Amerika the Beautiful

Thats a Shop vac reclaiming
I wouldn't threaten you Jon.

As much as the majority here will hate to believe this, the kind of beatings and abuse that we are now seeing on these videos has been going on with minorities for a long time. Nobody cared. All minorities are guilty anyway, right?

I'm trying to raise awareness of this. We need to start talking to our friends and family about this and generate some mainstream discontent.

It's happening here in Las Vegas. Even the older generation is talking to the news disgusted with it.

And John T, the biggest deterrent to crime is this right here:


No real criminal gives a crap about police presence. That's just more propaganda spread around to raise taxes for the police union to spend. I used to live on Columbus St, and in the Tenderloin in San Francisco, and off Fruitvale Ave in Oakland. Believe me there was a LOT of police presence and nobody I was around gave a damn. And they were all strapped.

If America would wake up and decriminalize activity that harms no one but the person doing the activity we might be able to work in this problem and the police could actually perform a service that is worth something.

Imagine if all drugs were legal as long as you ingested them inside and kept off the streets driving or harassing other people. Then the police could concentrate on criminals who actually do harm to others.

If they didn't spend so much time hiding out around corners worrying about some guy getting his **** ****** in a seedy hotel by a hooker they could spend more time trying to catch the burglar that they don't even bother to look for now. Did you know that they don't even take fingerprints anymore for burglaries!!!!! WTH???? But they have plenty of time to hide out in a hotel room with surveillance equipment waiting for some poor John to give up $20 to some skanky undercover police d**e.

Shelly had an accident a few years ago. It took them over 3 hours to show up. There were injuries and one woman was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Shelly didn't want to leave because she was worried that one of the other parties would try to make it to look like it was her fault and she thought leaving was against the law. THREE HOURS!!! At least 5 police cars drove by her while she waited. When they arrived they gave her a sheet of paper and told her to write everything down and give it to the insurance company. No investigation, no report. Just a ticket for the one lady who caused it. This is insane.

Too much time is wasted harassing people for NON crimes. It's time to shake off the yoke the government has burdened us with and enjoy the freedom that was intended for the citizens of this country.
I truley cant stand these thugs, this video is one of thousands that didn't get caught on film......die scum bags !!