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EPA Enforcement in 2012 Protects Communities From Harmful Pollution

So Ron & Tony do you still believe Robert created the idea that Hot Water & Detergents are emulsifiers and should be treated the same?

Robert I do not think you created anything, I believe this is all rehashed crap from other industry's and storm water your trying to mix together.

Stop with your Ron machine ideology.

When steel mills and other industrial sites dumped millions of gallons into us waters the hot water had detrimental effects on wildlife. Somehow someway we have come here to our industry twisting and turning facts.

Frankly Robert you got Tony drug into your argument.

I'm not getting involved in your storm water pollution program, it doesn't involve me. I just ask never come talk to my authority and bother them with your ideology. Actually I need not worry because they won't listen. Phoenix is way ahead and on track for 2014. Out reach started in 2011.

You are making issues larger than need be.

Lets train contractor and business people to handle there own areas. Start a real program that business people can understand and grasp.

Will ask one more time are you with us or against?

Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227
Ok Scott-- let's parlay this right into this thread. That's what in the end smart people at least on the common sense level will do.
I just got off the phone with Robert. My life like yours is busy enough. I also talked to Jim Gamble earlier. Like you or at least I think, we don't have time to yap on the phone as much as some others. I wish I did.. But I don't. Robert called me when I was at my daughters dance studio watching her dance with more passion than I ever did anything. I called him back when my daughter was ready to leave. I also called Ron M. Tonight and we talked for a minute. He was with his family and family always comes first.

Take all differences out for a second. Do you think in a positive way Robert Hinderliter has done alot for this Industry? Do you believe he traveled around the country and sat in with regulators? Do you think he's really passionate about all this? Do you think he gives a darn? Do you see what I'm driving at? Do you?

First of all, I really hate when people try and back me into a corner. This is what you are trying to do, and I know what you are up to. Unlike many, I do believe that Robert is passionate about the industry. I fear the people he associates with, because they often represent themselves as something that they are not. Whether it be someone that is in absolute compliance with the CWA, which they are not, or there are others that are trying to portray themselves as garage cleaning experts, when I have hired their former employees that said that they had only cleaned one garage, that was never used. Robert is passionate about this, I just do not agree with the direction. You will note that I stayed away from this discussion, in fact, I only jumped in when YOU questioned my credentials. I have been dealing with the EPA and the CWA as long, or longer then anybody else that is putting themselves into a position of authority. I remember when Robert was selling a 30 foot recovery trailer, that was the latest and greatest 20 years ago, for $30,000. I have been around a long time, and have bought machines from Robert and Delco Cleaning Systems of Fort Worth, (I have to put that in because of legal ramifications for Delco Cleaning Systems of Forth Worth) and I have bought a lot of machines from them. Robert can even verify this. I know he gives a darn, because he is a smart man and knows that if a contractor is put out of business because of environmental regulation, it will adversely effect his business.

Now for my opinion and one who knows how to use something I believe to be a benefit to many. I did this in the past and I understand in business it very well is dog eat dog so it can be about the singular as in ones business only. I think you can see beyond that. Most can't but I'll look a the cup as being half filled here instead of half empty. I think you can see beyond that.

So if you can you could still be in a difference of opinion with Robert on the final analysis....but.. You also can see that Robert does care about contractors and he does care about the Environment. You may now have guys with 1-5-10yrs on who say bullshit. They think we should be able to do whatever we want. When I was younger at times I thought the same.. But now where wiser. Youth can have it all but they can't have that. They need to live it first.

