Delevan nozzle


New member
This is what I have found works best for me. $6 from Ace hardware.

This is the nozzle I found that works best with my 5 gallon Delevan and 200 feet of 1/2 inch hose. Chris might have posted this a while back. The fan setting gives a nice appx 6-ft wide swipe to cover a roof. Click to the stream to shoot nice and far and the shower setting provides better rinsing capabilities than some houses I have been to (I have it plumbed to my float tank)you can turn it on and off with one hand on the small ball valve.
Dam You Dustin ^*((&%

This is what I have found works best for me. $6 from Ace hardware.

This is the nozzle I found that works best with my 5 gallon Delevan and 200 feet of 1/2 inch hose. Chris might have posted this a while back. The fan setting gives a nice appx 6-ft wide swipe to cover a roof. Click to the stream to shoot nice and far and the shower setting provides better rinsing capabilities than some houses I have been to (I have it plumbed to my float tank)you can turn it on and off with one hand on the small ball valve.

Giving away ALL my"secrets", LOL
You know what, I actually "get off" on finding cheap things that work good.

This is a devastatingly effective little guy, allowing a lazy man to simply change patterns and shoot clear across a roof!

I like the ball valve too because one can cut flow to do edges with sensitive plants.

It really makes me feel good to see people having the same good experiences with stuff as me.

I haven't tried my friend Tim Aselton's favorite nozzle yet, but I plan to.

I ran into someone here local I "trained" out cleaning roofs.

He was using one of these, 2 - Dollar store Garden Hose's of 100 feet each screwed together.

Total cost for 200 feet of hose and "spray wand" less then 25 dollars!!!

Man, if that don't turn your crank, what does ?

It is MY humble opinion that once one gets used to a gun instead of a wand, they will like it.

I DO like wands, angled ones, for tile roofs, but IMHO, on a shingle roof, the gun rocks!

Plus, the plastic gun you have is great for cleaning Aluminum soffits from the ground.

Go to jet spray and rock, huh ?

And, bty, the shower pattern is great for tile roofs too, especially the WIDE spanish tiles
My roof tank and float tank are hooked together with hose,t fittings, ball valves I can drain the roof tank and carry extra water if I need to. In all this mess I have my delevan hooked to a t and two ball valves one for chem one for fresh water from my float tank.Yeah I like the price.We'll see how long it lasts.
My roof tank and float tank are hooked together with hose,t fittings, ball valves I can drain the roof tank and carry extra water if I need to. In all this mess I have my delevan hooked to a t and two ball valves one for chem one for fresh water from my float tank.Yeah I like the price.We'll see how long it lasts.
The weak spot is the washer!
It is rubber, not a good thing, and will leak, in time.
Suggest replacement with at least EDPM, or better yet Viton.

Of course, teflon tape the threads too ?

Hey, they be cheap, cheap, cheap .....

Always have a spare around.
No seceret to our nozzles, I think it's our process that helps our pumps, hose reels, and nozzles last so long.
No seceret to our nozzles, I think it's our process that helps our pumps, hose reels, and nozzles last so long.
It is, w/o a doubt!
My roof tank and float tank are hooked together with hose,t fittings, ball valves I can drain the roof tank and carry extra water if I need to. In all this mess I have my delevan hooked to a t and two ball valves one for chem one for fresh water from my float tank.Yeah I like the price.We'll see how long it lasts.

thanks Dustin yea i guess when i have it all in hand it will be easier to configure. looked at your website nice looks like you have the same size trailer i just purchased?(6x10) i have my cox hose reel placed like yours. what kind of garden hose reel do you have ? i was looking at this one

only 40$ but i don't think it will fasten well to the metal being its plastic? so i guess i'll dish out for this one?

only holds 150' ??

bty where did you get that brush you where using on the gutter in your video? oh and also what size tanks you got ?

Dog,I have a diferent rig now but the one on the web has a hosetract reel to hold garden hose.the tanks are a 50 roof and a 200 float can get the gutter brush and hose reels from i don't recommend the gutter brush because the brustles are too stiff, you want something softer to hold your chem.
Dog,I have a diferent rig now but the one on the web has a hosetract reel to hold garden hose.the tanks are a 50 roof and a 200 float can get the gutter brush and hose reels from i don't recommend the gutter brush because the brustles are too stiff, you want something softer to hold your chem.

Dog,I have a diferent rig now but the one on the web has a hosetract reel to hold garden hose.the tanks are a 50 roof and a 200 float can get the gutter brush and hose reels from i don't recommend the gutter brush because the brustles are too stiff, you want something softer to hold your chem.

thanks Dustin yea i own a 15" soft siding brush and a smaller one . i know what your saying about the roughness i tested my first gutter with a deck brush can still see the scratches D'OH !!! anyway i think i saw that brush sold for exhaust stacks on big rigs?

just purchased a 150 gallon tank fits nicely. also purchased 200' 3/4" never kink hose and just received delavan. now all i need are some fittings.

Giving away ALL my"secrets", LOL
You know what, I actually "get off" on finding cheap things that work good.

This is a devastatingly effective little guy, allowing a lazy man to simply change patterns and shoot clear across a roof!

I like the ball valve too because one can cut flow to do edges with sensitive plants.

It really makes me feel good to see people having the same good experiences with stuff as me.

hey just looking at these old post and really kinda disturbed ..what kinda advice are you giving to newbies?? i went with your suggestion on a sprayer that cost 80+ when i coulda got one for 8$??? not to mention i got the link for that sprayer on a thread where you were debating don phelps on the use of his wand... wtf
i have used both and its good to try and see which one you like better ,IMHO ,there is no better money spent than when you can make a comparison for your self ,now try the 6.00 nozzle and judge for your self .... you may find that you prefer one or the other ,in other words you will never say "i wonder which would be better " ..... you can know for yourself
hey just looking at these old post and really kinda disturbed ..what kinda advice are you giving to newbies?? i went with your suggestion on a sprayer that cost 80+ when i coulda got one for 8$??? not to mention i got the link for that sprayer on a thread where you were debating don phelps on the use of his wand... wtf
I found this one AFTERWARDS, by accident.
A customer had one on his hose, and my regular one crapped out!
So, I tried it.
I liked it so much, I bought 10 of em.
i have used both and its good to try and see which one you like better ,IMHO ,there is no better money spent than when you can make a comparison for your self ,now try the 6.00 nozzle and judge for your self .... you may find that you prefer one or the other ,in other words you will never say "i wonder which would be better " ..... you can know for yourself

That's how I do things Russ. I like facts and "hands-on" testing.
Those Nelsons are hard to find around here. Tried HD, WM, Target and 3 different Aces with no luck. 4th Ace was the charm. Got the last one on the shelf and asked the guy to get me a couple more.
He called yesterday to say the warehouse was out of stock and that the item had been discontinued.:(
Those Nelsons are hard to find around here. Tried HD, WM, Target and 3 different Aces with no luck. 4th Ace was the charm. Got the last one on the shelf and asked the guy to get me a couple more.
He called yesterday to say the warehouse was out of stock and that the item had been discontinued.:(

Kurt: If still interested I found these RainMisers @

Looks like the "inline" version is harder to find than the pistol grip style. Anyway, the goes to the version listed by Dustin @ $5.18.