Christmas cards

Do not make the Christmas card a advertisement.

We send expensive cards to our client that simply spend the money.

The other customers and potential ones get a very inexpensive card thats simple and nice.

We chose not to say Merry Christmas or Use JC on the cards. They will only say happy holidays. (no I'm not the devil) Years back we sent a non christian a card and it was offensive to him.

Since this day we figure we could spread holiday cheer without involving JC.

Believe me at first i was upset, but after reflecting on it I have never used my church for marketing my business and keep it separate. So why not this also.

It has been a good choice because I have had other customers mention they like the cards and shared thier beliefs as well.

religion and politics are not great topics with your customers.

We will send around 450 conventional cards, we will send around 4000 regular. We normally send more....

And yes I get calls off the cards, its not are intentions.

You can go ahead and say JESUS CHRIST. :) I mean, it is what CHRISTMAS is about anyway. :0)
Good idea Ron, be sure to not offend that one non-christian, the thousands of other Christian customers you probably have wont mention that they are offended by happy holidays.

Mine say Merry Christmas because thats what I mean and thats what it is.

And give me a break, unless your card only has your name on it and doesnt mention your company in any way shape or form................then its advertising.
How do you customize them for your business? I can assume if you just get a normal card and just sign it, people are going to be like what in the world ... who is this?!.

How do you do it?

They are regular cards. I sign them.

A-PLUS Pressure Washing
David, Nancy, and Breanna
I totally understand where you are going with it Ron. Most companies will drop in a business card with the Christmas card or some other type of marketing. The card is there to say thank you. Adding a business card is cheesey. When you say Merry Christmas from (Insert business name) it is advertizing and (in my opnion) the only form that needs to take place in the card.

Just my .02.

It says I care about you and your business. Not just give me more business.
Do not make the Christmas card a advertisement.

We send expensive cards to our client that simply spend the money.

The other customers and potential ones get a very inexpensive card thats simple and nice.

We chose not to say Merry Christmas or Use JC on the cards. They will only say happy holidays. (no I'm not the devil) Years back we sent a non christian a card and it was offensive to him.

Since this day we figure we could spread holiday cheer without involving JC.

Believe me at first i was upset, but after reflecting on it I have never used my church for marketing my business and keep it separate. So why not this also.

It has been a good choice because I have had other customers mention they like the cards and shared thier beliefs as well.

religion and politics are not great topics with your customers.

We will send around 450 conventional cards, we will send around 4000 regular. We normally send more....

And yes I get calls off the cards, its not are intentions.

Good advice!

In my thinking, it would be smart to try and obtain a member list from a church, and market your services directly too them. I bet it would easy to get member services to release them.
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This is a great video!!!!! Chuck is the man

I Agree with Chuck, if you have no program this is a Great IDea.

Guys on the program do not follow Exact...

Its the same thing ABC or 123 Client List we have been working on.
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I embedded this is Such a Good Video