So if you think Robert gave a darn and you may have a difference of opinion on the final analysis why is it you and some others who you would think would know this, why can't you build on what Robert has done? Why can't we,us,them go in there agreeing to a point so we can get noticed and be considered respectable enough for the powers to be to take this Industry serious enough?
John, why would you think that I would not want to do that? I just want to take the cleaning regulations to a different level. Unfortunately, you are trying to paint me as being combative. I am not. I never have been. It is not my nature. I just want to get the standards at what I feel to be a truly rational level, so that we can be assured that every contractor is capable of complying with them, and it can be recognized that, much like street sweepers, we are part of the solution. We clean up the oil spills, so that the areas can be properly remediated, instead of allowing an uncontrollable circumstance like a rain event let the water flow to who knows where. It is not a question of who cares more, it is a question of direction, and whether people are truly doing something that is going to benefit the contractors. I honestly believe that Robert wants to benefit the contractor. Unfortunately, the Western Regional Chair of the PWNA environmental committee does not exhibit the same puritanical goals. He is about scaring customers into believing that expensive recovery methods beyond the scope of what is currently required are necessary, and is willing to go into jurisdictions around the western U.S. trying to get his draconian standards in place, purely so that he can charge extreme rates, that offer no value to the customer. I am not a greedy person. You will notice that I have been called a low baller, and someone that charges below market many times, and yet, my profit margin is usually around 40-50% of revenues. I cannot justify a higher margin, and feel I am giving my customer a fair value.

Why Scott is it that we have to crap on each other to try and prove the other guy is an azzhole to the Internet community when guys like you and me know people of power will not give a hoot about that? Look where you are today. Did you pointing out peoples short comings on the net or if you want to say I did the same(I don't believe I did) really get you the respect you have on the outside because of the net?
I don't know John. If you will notice, and you are free to go and research, I seldom if ever attack anyone until they attack me. Often, I will launch an attack with the sole purpose of getting a lie shut down and removed by moderators, because I feel if I don't, they won't touch it, and someone that is not especially astute will start to believe the lies that are being propagated, and portrayed as truth. You have seen it happen. You saw it happen to Ron on PWN. Dan got a burr in his shorts about Ron, and launched a personal vendetta against him. It is still going on in many quarters. and has taken on a life of its' own. I will challenge you, how many times have you seen Ron do a round table, or meet with regulators, such as in Houston, that was not at his personal expense. I know you know that I am cheaper then that. I won't allow someone to pay my way to a round table, because I don't want to be beholden to them. I would rather pay my own way, that way I don't have to represent something that I don't believe in. Ask about San Diego last October. I went at my own expense. I flew in on Thursday morning, and Tony picked me up at the airport, and flew out Thursday afternoon. Ask Jerry how much my visit cost him, ask Ron, or anybody. I even bought my own lunch that day, because then I can say I represent me, and my views.
I have a question to you. This is going to be a hard one, but why do you continually take on the lost puppies, the people that can't seem to get along, such as Jim and the UAMCC in the Carlos' era, trying to promote their ideas? Honestly, I think Carlos had a pure intent, but was being manipulated by people. When I quit, I heard that they were going around and making up lies and rumors about why I quit the org, and I tried to go out causing the least damage possible. It is not my style to cause problems. I want everyone to get along. Unfortunately, I am not one to let someone attack me, and try to ruin my reputation in a simple effort to promote themselves.

Where older now then most here. What do you supposed a real wiseman would do here? I know some of this from experience because in most cases I didn't represent myself as one.

We can argue forever on the net. We can all play keyboard cowboy. But you Scott already know what the real world is and who you had to deal with.... So with that knowledge what do you Scott whether your completely right or slightly wrong do with a person that's been such an innovator and resilient as Robert has been? You tell me.. Tell them... Tell us.
John, everyone has different opinions. What do I do with a Robert, someone that I feel is a decent human being? I would try and get him to see my point of view. If he chooses not to agree with me, that is his choice. That does not mean I have to believe, or do, everything that he says, because we are both reasonable and rational human beings. We just have a different perspective on things. You will notice that, unlike what you are trying to portray, I have never launched a personal attack on Robert, Michael, or any of their associates. In fact, I feel comfortable calling Michael, or Robert, if I was one to burn up the phones, and discussing issues with them. You can ask Michael when the last time I called him was. It was because Jim Gamble was trying to turn a post I made on PWC and make it look like an attack. It wasn't, and Michael understood and agreed with me, from what I understood. I am pretty sure that is a safe bet, because I went back, after my post was removed, and with Michael's permission, and explained myself so that no one would misunderstand.

