Envirospec's Allision Iron Horse


the prob you have is the same prob we had after the second world war.
We let them take pictures of what we do and how we do it.
Then they buy a car and ship it back home and take it apart.
Now the research and develpment money you have spent big $$$$ on is now theirs. So they spend their money on improving your work and make it for less.
I hate to say this but it cant be far off that honda start's to make their own line of washers.
I would'nt ever want to start anything but when it happens i bet it's c-tec they buy out.
I figured that's why c-tec is is buying other co.
Do you speak english,french and chineese? lol

i get good sevice[by phone] from mobileclean but i dont need it.
I can great info from Mark and the Wiz.
i wash on weekends if i have a prob. the only way i could even think about getting back to work on sunday if it broke down on sat would be if these guys were there to help.
Thanks again guys:D :D :D :D :D :D
I agree with Micheal from EPPS except that his car example is somewhat out there but he probably did that just to make a point.

Just because a PW has a similiar type engine and pump as lets say a Landa it doesn't mean it is the same in brute force quality.

THere is a reason why Landa has such a great reputation and that my friends is worth alot... as in business. Reputation means quality and it sells itself.

TO make this easier to understand go talk to a Landscaper and tell him you have a Murray Mower with a 15hp Briggs on it(This is what I have) and it is just as good as his Scagg Mower which he paid twice the price for, and watch that dumb ass look he will give you. (Don't mean to sound rude/crude just trying to make a point).

IF they had a test out there that ran PW's for 1000's of hours against each other this is where Quality kicks in and the Strong will survive where the others would be garbage and then off to buy another one and then another one etc.etc..

That's my question. There's no debate when discussing mowers, because the engine is only one of the many key components, and they're not all the same. My questions is, what's the difference between the 18hp B&S engine on a Tuff and the same engine on a Landa (if they even use that engine)? There are only a few key components to a washer, and there seems to be a fairly limited number of brands for those components, and all the major manufacturers use various combinations of those parts. Is the 18hp engine on a Landa a better engine and B&S only sells the crap engines to Tuff???
Does Tuff and Landa used different Vanguard engines??I don't know. I do know that Kohler for example has different types of engines that are rated at the same Horse Power, the Command PRo(Best) and the Command Models. Both are excellent engines but you will pay slightly more for the Command Pro. SO there is an example of the same exact looking engine but one is better then the other.

Service is also very important and to have that you will also pay extra for. To be a Landa Distributor this is part of the requirement that must be met. That also goes for Mi-T-m Powerwashers which is once again the reason why I have one.

Have you ever notice that some of the Home Depot PW also have good engines and pumps and all you ever hear about is how they break down and as for Service....There is none.

This is the best way that I can explain it. Guys like Micheal from Epps or the Hotwater Wiz can answer these questions in much more detail. I am on the other end....Contract Cleaner.
clean county

Home depot washers break down more because of a couple of reasons.
#1 new guy's let them run in bypass too long.
#2 new guy's dont know enuff to use a in line water filter[why the PW mfg. dose'nt sell them at home depot or include one is beyond me]
#3 they are DIRECT DRIVE. All direct drive unit's have more breakdowns then belt drives.
largo is cheaper because you are buying from the MFG.
Is there anyone else in this industry that sell's factory direct?
That is why most have never herd of LARGO.
You cant sell dirt cheap from the factory to the customer and sell to a middleman/dealer at the same price. There is no room for them to make money.
I rather have 2 largos then 1 landa so long as the specs were the same.
FACTORY DIRECT on a high quality wash unit.
No one can beat that.
I dont think you could buy all the parts for less then $2500
and $500 to mfg it,paint it,and let them make a couple of bucks is about as reasonable as your ever going to get.
John T:

Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware there were difference classes of the same HP engines from some manufacturers. That makes sense. And I do understand about service. I wasn't even suggesting that cheap is best, just wondering about the differences between the machines themselves.


Speaking of allowing them to run in bypass too long, I had a used Home Depot (Excel) machine that we used for quite a while before we replaced it with a new one. It had a valve installed on the HP side of the pump that jetted water when the gun was not in use...Could this have been to keep the pump from getting too hot in bypass? Have you ever hear/seen anything like this?


It is just like a thermostat in your car. When the water gets to hot from being left in bypass it opens a valve and lets hot water out until it gets cool enough to close the thermostat again. However I do not trust them. That is way I have my bypass leading back to my supply tank. I can let my run in bypass all day long and nothing will happen. My pump will always be assured to have, at the most, air temperature water. So it is safe to assume the water going through my pump should never reach above 100 degrees.
I have seen the diagram that I believe Hotwater Wizard posted showing how to bypass to the tank. However, I have asked and have seen others ask, how do you set up a float tank? I certainly don't want to keep my 225 gallon tank full if I can use water supplied at the job, and if I'm not using the supply tank, how can I bypass to it? Should I set up a smaller, say 50 or 100 gallon, float tank to assure constant water supply and allow me to bypass also? What type of shut off valve would I look for if I were to run my water supply through the 225 gallon supply tank? Is this something you have to keep up with manually or are there float type valves you can install to shut the water feed off automatically when the tank gets to a certain level?

what i would do oneness

i installed a reg $15 float switch in my big supply tank. Drilled a hole in it reached in and bolted the flaot switch threw the hole. Attach the supply line.
Done-about 3 min with a cordless drill,[hole]-a screw driver to tighten up hose clamp-and a pair of channel locks to tighten up the nut on the float valve.
Only draw back is you will over flow if parked on a hill and water is tilted away from the float switch.
Now you can use a smaller float tank if you want but what i would do is one of two things.
At the bottom supply line going to your washer. I have a shut off valve, second water filter,then a T fitting. One side of the T goes to a check valve, then to the wash unit.
The other side of that tee goes to a shur-flo WASH DOWN PUMP [12 volt]
Now that is connected to a reg garden hose.
now with a reg garden hose with 60 psi you can do a lot of things.
fill buckets,wash your face,drain the tank,use it rinse,Steve sells a foamer attachment so you can apply chem. He also sells a drum mounted type metering system that works off a garden hose.
[my helper could apply the truck wash with the garden hose-then i hot water rinse/wash-then he could use Steves wax in the end sprayer to finnish the job].
So effectively i have a high pressure washer and a low pressure chem applicator and/or a low pressure rinse.
All for cheap.
You get to know your tank and when i have X amount of washing left to do, i just shut off the supply water and finnish with whats in the tank.
I hardly ever need to travel with more then 50 gal in the tank.
If i forget to shut off supply i can just use the pump to pump it out.
p.s. Dont use your battery on your PW to set this up get a sep battery and charge it up nightly. I have a gen and battery charger.