Dear Moderator, RUSS


New member
Please explain to me what the serious infraction was, Because I disagree with someones post? I was suprised when someone said the he hates anyone who gets banned. Then ron brings up old crap. What is your problem? I offer opposing viewpoints which opens the door to discussion What you have now is a bunch of people saying the same stuff over and over. No innovation, no varing viewpoints. Geez. I made it a point not to say the word . Funny thing, I never attack anyone personally, I disagree with their way of doing things, I find the Grease Police a bunch of people trying to intimidate others who do not follow their lead, and when I am personally attacked I respond in kind. Remember the pressure washer topic, where I said I used only a small cold water electric machine.? Holy crap the abuse I took for that. Now about a year later the ole boys admit that they do use them and some of them have gone exclusively to them. But the crap that the grease police hit me with was just crazy. Then there was the "reuse plastic topic". Yes everyone loved that. They all but called me an idiot.Many many just jumped on me with personal attacks. Not the possibility that there was an alternative way of doing things. What did you do about the personal attacks on me. I fight back and you go after me! I am sure you would do the same. If you read the posts in order you will see I do not attack anyone. I do not make things personal. Your others do, especially the Grease Police. I do not have a fondness for anyone or any group that says we are the only ones that can be right. You do what you have to, but right now this site is filled with a bunch of sheep. You are warning me for what? What about the two posters that said stuff about me? Did you warn them? I am confused, is the the Grease police site? Now why when other posters slammed me for the cold water machines and the reuse plastic posts did you not warn them? Few comments were on point, mostly snide remarks. Thats ok as long as they dont swear? Get a grip. New ideas spawn new ideas. No matter how bad the idea it often is a launching pad for better ideas. You dont want opposing viewpoints. Golly remember the foamer posts. Days and daysand days and days of pictures and videos and more videos of the same old stuff. It was mind numbing. Nothing new, nothing innovative, just guys patting themselves on the back for doing the same ole crap as the next guy. When I mentioned my $60.00 foamer that works like a charm again I was beat to death. I didnt do what everyone else does.
Oh and by the way, from this site I have helped many new guys get into the business. Currently I am helping a guy in Maine get started with a minimum of cash but lots of desire. He came down and worked a few jobs, I went up to Maine to help him. No charge. I got the guy from Maine started for just about $2000.00. Equipment. He had a truck. Thats what I thought this site was about. Helping each other. I have also made a few more out of state contacts with whom I share leads. He pays me, I pay him. A good thing. But these guys wont post cause they are intimidated by the grease police and your heavy hand. But holy crap what do the rest of these posters do. Brag, show off equipment that newbees cant afford. I must say that you being the moderator for this site is a detriment to anyone that doesn't do the same as everyone else. You should take a look at yourself. Really. You have become just like all the rest of the sheep and I am sorry. You do what you have to.
Whip me, beat me, screw me, make me write bad checks.
I see this site becoming a vessel for the grease police. You dont like to here it , ok. But its the truth. Thats valuable. Whats wrong with the truth?
I see this site becoming a vessel for the grease police. You dont like to here it , ok. But its the truth. Thats valuable. Whats wrong with the truth?

Its a door for those who use it properly, i think you finally got that Ed.

We want to debate, i dont agree with everything all people believe. You have your opionion and we allow you to stat it Ed.

Pretty much your still here so we allow you too.

Next: either read the post correctly or stay off the boose when reading them. I dont hate the people banned. i hate that anyone gets banned.

PWI was started because I got banned. It was the best thing for thing, PWI wouldnt be here and the BBS world would not have changed over nite.

Have fun ED, makes some money.
Thats a slippery slope , the something of value statement.
I was tempted to go back and see how many were of value and how many were not. I dont have the time cause most of them are not of "value". Let me ask you, who determines value? You. Much of the stuff here is of little or no value to me. Why dont you talk to those guys. I will be happy to help you select what is "of value and what is not". You need not thank me just send a check. And of yes I thought you might like to know, Matt Bryan posted the word..............ass. 50 points ?
Is buttocks a bad word? Yes and what about the infamous word ANSUL
The spelling was changed to protect the innocent people here.
Ed... If getting every kitchen exhaust system to bare nekked metal is being sheep, then include me. That's all the Grease Police stand for. We don't care how you get there, how many times you reuse your plastic, or if you use a squirt gun. As long as the system is cleaned to bare metal, that's what matters.

Also, are you talking about Nick in Maine? Yeah, ask him who helped him build his foamer that he loves so much. He is also the inventor of the McSwat Kit. Good guy, determined to reach that Bare Nekked Metal standard.

The Mbryan/Spence ticket is the one I will cast my vote for on Nov.....5th :D

...You've got to explain to me why in the heck you'd put yourself in this position---talk about the ultimate no-win job! Seriously, why on earth would you want to do this???? I can't imagine it is fun, takes a lot of time, lots of ego the only benny having your customers see you as an industry leader? I guess I'll never understand why you guys do this sort of thing----maybe its just an altruistic spirit that I don't possess!
If you guys are voted into office in November what would you do for the pressure washing industry? Forget anything else, pressure washing would rule the world. Mayby you could keep as many people in Iraq as possible and send pressure washers over there so they could replace guns and bombs. Just a big water gun fight.

Where does Ron fit into your campaign? He could be the Defense Secretary.