PWI is your forum more then it is Mine or Roberts and others as well. I know where Ron stands and how he ticks... And Ron from being from Chicago Southside if I remember correctly him and I can piss up a tree and want to kill each other(figure of speech)... But what about you Scott.. Tell us what Scott Stone thinks the right way is to get people of power to listen. Is it really by disproving us who you even said above that most of us have the same goals??
John, you know very well that spray drops going in different directions do not have the same power as a stream of water hitting as a group. The best way to get people of power to listen to us, is to have everyone headed in the same direction. Until we agree, we are going to have to continue to have discussions, that might sometimes become heated, until a consensus resolution is met. There shouldn't be a personal attack, even a thinly veiled attack, involved in the argument. I learned a long time ago that personal attacks do nothing but incite people to fight harder. I would rather make a friend and arrive at a consensus. It works better for me. I may be guilty of a personal attack, but typically, it stems from something else. Sometimes a ridiculous and imbecilic text, or post from another board, or something similar. Even I have my limits, and you have known of me long enough to know that I am not that tries to be a jerk. In fact, I usually try and be clear and rational, with a few humorous comments thrown in along the way.
Now, I do freely pick on Ron. But he is the exception, and it typically is playing off of something that someone else said long ago. What I continue to find amazing is that so many people are scared of Ron, and his "machine" yet, I have operated in the same market, and even have shared customers or taken customers of his, and neither one of us has ever had a problem with each other, that was not quickly resolved. Usually, it is a problem that Ron has with me.

ATTN Robert Please Watch this Video, this can help simplify what you do not understand. Keep in Mind this is a Storm water Engineer with Florida, the EPA and Enforcement both in the room concurred he was correct.

Maybe you can have this in your model so its friendlier to your program.

I do not need any credit for this or any other things I have taught you. Just please start working as a team and implementing them as education process to contractors and others your talking to.

Only if you really want to unite the efforts, if you do not we all are hearing you loud and Clear.
I was informed several months ago that a "HUGE" Garage cleaner and some others are working on making the newest and greatest recovery unit that anyone can afford. My question is, Is this why this thread was started in hopes to scare contractors into buying the recovery equipment? Are you and the Garage cleaner in the build together? Are you going to be the one selling the equipment?

I'm just very curious about this, and in no way jumping on anyone or trying to be disrespectful.

ATTN Robert Please Watch this Video, this can help simplify what you do not understand. Keep in Mind this is a Storm water Engineer with Florida, the EPA and Enforcement both in the room concurred he was correct.

Maybe you can have this in your model so its friendlier to your program.

I do not need any credit for this or any other things I have taught you. Just please start working as a team and implementing them as education process to contractors and others your talking to.

Only if you really want to unite the efforts, if you do not we all are hearing you loud and Clear.

The video says it all, "We are not Polluters" we are part of the bmp
John, you know very well that spray drops going in different directions do not have the same power as a stream of water hitting as a group. The best way to get people of power to listen to us, is to have everyone headed in the same direction. Until we agree, we are going to have to continue to have discussions, that might sometimes become heated, until a consensus resolution is met. There shouldn't be a personal attack, even a thinly veiled attack, involved in the argument. I learned a long time ago that personal attacks do nothing but incite people to fight harder. I would rather make a friend and arrive at a consensus. It works better for me. I may be guilty of a personal attack, but typically, it stems from something else. Sometimes a ridiculous and imbecilic text, or post from another board, or something similar. Even I have my limits, and you have known of me long enough to know that I am not that tries to be a jerk. In fact, I usually try and be clear and rational, with a few humorous comments thrown in along the way.
Now, I do freely pick on Ron. But he is the exception, and it typically is playing off of something that someone else said long ago. What I continue to find amazing is that so many people are scared of Ron, and his "machine" yet, I have operated in the same market, and even have shared customers or taken customers of his, and neither one of us has ever had a problem with each other, that was not quickly resolved. Usually, it is a problem that Ron has with me.
K since where not in an argument anymore it's fair to say you had the last word on that.
But I would like to answer some points or questions in there and it's not to disagree with you on what your points are.
First off yes indeed I am trying to back you into a corner so there's nowhere else to go. There's such dissension In here that instead of anyone beating around the bush and I'm not suggesting your doing that but I think you know what's going on so who else to get right to the point here where the drama goes right out the window--you.

