,so they are different huh.
I think Ron's question is fair.

I don't think Sears (for example) is a low baller because they offer to match price on identical products for 30 days after the item is purchased.

I would also ask if they offer senior discounts, AAA discount or quantity pricing.

I would think that the process for most savy buyers works like this:

- Research & Search for quality product you want - Part #123.
- Check for best available price.
- Decide if best price is provided by reputable store.
- What warranty and return policy does reputable store have.
- What is shipping charge and tax on parts (total $).
- How quickly is part available and deliverable.
- Does reputable store match prices (on identical product)?
- Weigh all information.
- Make purchase.

It never hurts to ask!

LOW-BALL or Best Price

When shopping .... this meet or beat really stinks, smells, sucks, blows .....

When I am making a purchase, say high $$$. I negotiate and ask for the best price. They give it. I goto the next place get there best price. Some thought on service , shipping / handling, customer service go into the decission finally . I make my purchase bases on the best price and other factors included. I dont run back and forth ..... remember you gave me your best price!

Now If I have a relationship with a particular supplier 1 and I am buying "A" and supplier 2 has "A" at a reduced price I will ask supplier 1 if they will meet it. Most of the time they will, because I am a regular customer. Buying off the net or phone orders where items have to be shipped. It is importain to know what the "Shipping and Handling" will be. Some companies add a hidden handling fee, which drives the cost up. Which drives me crazy. Trying to find out what this fee is very hard. There seems to be no rhyme or reason for it. It seems adbitrary based on whim. Anyway when I order something I want to know the total cost.

Anyway Thats Just my Rant for today

Michael T
The problem with an On-line retailer versus a local one is that the On-line retailer does not have any fiduciary responsibility to the consumer.

They are protected by distance and jurisdiction. They can sell at a lesser mark-up because their overhead is reduced; they do not have to porvide on-site service, bench space, physical techincal assistance, local taxes, support for your child's soccer team etcetera. Low cost suppliers are low cost simply because they choose to work on thin margins that do not allow for the luxury of error or even 'Good Will'.

A local supplier pays the same taxes you do, has a fiduciary responsibility to see to your continued success and their own. However, I do agree that selling a pump for $1100 when an on-line retailer has it available for $269 and even $280 from one of the catalogue houses that supply dealers is excessive. There is a possibility that the local dealer has an incorrect cost price or is, God forbid, greedy! In that case find another local supplier you can trust.

Oh, did I say trust?

Trust is a two-way street that takes time and constant effort to earn and maintain. Local dealers are often shell shocked by local customers going onto the internet and forcing them to sell at or below cost to match price and keep local business local. They often cannot buy in the bulk discount levels of larger companies. But they are often asked for immediate service support from customers that beat them up over pricing on the equipment they do buy. While you would like to think so, the contract cleaner business is not the only source of income for pressure washer sales channels. I know many dealers who do not service your market at all but are successful in spite of it.

What do you give up when you meet a price? What can you afford to do if you lower yours? How do you expect to remain in business if you treat your customers less than fairly? How would you like it if a low cost supplier of your service from outside your area took your customers away on price but they did not do the same job, provide the same total package, present themselves professionally et al?

Profit is not a dirty word. Excess profit IS!

Yes, you can always find it cheaper elsewhere, but at what total cost? How much time and energy did you expend in your search? Did you build a potential business relationship through the contact? Did you promote your service locally? Did you encourage your customers to shop locally? Did your business expand the local economy creating more potential business for you?

Low cost is not lowest cost.

Hope this helps? Cheers.
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Don't forget that it's a 2-way street as most suppliers / stores offer "door busters" or "loss leaders".

I prefer local even though cost is higher. For one i have built a strong relationship with my local dist. and second of all if i pull up to the shop with something broke and they are working on someone elses machine that buys all their stuff online, they drop what their doing to get me back on my way. I buy online and am glad to be able to but i spend the majority of my $$$ localy.

I think if you spend money with your local dist. on a consistant basis they should try to match or atleast get as close as they can to other prices but if you rarely buy from them then you have no right to ask PERIOD!
Think goodless I thought I was setting in the boat by myself,a few of you I wouldn't mine fishing with......without hearing give me give me

It's a chicken and the egg scanerio. I will deal with a local more if they are willing to work with me from day one. I'm also a believer in keeping the dollars local - as long as I'm not taken for a ride because of someone else's greed.

Sherwin Williams worked with me from day one and they get a chunk of my business. I have a second supplier that has also dealt with me and others from day one. Their business is booming. I have a third supplier down the road that wants my business but is not flexible. He gets less and less of my business every week. His business gets weaker by the month. His excuse is that if he deals with me, he will have to deal with everyone else. OK, so what's your point? - I asked him. So make people feel like they're special (he has room to deal).

Saturn started a great marketing strategy - "No negotiations, we give you our lowest price." Yeah right, now get your hand out of my pockets. That strategy is great for people that are afraid to wheel and deal. They'll walk away dumb and happy - so to speak.

I, as a contractor need to protect my company's money - simple as that. I'm never too bashful to ask for a price break or discount. If you don't ask, you may never receive.
