Search results

  1. J

    Federal and state bud websites

    What are the names of the Fed and state bid sites? Jim Twist Oliver Twist Pressure Cleaning West Palm Beach Florida 561 248-1053
  2. J

    Travertine driveway 4000 square ft sealing?

    We sealed this driveway each year with 511 miracle sealer porus plus. Owner wants to see the water bead up all the time. No stains except tanin from leaves. But the uv rays ruin if in a few months. No more beading. What else will bead up for months in Florida? Sorry no pics. Also wants...
  3. J

    Wood fencing

    What is the best way to clean wood pressure treated fences in Florida to remove mold and algae? Too much pressure washing furs the wood. Bleach turns it white. Restraining is too involved. Need opinions. Thanks
  4. J

    Gas stain on asphalt

    How do you get gas stain out of asphalt. Degreaser and soap did nothing. Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  5. J

    Airless sprayers

    Looking to seal 90000 Sq ft of older pavers with zylene sealer. What is a good cheap sprayer to use? Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  6. J

    Yellow pages connect successes?

    Anyone have experience with Yp connect? Ad word search etc. Use the book but it is dying a fast death. Or Hibu for as word searches? Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Stell trailer vs Aluminum Ideas

    Looking to replace steel utility trailer, rhino lined and going on3.5 years. holding up ok but chlorine ruins everything. Would an aluminum trailer at twice the cost hold up a lot longer or just a waste of money? 16 ft, 3 tanks, Fl roof cleaning.
  8. J

    Roof wash additives

    What kind of additives do you add to your roof mix, chlorine, soaps, tsp, or oxisheen (sp?) which supposedly strenghtens the chlorine. Florida contractor.
  9. J

    Screen Size

    My screen went to a very small - about 6-8 pt text for this web site. I changed the screen under display but that was not the problem. I jsuted switched to aol 8 plus on broadband? Any suggestions. Thanks
  10. J

    5.6 gpm or 8.0 gpm set-up?

    I was thinking of upgrading my cold water 18 honda, 5.6 gen to a 24 honda, 8 gpm cat. I need the water volume to speed up my cleaning. Any suggestions on engine type or pump type. I understand the water requirements etc. Thanks, Jim
  11. J

    Pump sprayers

    Who makes the best pump sprayers specifically for chlorine mixes? I do rinse each time but they last a month or less with employees using them. I have tried Flo master (green ones) solo's which home dep,, stopped carrying, etc. The back back ones last longer but the seals wear out also. I know...
  12. J

    Wand attachments help

    Where can I find the wand attachment that enables you to put two nozzles on the end of your wand. They rotate so you don't have to switch them each time you want to change tips. I want to use the zero tip and 65 degree tip, for cleaning tall houses frequently. Thanks email
  13. J

    Copper Sulfate mixed with Chlorine?

    Has anyone used Copper Sulfate mixed with Chlorine to clean barrell tile roofs? What does it do to the chems? Does it kill the black mold or something?
  14. J

    Truck size and weight capacity question

    Truck size question? What kind of flatbed can handle a 500 chlorine tank and pull a 6x16 enclosed trailer, dual axle, dual brakes, etc. Anyone using the smaller Izusu NPR flatbed type trucks. I have an old 81 Ford 350 on its last legs. Thanks Jim