Your Ron's Polar opposite and you and Tony S. are nothing alike as well. You if push comes to shove will tell it clear and precise. So sorry if I'm offending you Scott but I look for valuable resources and that's what you are. That is why I called you that time when you left the UAMCC because it was our loss and not yours.

Also I think because of PWI it may look like I am trying to pit the Hinderliters against you. That is so far from the truth. But you don't know what our conversations are and if you were to call Michael he can tell you last summer that we talked about how the PWNA back in the day wanted you as a member. We didn't say that because we think your a bad dude. No...quite the opposite.

Also just to add a quick thought here about you and Jim Gamble- It doesn't matter what Jim's titles maybe and it doesn't matter what Jim does for a living. The problems you two are having the majority wants us to stay out of it. This is the Internet majority. Maybe not on PWI but the other places don't want yours and his fights. So because of that we have to keep an Eye on it and it's exhausting the moderators from different area's. Not everyone hates Jim and obviously the same goes for you.

To answer your question as to why I take on lost puppies and I think you meant to say Ron and Carlos with the UAMCC because Jim Gamble did go to that pretty darn good convention we put together to show his support, I did that Scott because I considered it to important to let Ron and Carlos continuously fight over Rons banner to the point that the UAMCC was taking a hit. I considered then Ron and Carlos to be my friends. As you probably know that whole thing became a runaway train wreck and unlike Ron to this day because he is never wrong--- I was wrong.

It was handled about as bad as can be. I should have flown to Cali without Ron because he wasnt receptive in doing that, and sat down with Carlos. A quite a few of us should have done that. Carlos for what he was dealt with did a decent job but there wasn't enough help... And then once I couldn't no longer handle Ron and his blown up disagreement that's where I blundered terribly because I know what my strengths are. So unlike Ron here as far as I know-- I did make amends with Carlos and we agreed like to men should to never forget it and to move on from it and hopefully where Bo better of because of it-- I know he is spiritually at least. He's lucky there because he has that.

As far as to why you left the UAMCC Besides what you told me.. I never did get the story straight from the others and I had no doubt to think your reasons weren't truthful...

That UAMCC imploding debacle should have never happened and we can all agree or disagree on that but unfortunately if your a numbers man if you look up non profits and look for where there problems could lie that causes them to's internal as in "In house fighting"

Today I still support the PWNA because I've been marketing them for so long now and I also feel committed to some friends in there that for the $350/yr it cost me I gave no problem with that.

I also belong to my local NYSPA(NY State Parking association) for a couple of yrs now and I don't do anything with them at this time but to market my membership.

My favorite group today is the PWRA because it took awhile but after speaking to Thad and Chris with mostly This being Thad he convinced me that there methods are good ones. Him and Chris tell anyone that there goal is to make money with there PWRA association. There also bright enough to know that there membership also needs to make money for there yrly membership fee so Thad and Chris bring out tons of Benefits. You may find this hard to believe but my membership in there will probably generate more money for my business at least for the first few yrs then Thad and Chris may do combined.

So that group works for me.

If you noticed I don't any longer step into the middle of guys fights. I'll support some and maybe ask others to back off a little if there going over the line but when the Internet fist come out... I back off and that's why I don't get in the middle of yours.

My last net fight was personal and now that person is the admin here. I said what I had to say about that then and I also did what I thought I had to do about it.. But today I don't hate the guy I'll just never forget what happened but I'll do my best to try not to keep it going which is why I wish him a Godspeed recovery on you know what.

Who knows maybe one day he is the one who can help unite this Industry regardless to what I nay think about that.. And it's thinking like this is where when you want to sit in with the power brokers.... All cards Scott..are on the table.
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When I got involved; the industry was basically required to recycle waste water; all of the vendors were selling some type of recycle equipment. RGF was a major vendor because Ron Fink and Jerry Boyd were out front of everyone else.

