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  1. Art Oliveri

    The new Look

    The Forum looks good !!!
  2. Art Oliveri


    Out There!!! Nobody likes forums anymore. I don't think these new FB guys know what a relevant back link is. They just don't have a Clue
  3. Art Oliveri


    Forums Rock! Face Book Sucks!
  4. Art Oliveri

    ITS BAck

    Happy Days.
  5. Art Oliveri

    Chemical transfer hand pump

    I call it a SIDEWINDER Works Great and been Tested
  6. Art Oliveri

    Chemical transfer hand pump

    Build something like this to trasfer your S/H
  7. Art Oliveri

    UAMCC Atlantic City Event March 5th and 6th

    March 5-6, 2014: New Jersey Networking Event, Atlantic City, NJ. Tropicana Casino & Resort 2831 Boardwalk Atlantic City, NJ 08401-6338 1-800-345-8767 Make sure you Register* ITS FREE and there is no Strings attached, there will also be a Special cool thing on Chlorine...
  8. Art Oliveri

    Where are you guys mounting your 12 volt pumps?

    This is one of my portable set ups Chris. I keep in in the truck in case I need it
  9. Art Oliveri

    KIds photos Post them if your proud!!!

    My Grand Dauhgters
  10. Art Oliveri

    Tennis court cleaning

    I have a tennis court to bid on. I haven't seen it yet. But what's the best way to clean it. Can I spray S/H and use my surface cleaner
  11. Art Oliveri

    Tarnished Brass Door knob

    Yesterday I did a house wash. When we sprayed the front door.we got S/H on the door knob. The door knob turned black and ran down the white door. We tried cleaning it and it would not come clean. Then I tried some One Restore. That stuff cleaned the black off in short order. If you are not...
  12. Art Oliveri

    Auction to benefit the Oklahoma storm victims.

    I got me new Power Washer today from Russ Johnson . Thanks Bryan and Russ for helping out the Oklahoma storm victims. Its going to do some work.
  13. Art Oliveri

    Hardy Board

    I went to a trade show today. The Sales Rep was there from Hardy Board. So I asked him how do you clean it. He said soap and water. I said no S/H . He said never, it fades the Hardy Board color. So I said what if it has Mold on it. Then he proseeds to tell me that the Mold isn't on the Hardy...
  14. Art Oliveri

    Need some advise!

    Get some Bandit signs from You design them yourself. They cost a $130 for a 100 12x18's Only put no more then 4 lines and remember AC's 55 mph rule. (BIG LETTERS) Also you only need to put about 20 signs a week. Put them at stop lights and stop signs. They work, people...
  15. Art Oliveri

    Who Invented or founded What in Our industry ???

    I invented the Side-Winder this winter. Portable and Compact Roof Cleaning set up.
  16. Art Oliveri

    Whats the Best Surfactant ?

    Simple Cherry for me. It's just the best I have tried so far for house wash's. I don't have any soapy window complants any more.