"KBKGRAPHICS.com", Its Up & Official!

I have used Keith for years, probably 6 or more. I finally have asked on the BB's where he has gone, I was concerned and yes very mad. I had a whole marketing plan for 2010 and to tell you the truth, he screwed me and its sad. My revised website is 97% complete and I cannot get a hold of him for anything. I had print advertising he was suppose to do. I spent hours, DAYS, more hours and more days working on text and pictures for my revised website and that started early Dec 2009, after he said it would take a few weeks, get a page complete and he said more would come later in the day, weeks later I might get another page or some corrections from him and then nothing for days and weelks, it was VERY aggravating and I wondered why. Don't come right out and promise and not deliver time and time again
I am still mad, I have heard a few excuses from him and I even offered my help to him in anyway he needed, only to be promised things and then nothing
I am actually very concerned for him, but I am also very mad. I have heard NOTHING from him since mid March
I have magazines with NO ads in them, because of this, I have other magazines that have old outdated ads in them and I have a revised website that I worked hard on just sitting in limbo. ALL THIS I can say probably cost me thousands if not 10's of thousands in LOST revenue. My advertising brings in work for my company, it doesn't bring in anything since my advertising now hasn't been put out there for the year of 2010. It really screwed me for 2010
My revised website was packed with new text and info and some great pictures, my customers and perspective customers can't see. Man I get mad thinking about this...oh well

I hope Keith is alright, but After years of a great relationship,I expect more, just tell me the truth and I can deal with things. Well 2009 & 2010 has many lies and let downs for me, but I will always move forward. I have found a new company, just don't have time to work with them right now, my schedule is just to busy, but I cant wait to get the work started
This is business and its not a public lynching, you say you are going to do something, you should do it or tell the truth and say you cant, its that simple. Don't leave people/customers hanging. I feel like I was lynched

Like I sid oh well. I wish Keith the best, I truly hope he's OK, its one of the weirdest thing I have see

Stay tuned for the JL Pressure Washing revised website coming late 2010, early 2011

Jeff who is doing your new web site now?
Keith did nice work and the things he's done for me were a quick turnaround. He was also available if I had any questions or problems months later.

It is unfortunate that he did not deal with the work he had taken on properly and I feel for guys like Jeff, I would be SOOO ticked!

That said, if Keith gets it back together I would definately use him again.
I would just be cautious.
KBK did my web site. One page site to begin with. Great job. I wanted later to expand to multiple pages, so i put in my request and it took a lot longer than anticipated. Keith stepped up and did the job at no charge! I was super happy. I went back to Keith later to make some changes and POOF! He vanished like a fart in the wind! I left no less than 20 voicemails... :banghead: And like the Phil Collins song No Reply at all! Not sure what happened to him. But the work he did do was first rate. Hope he's doing better now.