My approach was that the "easier was the compliance", "the higher the level the compliance would be". This was a radical and was not accepted. I did not have the finances to fight it in court. I knew it was a political situation; I was not a political person. The industry was in turmoil. The Miami and San Francisco Areas for a short time stopped power washing. I knew that what happened in CA would affect TX in about two years.

I discussed this with a local AHJ; he took me under his wings and schooled me the ways of Regulatory Community. He told me that the CWA was basically interpreted by everyone's economic revenue stream and that our Industry was being controlled by the "Coin-Op Carwash Association" and the "Liquid Waste Haulers"; I was invited to a lot of regulatory training meetings, which were open to anyone who wanted to attend.

He could not talk to me as an individual company owner but could as a representative of a National Trade Association. I tried to get the manufactures to open up their association to everyone, they would not.

Then I launched PWNA and in April, 1995; had about 225 attendees to full fill the role of a trade association . In the early years the purpose was to establish Environment BMPs. The industry was dominated by small businesses that could barely survive, these type of operators saw no reason to unite, the value of a trade association, or the advantages of numbers.

The Manufacturers establish BMPs to basically support their efforts; I was chastised for creation BMPs that were favorable to the Contract Cleaner. After PWNA was formed, my wife and I got on a crowded elevator at a Manufactures Trade Show and everyone crowded to the other side! My wife's response was "What did you do now?". Simple, I established PWNA, which I gave to the Contract Cleaners.

PWNA was not being able to get very much accomplished for the first 3 years. So I arranged a Compliance Conference that resulted in 40 Environmental Regulators (Federal EPA all the way down to local regulators) and 100 contract cleaners attending. There was a lot of discussion between everyone, AHJ to AHJ and contractors to AHJs. The Feds, State, and Locals decided what each would be responsible for and basic structure and BMPs. This Conference resulted in the EPAs Model Ordinance, which was a group effort of stake holders and government:

  • The best place for the Waste Water was the Sanitary Sewer with some exception for "cold water and no chemicals" and Hot Water without chemicals with preauthorization from the AHJ.
  • Hot Water was above 110F (Major fight with Phoenix over this).
  • The amount of waste water delivered to the Sanitary Sewer was insignificant compared to the total amount of waste water the POTW are handling.
  • Because of the statement about the contractor would not have to use any special chemicals, they could continue their present procedures.
  • Recycling was to be avoided if at all possible, as this concentrates the waste.
  • Hot Water and Detergents are emulsifiers and should be treated the same (I did not create this, the AHJs did. Having a technical background, I could not argue the truth of this statement. I never dreamed I would be accused of creating this, which I was not until the Ron Machine got started).
  • The major problem for the Sanitary Sewers was the silt and sludge which will stop up the sewer line and filters at the POTW. Filtration for these items would be required through a screen which would be easy for contract cleaners.
  • The CWA say no Oil-Sheen, and oil absorbent boom will remove this.
  • The contractor should pre-clean silt, sludge, hydrocarbons, etc.
  • Based on the above two statements, Always Pre-clean, and Always Filter for Hydrocarbons and silt/sand/sludge.
  • BMPs for Storm Water were not designed for "processed water" or "Industrial Water" and should be used only under the exceptions stated above.
  • High Pressure Power Washing dislodges more contaminates that a rain event and cannot be treated the same. The dislodged items need to be collected before being washed into the MS4 and is not through filters designed for Storm Water; which are not designed for the increased load. The extra dislodged items will increase the TSS and Turbidity of the water and impair living organism.
  • Chemical are nutrients and when added to the MS4 unset the natural habitat.
  • Established that the Ordinance should be Reasonable, Rational, and logical (not arbitrary by the Regulators)
  • The Model Ordinance is a Model for the Municipalities to follows, but not a requirement.
  • Discharge to the Sanitary Sewer at Ph range of 5.0 to 12.0 and below 150F; solids - less than 250 mg/L, petroleum - less than 250 mg/L.
  • For discharges to landscape areas you must do the following:
    • Obtain the property owner’s permission.
    • Ensure discharge volume is small enough that it soaks into the ground without running off the property. Limit your discharge to 1,000 gallons/acre per month.
    • On property, wash water discharge can only occur on the property where the wash water is generated
    • Do not discharge repeatedly to the same landscape area because doing so may contaminate soil and groundwater, damage plants, and cause other nuisance conditions.
    • Ensure pH of the wash water is between 6.0 and 9.0 by using pH test strips.
  • Use biodegradable, non-toxic, phosphate-free detergents when practical.
  • Biodegradable does not mean non-toxic, it only means that it can be easily processed at a sanitary sewer plant. It does not mean that it can be discharged to the storm drain.
  • Discharging to landscaping, sanitary sewers or storm drains under these guidelines is not a release of liability to the contractor or customer if clean up or remediation is required.
  • Your customer is responsible for Cradle to Grave, only Oregon is the exception to this rule.
  • If there is violation, then everyone in the chain of events can be sited, the local AHJ decides based on the circumstances who get cited.

The result of the Model Ordinance is that Expensive Recycling Equipment was no longer needed, why I was chastised at the Manufactures Association. I showed contractors how they could comply for a few hundred dollars, not thousands. I gave out enough information that the average contractor could build his own equipment.

I just announced simple inexpensive equipment to meet the model ordinance, revealed plans that everyone with any talent could copy, published remediation basics so that contractors could have a guideline on how to build their own system. All of this information is free; I will only get orders from contractors who time is more valuable than the cost of the equipment.

Some contractors order their first unit from me, then copy and build their own the next time.

I made it obvious that the contractor being compliant is more important than money in my life. People who suggest otherwise are brain dead.

Was this about fleet washing?
What has been going on for the past 20 years has not been representation of the industry. Michael had a fleet wash business that was facing more regulation. Robert went to bat for him.

Everything since then has been towards the goal of making some kind of "elite" contractor who can buy these "elite" systems to justify raping and pillaging the customers (and many times taxpayers) with high prices.

Remember 24 cents a foot?

You could tile a garage for 24 cents a foot in this town!

20 years wasted.

Let's get started.

This took me less than 5 minutes to make. It's crude, but you get the point.

It's time to turn this around.

What has been going on for the past 20 years has not been representation of the industry. Michael had a fleet wash business that was facing more regulation. Robert went to bat for him.

Everything since then has been towards the goal of making some kind of "elite" contractor who can buy these "elite" systems to justify raping and pillaging the customers (and many times taxpayers) with high prices.

Remember 24 cents a foot?

You could tile a garage for 24 cents a foot in this town!

20 years wasted.

Let's get started.

This took me less than 5 minutes to make. It's crude, but you get the point.

It's time to turn this around.


You know Tony there's a good book out I have thru the window washers called $600hr. Its on my to do list to read as is Allisons Hester's Pressure Cleaning Bible Marketing which I have as well. The problem is I haven't read a book in yrs. I did read a ton of Steven king and his earlier name Ralph Backman(I think thats it) novels and I hope to get back to books one day and get away from the net.

Why is it your suddenly defensive towards the customers. Like your an advocate to make sure all customers get the cheapest price? This logic doesn't make sense to me. Where Contractors and time and time again the PM's want us to clean for ridiculously low prices like 2-3 cents a sq' and even less. So if a contractor thinks he's worth 24cents a square and he gets it from his customers does that make you Jealous or something?

I don't understand your logic. If someone says and the extreme rich do this all the time, I want Tony Shelton to clean my villa because to me he is the best, I trust him and I want him ASAP. You give your top client absolutely Zero worries and he is very satisfied with your service and he pays you well for it... So that's raping your customer?

Here how about a PM says hey Tony Shelton is great. He does excellent work and he's a hard worker. Let's give him 10 store fronts to clean for 3 cents a square and watch him take it.. Let's call him now?

It's not about raping customers. Let's take this one step further.. Let's call it "hi balling" every customer has the ability to hire any dick harry or Jane for the low baller price because the low ballers are all around us.. So if you can get top dollar good for you because you need to show that your worth it and the market doesn't always dictate that...

Hello bro-- you determine what your worth..and that my friend in a nutshell at what that $600hr book is mostly about... You may say "Yea John T. Is lying or is full of bull because he doesn't know squat and just makes things up".. But to clarify this a little more I was at a presentation where this guy talked about his book and why he feels that a contractor can determine what his hourly worth can be...

So why knock Contractors who have the ability to get top$$$ that's a plus for us..why not divert your attention to the lowballers who hurt....everyone??????
You know Tony there's a good book out I have thru the window washers called $600hr. Its on my to do list to read as is Allisons Hester's Pressure Cleaning Bible Marketing which I have as well. The problem is I haven't read a book in yrs. I did read a ton of Steven king and his earlier name Ralph Backman(I think thats it) novels and I hope to get back to books one day and get away from the net.

Why is it your suddenly defensive towards the customers. Like your an advocate to make sure all customers get the cheapest price? This logic doesn't make sense to me. Where Contractors and time and time again the PM's want us to clean for ridiculously low prices like 2-3 cents a sq' and even less. So if a contractor thinks he's worth 24cents a square and he gets it from his customers does that make you Jealous or something?

I don't understand your logic. If someone says and the extreme rich do this all the time, I want Tony Shelton to clean my villa because to me he is the best, I trust him and I want him ASAP. You give your top client absolutely Zero worries and he is very satisfied with your service and he pays you well for it... So that's raping your customer?

Here how about a PM says hey Tony Shelton is great. He does excellent work and he's a hard worker. Let's give him 10 store fronts to clean for 3 cents a square and watch him take it.. Let's call him now?

It's not about raping customers. Let's take this one step further.. Let's call it "hi balling" every customer has the ability to hire any dick harry or Jane for the low baller price because the low ballers are all around us.. So if you can get top dollar good for you because you need to show that your worth it and the market doesn't always dictate that...

Hello bro-- you determine what your worth..and that my friend in a nutshell at what that $600hr book is mostly about... You may say "Yea John T. Is lying or is full of bull because he doesn't know squat and just makes things up".. But to clarify this a little more I was at a presentation where this guy talked about his book and why he feels that a contractor can determine what his hourly worth can be...

So why knock Contractors who have the ability to get top$$$ that's a plus for us..why not divert your attention to the lowballers who hurt....everyone??????


19742 Germane Town Road

No water will ever Escape to the MS 4 US waters at that location. By LAW it is built compliant. Discharging into the grass there would be polluting, hauling water off would be increasing the liability of this owner. He paid money to have this system installed to keep him safe.

Any knuckle head picking up waste water here is a polluter unless they are permitted Licensed hauler to go directly to a pretreatment facility.

Welcome to the world of Ron Musgraves Enviro 101

WHY they have no Jurisdiction , give the numbers I'll call them and record the permission for you.

Those are Vary Cheesy systems, most of the better ones you cannot even detect

Listen, I am assimilating the current events of the thread.

I would truly like us all to work together (AHJ's included); I believe if our industry would like to be a respected voice for authorities to 'listen to' and 'recon with' ....there is be better strength in numbers even if within those numbers there is private disagreement.

While I was out I took some photos of the systems at a local store parking lot.

View attachment 22879View attachment 22880View attachment 22881View attachment 22882View attachment 22883

Wanted to share info, contrary to what some may think/believe, understanding/sharing the function of these and similar on property systems is why I am posting my findings.

Spoke with a Howard County Maryland Project Construction Inspector today in person, at a different location other than photoed directly below, as to what the below photoed installation maybe, he mentioned that he does not cover that part of the county but could get the info (which he said he would do), from my description he said it sounded like an infiltration trench. After reading Howard County's website I found this document.

View attachment stormwatermanual.pdf

I also questioning AHJ on what the installation is in the gas station video, I left a message with Montgomery County asking for a return call.


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I was going to respond to this, but this thread has devolved so far from the Environmental regulatory aspects, that I couldn't make myself do it.

BTW, I have never lied to anyone. Their interpretation of events may be different then mine, but I ALWAYS tell the truth, because I hate having to remember lies.
You know Tony there's a good book out I have thru the window washers called $600hr. Its on my to do list to read as is Allisons Hester's Pressure Cleaning Bible Marketing which I have as well. The problem is I haven't read a book in yrs. I did read a ton of Steven king and his earlier name Ralph Backman(I think thats it) novels and I hope to get back to books one day and get away from the net.

Why is it your suddenly defensive towards the customers. Like your an advocate to make sure all customers get the cheapest price? This logic doesn't make sense to me. Where Contractors and time and time again the PM's want us to clean for ridiculously low prices like 2-3 cents a sq' and even less. So if a contractor thinks he's worth 24cents a square and he gets it from his customers does that make you Jealous or something?

I don't understand your logic. If someone says and the extreme rich do this all the time, I want Tony Shelton to clean my villa because to me he is the best, I trust him and I want him ASAP. You give your top client absolutely Zero worries and he is very satisfied with your service and he pays you well for it... So that's raping your customer?

Here how about a PM says hey Tony Shelton is great. He does excellent work and he's a hard worker. Let's give him 10 store fronts to clean for 3 cents a square and watch him take it.. Let's call him now?

It's not about raping customers. Let's take this one step further.. Let's call it "hi balling" every customer has the ability to hire any dick harry or Jane for the low baller price because the low ballers are all around us.. So if you can get top dollar good for you because you need to show that your worth it and the market doesn't always dictate that...

Hello bro-- you determine what your worth..and that my friend in a nutshell at what that $600hr book is mostly about... You may say "Yea John T. Is lying or is full of bull because he doesn't know squat and just makes things up".. But to clarify this a little more I was at a presentation where this guy talked about his book and why he feels that a contractor can determine what his hourly worth can be...

So why knock Contractors who have the ability to get top$$$ that's a plus for us..why not divert your attention to the lowballers who hurt....everyone??????

John, this is just another misunderstanding. I'm certainly not advocating lowball prices. We can see exactly what that has done to the KEC industry when national companies come in and lowball at prices that can't possibly sustain a business and they do horrible work or skip services to make up the difference. It is appalling. That is not what I am advocating at all.

Here is how you make $600/hr, you get three guys working hard to make $200/hr each or 6 guys making $100/hr each. It's not that hard. Now where is my book deal? lol.

Let me lay this out for you John:

2-3 cents per square foot - Let's break it down in the middle and say 2 1/2 cents per foot.

It's pretty easy for one guy to clean 4500 square ft per hour including move time to the next job if they are positioned right.

At 2.5 cents per foot that is $112 per hour per employee. Expenses are fuel, equipment, marketing, just like every other service company. With 10 employees you can gross $1120 per hour, or if you have over forty like Scott you can get around $5k/hr. Scott where is your book?

Compare that to HVAC companies. First, they are paying their guys, many times UNION guys $28-$40/hr. The guys have to go through lots and lots of training, and tons of equipment has to be purchased. Most of them around here charge around $90/hr.

Let's go to the opposite end of the spectrum:

Jim says he can do 150k per day. Ok, let's assume that for once, this figure is true. Let's also assume that he gets 24 cents an hour. That's $36k per day. (Note that is still less than Scott's $40k plus per day - everyday)

Jim has stated he works with a 7 man crew. Ok, that's $642 per hour per man.

IF a man can get someone to pay that kind of money, that is his own business. But when it takes misinformation, scare tactics, threats, and the strong arm of the government to get to those prices, then we have a problem.

We should make fair and honest wages for the work we do. We should make plenty of profit to provide for our families, our kids and the families of our employees. We should be able to do that based on our skills, speed and quality of work.

Personally, of the work I've seen on video of Jim's, he should make more than a lot of contractors, even if it is only a handful of garages per year. There's nothing wrong with that.

But when you go about trying to change the laws, BMP's and regulations to fit YOUR equipment JUST for the sake of raising prices and eliminating competition, that is just plain wrong.

I hope you can see the difference.